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由汤姆·蒂滕伯格(Tom Tietenberg)编辑
这本主要的年度出版物介绍了环境和资源经济学上的尖端问题的全面概述。专家贡献者解决了当今最紧迫的环境问题,包括:•污染...eBook:Find out more$ 65.60
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克莱门特A. Tisdell
‘Few economists have the breadth of experience and depth of analytical capability to comment with insight on the vast array of issues that now comprise the environmental agenda. Clem Tisdell is one of that small band. Here is a welcome e...eBook:Find out more$56.80
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Jeroen C.J.M.Van Den Bergh,Albert Faber,Annemarth M. Idenburg,Frans H. Oosterhuis
‘In distinguishing their analysis from neo-classical economics and its focus on representative agents, the authors of this book make a strong case for the role of diversity in explaining energy and environment-related technological innov...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Edited by Clive George, Colin Kirkpatrick
‘Impact assessment of various types is now a widely used policy tool. This volume helpfully brings together conceptual discussions and case-studies to illustrate how impact assessment can be used to address issues of sustainability. It s...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Edited by Uwe Schubert, Eckhard Störmer
评估可持续发展在政策制定,评估实践和总体科学世界中变得越来越重要。但是,目前既没有一套公认的措施,也没有评估我...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Edited by Roy Brouwer, David Pearce
‘这本书提供了有关与水有关的问题的雄心勃勃的CBA研究的独特而连贯的集合。它可以看作是成本效益分析的潜力的展示以及对限制的测试。考虑到越来越多的工具...eBook:Find out more$ 65.60
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Tatsu Kambara,克里斯托弗·豪
‘. . . a very detailed and fascinating description of the development of China’s oil and natural gas industry and an assessment of its prospects. . . certainly a recommended read.’ – Anthony D. Owen, Asia Pacific Journal of Economics and...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Environmental Policy and Corporate Behaviour
Edited by Nick Johnstone
For the last 30 years, analysis of the inner workings of the firm has been largely absent from economic assessments of environmental policy. Recent work has highlighted the importance of understanding a firm’s commercial motivations, dec... -
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Using Experimental Methods in Environmental and Resource Economics
Edited by John A. List
‘John List is a distinguished contributor to the use of laboratory and field experimental methods to better understand economic markets and resource problems generally. This is a fine and most welcome collection focusing on environmental...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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The Economics of Water Management in Southern Africa
格伦·玛丽·兰格(Glenn-Marie Lange),拉希德·哈桑(Rashid Hassan)
本书为水资源会计提供了宝贵的新工具 - 水资源会计 - 大大提高了水的经济分析。水资源帐户整合有关供水和使用的详细信息与...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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The Impact of Climate Change on Regional Systems
由乔尔·B·史密斯(Joel B. Smith)编辑
‘The book works well as a reference for how one can examine potential climate change impacts in a subnational area. A clear strength of the work lies in the unifying framework that the climate, population, and, to a somewhat lesser degre...eBook:Find out more$40.00