
  1. Add to Wish List Digital Media Governance and Supranational Courts

    Digital Media Governance and Supranational Courts

    Edited by Evangelia Psychogiopoulou, Susana de la Sierra
    ‘From taxation and intellectual property to privacy and data protection and from cyber-violence to freedom of expression and information, this book shows in a granular manner the ways in which the two European Courts, Luxembourg and Stra...
    Hardback (September 2022)

    List price$140.00

    Member price$126.00

    Not yet published
  2. Add to Wish List Research Handbook on EU Data Protection Law

    Research Handbook on EU Data Protection Law

    Edited by Eleni Kosta, Ronald Leenes, Irene Kamara
    ‘This volume contains a number of impressive individual contributions examining highly topical areas of data protection law. They illuminate current cutting-edge issues at a high scholarly level, making the book a useful addition to any ...
    Hardback (April 2022)

    List price$350.00

    Member price$315.00

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