
Consumer Law

  1. Add to Wish List Handbook of Research on International Consumer Law

    Handbook of Research on International Consumer Law

    Edited by Geraint Howells, Iain Ramsay, Thomas Wilhelmsson, David Kraft
    Consumer law and policy has emerged in the last half-century as a major policy concern for all nations. This Handbook of original contributions provides an international and comparative analysis of central issues in consumer law and poli...
    Paperback (2011)

    List price$90.00

    Member price$72.00

    Hardback (2010)

    List price$318.00

    Member price$286.20

  2. Add to Wish List Mass Justice

    Mass Justice

    Edited by Jenny Steele, Willem H. van Boom
    This insightful book considers phenomena such as mass torts, which affect numerous victims, and complex insolvency cases, which concern multiple and often competing interests.

    List price$167.00

    Member price$150.30

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