Human Rights

  1. Add to Wish List Intersections of Law and Culture at the International Criminal Court

    Intersections of Law and Culture at the International Criminal Court

    Edited by Julie Fraser, Brianne McGonigle Leyh
    这是一个非常原始和发人深省的book on the ways in which culture impacts the work of the ICC. While some topics may be more familiar to lawyers, like cultural defences, other chapters discuss novel areas where law and c...
    Hardback (2020)

    List price$180.00

    米ember price$162.00

    Paperback (October 2021)

    List price$55.00

    米ember price$44.00

    Not yet published
  2. Add to Wish List Research Handbook on International Law and Terrorism

    Research Handbook on International Law and Terrorism

    Edited by Ben Saul
    ‘The second edition of the Research Handbook on International Law and Terrorism edited by Ben Saul belongs first on the desk and thereafter on the bookshelf of every academic or professional expert working on legal issues related to terr...
    Hardback (2020)

    List price$350.00

    米ember price$315.00

    Paperback (October 2021)

    List price$70.00

    米ember price$56.00

    Not yet published
  3. Add to Wish List International Human Rights Law and Diplomacy

    International Human Rights Law and Diplomacy

    Kriangsak Kittichaisaree
    'The West has long dominated the development and enforcement of human rights law and the practice of human rights diplomacy. Kriangsak Kittichaisaree applies his deep and broad experience in the field to provide an eminently readable and...
    Hardback (2020)

    List price$150.00

    米ember price$135.00

    Paperback (September 2021)

    List price$55.00

    米ember price$44.00

  4. Add to Wish List Research Handbook on Unilateral and Extraterritorial Sanctions

    Research Handbook on Unilateral and Extraterritorial Sanctions

    Edited by Charlotte Beaucillon
    ‘Charlotte Beaucillon and her 27 co-authors have produced a true “Treatise on extraterritorial sanctions” with an orderly plan that makes it possible to cover a formidably complex subject from various angles. Often confiscated by the com...
    Hardback (August 2021)

    List price$290.00

    米ember price$261.00

  5. Add to Wish List Giving Future Generations a Voice

    Giving Future Generations a Voice

    Edited by Jan Linehan, Peter Lawrence
    ‘Short-termism in policymaking is usually lamented as inexorable. We prioritize short-term policy outcomes, we often hear, because future generations are powerless. Giving Future Generations a Voice shows that it need not be so. Gatherin...
    Hardback (August 2021)

    List price$130.00

    米ember price$117.00

  6. Add to Wish List Handbook of Migration and Global Justice

    Handbook of Migration and Global Justice

    Edited by Leanne Weber, Claudia Tazreiter
    ‘This is an important book that brings together normative and empirical considerations about the intersections of migration with global justice – and of migrants as workers and as carriers of rights. This Handbook is particularly timely ...
    Hardback (August 2021)

    List price$240.00

    米ember price$216.00

  7. Add to Wish List Extraterritoriality in East Asia

    Extraterritoriality in East Asia

    Danielle Ireland-Piper
    ‘In Extraterritoriality in East Asia: Extraterritorial Criminal Jurisdiction in China, Japan, and South Korea, Danielle Ireland-Piper has again demonstrated her comprehensive knowledge, and sharp analysis, of some of the most complex and...
    Hardback (2021)

    List price$99.00

    米ember price$89.10

  8. Add to Wish List The Legal Limits of Direct Democracy

    The Legal Limits of Direct Democracy

    Edited by Daniel Moeckli, Anna Forgács, Henri Ibi
    ‘Like representative democracy, direct democracy needs the limits of the rule of law to be not only democratic but liberal. A work that fills a void, both precious collection of data on the legal framework of referendums and initiatives ...
    Hardback (2021)

    List price$145.00

    米ember price$130.50

  9. Add to Wish List The Revised European Social Charter

    The Revised European Social Charter

    ‘In recent years, the European Social Charter has become a living instrument of European constitutional law, thanks to the practice of its Committee of Social Rights. This book offers the most complete study to date of the developing law...
    Hardback (2021)

    List price$260.00

    米ember price$234.00

  10. Add to Wish List The Interface between Intellectual Property and Investment Law

    The Interface between Intellectual Property and Investment Law

    Emmanuel K. Oke
    This original book presents a critical analysis of the interface between international intellectual property law and international investment law through the lens of intertextuality. It argues that a structuralist approach to intertextua...
    Hardback (2021)

    List price$120.00

    米ember price$108.00

  11. Add to Wish List The Human Right to Health

    The Human Right to Health

    Eduardo Arenas Catalán
    ‘In this compelling study of the human right to health, Eduardo Arenas Catalán moves beyond a common focus on access to care enforced by judges, indicting failures to challenge commercialization of life itself in our time. The results co...
    Hardback (2021)

    List price$120.00

    米ember price$108.00

  12. Add to Wish List Regulating Online Behavioural Advertising Through Data Protection Law

    Regulating Online Behavioural Advertising Through Data Protection Law

    Jiahong Chen
    ‘One of the key battles in the current fight for values and rights online is between consumers and the adtech industry. This book is an invaluable guide to this evolving battleground as it comprehensively steers the reader through the ...
    Hardback (2021)

    List price$120.00

    米ember price$108.00

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