
  1. Add to Wish List Distributional Impacts of Climate Change and Disasters

    Distributional Impacts of Climate Change and Disasters

    Edited by Matthias Ruth, María E. Ibarrarán
    Climate change tends to increase the frequency and intensity of weather-related disasters, which puts many people at risk. Economic, social and environmental impacts further increase vulnerability to disasters and tend to set back develo...
    Hardback (October 2009)

    List price$137.00

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  2. Add to Wish List Economic Valuation of River Systems

    Economic Valuation of River Systems

    Edited by Fred J. Hitzhusen
    The book applies benefit–cost analysis and a wide array of non-market and distribution economic valuation methods in ecologic context to determine the pay-off and distribution impacts of various infrastructure and water quality improveme...
    Paperback (2009)

    List price$74.95

    Member price$59.96

    Hardback (December 2007)

    List price$142.00

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  3. Add to Wish List Environmental Valuation in Developed Countries

    Environmental Valuation in Developed Countries

    Edited by David Pearce
    This is the second of two volumes of case studies that illustrate how environmental economists place values on environmental assets and on the flows of goods and services generated by those assets. This important book assembles studies ...
    Paperback (2009)

    List price$96.95

    Member price$77.56

    Hardback (2007)

    List price$210.00

    Member price$189.00

  4. Add to Wish List Handbook of Sustainable Development

    Handbook of Sustainable Development

    Edited by Giles Atkinson, Simon Dietz, Eric Neumayer
    This timely and important Handbook takes stock of progress made in our understanding of what sustainable development actually is and how it can be achieved. Twenty years on from the publication of the seminal Brundtland Report, it has be...
    Paperback (2009)

    List price$81.95

    Member price$65.56

  5. Add to Wish List Regulatory Impact Assessment

    Regulatory Impact Assessment

    Edited by Colin Kirkpatrick, David Parker
    Better state regulation is a key component of economic reform. This is the first book to comprehensively explore international experience in the use of Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA), which involves assessing the potential benefits a...
    Paperback (November 2008)

    List price$59.95

    Member price$47.96

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    Hardback (January 2008)

    List price$158.00

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  6. Add to Wish List Wealth, Welfare and Sustainability

    Wealth, Welfare and Sustainability

    Kirk Hamilton, Giles Atkinson
    这重要的书提出了新的思考和new results on the measurement of sustainable development. Economic theory suggests that there should be a link between future wellbeing and current wealth. This book explores this linkag...
    Paperback (2008)

    List price$55.95

    Member price$44.76

    Hardback (2006)

    List price$137.00

    Member price$123.30

  7. Add to Wish List Choice Experiments Informing Environmental Policy

    Choice Experiments Informing Environmental Policy

    Edited by Ekin Birol, Phoebe Koundouri
    This innovative book is a compilation of state-of-the-art choice experiment studies undertaken in several European Union (EU) countries, including Finland, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Poland, Spain and the United Kingdom. The case st...
    Hardback (2008)

    List price179.00美元

    Member price$161.10

  8. Add to Wish List Transport Project Evaluation

    Transport Project Evaluation

    Edited by Elvira Haezendonck
    This book revisits traditional evaluation methods, such as cost–benefit analysis, to try and find a balance between the ever-increasing demand for transport, the search for sustainable mobility and green transport solutions, and the limi...
    Hardback (January 2008)

    List price$142.00

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  9. Add to Wish List Cost–Benefit Analysis and Incentives in Evaluation

    Cost–Benefit Analysis and Incentives in Evaluation

    Edited by Massimo Florio
    This book provides an authoritative contribution to applied cost–benefit analysis (CBA) and other evaluation methods in the context of the regional policy of the European Union. Through the use of Structural Funds and other financial and...
    Hardback (December 2007)

    List price$174.00

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  10. Add to Wish List Redesigning Environmental Valuation

    Redesigning Environmental Valuation

    Neil A. Powe
    This comprehensive volume explores the extent to which the challenges facing stated preference environmental valuation can be overcome through mixing methods. In redesigning stated preference, two approaches are considered: mixing method...
    Hardback (2007)

    List price$137.00

    Member price$123.30

  11. Add to Wish List Impact Assessment and Sustainable Development

    Impact Assessment and Sustainable Development

    Edited by Clive George, Colin Kirkpatrick
    Translation of the principle of sustainable development into policy and practice, and the evaluation of the outcomes of these strategic interventions, are some of the most pressing challenges facing policymakers in Europe and beyond. The...
    Hardback (May 2007)

    List price$164.00

    Member price$147.60

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  12. Add to Wish List Sustainable Development in Europe

    Sustainable Development in Europe

    Edited by Uwe Schubert, Eckhard Störmer
    Evaluating sustainable development is becoming increasingly important in policy making, evaluation practice and the scientific world in general. However, at present, there is neither a generally accepted set of measures and evaluation me...
    Hardback (April 2007)

    List price179.00美元

    Member price$161.10

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