Environmental Economics

  1. 添加到愿望清单 Water Management in Arid and Semi-Arid Regions

    Water Management in Arid and Semi-Arid Regions

    由Phoebe Koundouri,Katia Karousakis,Dionysis Assimacopoulos,Paul Jeffrey,Manfred A. Lange编辑
    Water deficiency in many arid and semi-arid regions in Southern Europe is becoming a major constraint for economic welfare and sustainable regional development. These regions are characterised by high spatial and temporal imbalances of w...

    List price$146.00

    会员价格$ 131.40

  2. 添加到愿望清单 The International Yearbook of Environmental and Resource Economics 2005/2006

    The International Yearbook of Environmental and Resource Economics 2005/2006

    由亨克·福尔默(Henk Folmer)编辑
    ‘The International Yearbook of Environmental and Resource Economics presents articles which are surveys of current issues in this research area where literature is abundant. As every year, we recommend the present yearbook to keep up wit...

    List price$ 82.00



    List price$ 212.00


  3. 添加到愿望清单 Sustainable Management of Water Resources

    Sustainable Management of Water Resources

    由Carlo Gipponi,Anthony J. Jakeman,Derek Karssenberg,Matt P. Hare编辑
    This book provides a comprehensive, interdisciplinary and highly accessible introduction to water resource management, covering topics such as: • the ecology of surface waters • international regulations and economics • stakeholder par...

    List price$175.00


  4. 添加到愿望清单 The Distributional Effects of Environmental Policy

    The Distributional Effects of Environmental Policy

    由YséSerret,Nick Johnstone编辑
    This publication is a milestone in the analysis of the distributional impacts of environmental policy, building upon existing literature to simultaneously examine disparities in the distribution of environmental impacts and in the distri...

    List price$154.00


  5. 添加到愿望清单 气候变化和世界渔业的经济学


    由RögnvaldurHannesson,Manuel Barange,Samuel F. Herrick Jr编辑
    ‘Climate Change and the Economics of the World’s Fisheries brings together economists, other social scientists, fisheries biologists and mathematicians to ponder how projected changes in climate will affect fisheries and fisheries manage...

    List price$ 151.00

    会员价格$ 135.90

  6. 添加到愿望清单 机构经济学和渔业管理


    Elizabeth H. Petersen
    ‘The litany of world fishery failures shows that reform of fisheries governance and institutions is essential. The valuable insights and applications in this book will be enormously useful for fishery regulators as they try to sustainabl...

    List price$ 127.00

    会员价格$ 114.30

  7. 添加到愿望清单 Sustainable Development Indicators in Ecological Economics

    Sustainable Development Indicators in Ecological Economics

    由菲利普·草坪(Philip Lawn)编辑
    ‘This book presents a comprehensive collection of essays from some of the world’s leading experts, surveying and highlighting both the potential and the limitations of a number of indicators specifically designed to measure sustainable d...

    List price$ 196.00


  8. 添加到愿望清单 Integrated Assessment and Management of Public Resources

    Integrated Assessment and Management of Public Resources

    Edited by Joseph Cooper, Federico Perali, Marcella Veronesi
    This multidisciplinary work explores ways of making environmental policy decisions in managing public goods and natural parks with the goal of maximizing economic benefits to society. The contributors to the volume seek the best strategi...

    List price$ 138.00


  9. 添加到愿望清单 欧洲的绿色会计


    Edited by Anil Markandya, Marialuisa Tamborra
    传统的经济活动措施,例如GDP,没有考虑到环境变化对自然资本股票造成的损害,也没有因污染增加而导致经济活动造成的福利损失。这本书P ...

    List price$223.00


  10. 添加到愿望清单 旅游业和可持续发展的经济学


    由Alessandro Lanza,Anil Markandya和Francesco Pigliaru编辑
    ‘The book represents a valuable contribution to the literature on sustainable tourism. While much has been written on the economics of tourism in general, relatively little research has been undertaken on the economic dimension of sustai...

    List price$165.00

    会员价格$ 148.50

  11. 添加到愿望清单 水市场的发展


    Edited by Jeff Bennett
    This book presents a detailed picture of the evolutionary processes at work in water markets with a particular focus on theory and practice in Australia. Policymakers are striving to strike a balance between the pros and cons of a proper...

    List price$ 127.00

    会员价格$ 114.30

  12. 添加到愿望清单 亚马逊森林砍伐的经济学



    List price$146.00

    会员价格$ 131.40

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