Law of Obligations

  1. Add to Wish List Law of Obligations

    Law of Obligations

    Geoffrey Samuel
    Designed with English law students and jurists in mind, this book will be an invaluable tool for researching contract, tort and the law of obligations. It is an original contribution not only to European private law but equally to compar...
    Paperback (November 2011)

    List price69.95美元

    Member price$55.96

    Hardback (2010)

    List price$189.00

    Member price$170.10

  2. Add to Wish List Economics of Tort Law

    Economics of Tort Law

    Edited by Alan O. Sykes
    This two-volume collection, prepared by a leading scholar in this field, brings together the seminal articles on the law and economics of tort law. The selection of papers addresses topics such as the Coase theorem, the choice between pr...
    Hardback (2007)

    List price$840.00

    Member price$756.00

  3. Add to Wish List Economics of Contract Law

    Economics of Contract Law

    Edited by Douglas G. Baird
    This important volume presents a rich collection of ideas on and insights into the law and economics of contracts. It includes material relevant to a large number of legal fields. Many of the articles are classics that have, over the yea...
    Hardback (2007)

    List price$422.00

    Member price$379.80

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