Law and Development

  1. Add to Wish List Leading Issues in Competition, Regulation and Development

    Leading Issues in Competition, Regulation and Development

    Edited by Paul Cook, Colin Kirkpatrick, Martin Minogue, David Parker
    The promotion of liberalised and deregulated markets by bilateral and multilateral aid donors, and by global institutions such as the WTO, has led to significant attention being paid to competition and regulatory reforms in developing ec...
    Paperback (2005)

    List price$82.00

    Member price$65.60

    Hardback (2004)

    List price$195.00

    Member price$175.50

  2. Add to Wish List The WTO and Agriculture

    The WTO and Agriculture

    Edited by Kym Anderson, Tim Josling
    ‘. . . the collection is an interesting mixture and is to be recommended for graduate students and scientists as well as policymakers.’ – Sabine Daude, Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture ‘Anderson and Josling are world-class...
    Hardback (March 2005)

    List price$683.00

    Member price$614.70

  3. Add to Wish List Developing Countries in the World Trading System

    Developing Countries in the World Trading System

    Edited by Ramesh Adhikari, Prema-chandra Athukorala
    ‘Developing countries are again, as in the early days of UNCTAD, becoming a major focus in the discussion of world trade reforms. Their sense that the Uruguay Round and the WTO system failed to address their concerns is a major factor be...
    Hardback (2002)

    List price$130.00

    Member price$117.00

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