
Environmental Sociology

  1. Add to Wish List Reflexive Governance for Sustainable Development

    Reflexive Governance for Sustainable Development

    Edited by Jan-Peter Voß, Dierk Bauknecht, René Kemp
    This book deals with the issue of sustainable development in a novel and innovative way. It examines the governance implications of reflexive modernisation – the condition that societal development is endangered by its own side-effects. ...
    Hardback (2006)

    List price$200.00

    Member price$180.00

  2. Add to Wish List Governance for Sustainable Development

    Governance for Sustainable Development

    Edited by William M. Lafferty
    This book is an original study of the challenge of implementing sustainable development in Western democracies. It highlights the obstacles which sustainable development presents for strategic governance and critically examines how these...
    Paperback (May 2006)

    List price$62.00

    Member price$49.60

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    Hardback (2004)

    List price$181.00

    Member price$162.90

  3. Add to Wish List Amenities and Rural Development

    Amenities and Rural Development

    Edited by Gary Paul Green, Steven C. Deller, David D. Marcouiller
    Amenities and Rural Development explores the paradigmatic shift in how we view land resources and the potential for development in amenity-rich rural regions. Amenity-based growth can lead to several paths, based largely on proximity ...
    Hardback (2006)

    List price$165.00

    Member price$148.50

  4. Add to Wish List Whaling Diplomacy

    Whaling Diplomacy

    Alexander Gillespie
    Whaling Diplomacy is the only book that addresses all of the substantive issues relating to the conservation of whales through the International Whaling Commission (IWC). It covers the law, policy, science and philosophy at the heart o...
    Hardback (2005)

    List price$223.00

    Member price$200.70

  5. Add to Wish List Shrimp Farming and Mangrove Loss in Thailand

    Shrimp Farming and Mangrove Loss in Thailand

    Edited by Edward B. Barbier, Suthawan Sathirathai
    Through in-depth case studies of local communities in four distinct coastal areas in Southern Thailand, the authors are able to assess objectively the underlying economic causes, and consequences, of mangrove deforestation due to the exp...
    Hardback (2004)

    List price$156.00

    Member price$140.40

  6. Add to Wish List The Economics of Water Management in Developing Countries

    The Economics of Water Management in Developing Countries

    Edited by Phoebe Koundouri, Panos Pashardes, Timothy M. Swanson, Anastasios Xepapadeas
    The increasing scarcity of water resources (in terms of quantity and quality) is one of the most pervasive natural resource allocation issues facing development planners throughout the world. This problem is especially prevalent in less ...
    Hardback (2003)

    List price$150.00

    Member price$135.00

  7. Add to Wish List Negotiating Environmental Change

    Negotiating Environmental Change

    Edited by Frans Berkhout, Melissa Leach, Ian Scoones
    This book by leading researchers presents a critical review of debates in environmental social science over the past decade. Three broad areas are covered in ten chapters: the problems of scientific uncertainty and its role in shaping en...
    Paperback (2003)

    List price$68.00

    Member price$54.40

    Hardback (March 2003)

    List price$155.00

    Member price$139.50

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  8. Add to Wish List The Economic Valuation of the Environment and Public Policy

    The Economic Valuation of the Environment and Public Policy

    Noboru Hidano
    The importance of the hedonic valuation approach in public policy evaluation and environmental value estimation is now widely accepted. This book is especially designed to illustrate the basic assumptions of the hedonic approach and high...
    Hardback (2003)

    List price$127.00

    Member price$114.30

  9. Add to Wish List Implementing Sustainable Development

    Implementing Sustainable Development

    Edited by Hussein Abaza, Andrea Baranzini
    Decision-makers increasingly seek to design environmental and development policies that will support sustainable development. Thus, practical tools to help formulate sustainable development policies and clear methods to assess their acce...
    Hardback (2002)

    List price$155.00

    Member price$139.50

  10. Add to Wish List Human Security and the Environment

    Human Security and the Environment

    Edited by Edward A. Page, Michael R. Redclift
    In the post-Cold War era, the pre-eminent threats to our security derive from human degradation of vital ecosystems as well as the possibility of war and terrorist attack. This substantial book examines this new ‘security-environment’ pa...
    Hardback (2002)

    List price$150.00

    Member price$135.00

  11. Add to Wish List Valuing Cultural Heritage

    Valuing Cultural Heritage

    Edited by Ståle Navrud, Richard C. Ready
    What value do we place on our cultural heritage, and to what extent should we preserve historic and culturally important sites and artefacts from the ravages of weather, pollution, development and use by the general public? This innovati...
    Hardback (2002)

    List price$150.00

    Member price$135.00

  12. Add to Wish List Global Warming and the American Economy

    Global Warming and the American Economy

    Edited by Robert Mendelsohn
    The impact of climate change on seven regions of the United States is studied in this new and accessible collection. The study examines how the different regions of the United States may be affected by climate change. In particular, the ...
    Hardback (2001)

    List price$130.00

    Member price$117.00

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