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Joseph W. Dellapenna,Joyeeta Gupta编辑
‘This book, edited by two well-known experts in the field, is a very welcome addition to the Elgar Encyclopedia of Environmental Law series. It has lucidly written chapters on the relevant general international law as well as detailed ch... -
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International Law and Transboundary Aquifers
Francesco Sindico
‘Transboundary aquifers are increasingly being recognised as an important part of addressing the world water challenge. However, as this book artfully demonstrates, legal arrangements pertaining to this precious resource are still in th...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Research Handbook on Climate Change, Oceans and Coasts
由Jeffrey McGee,Richard Barnes jeffrey McGee编辑
‘Although the physical interconnections between the climate system and the ocean are critical to both, the legal implications of these interconnections are only beginning to be explored. This insightful and comprehensive Research Handboo...eBook:Find out more$65.00
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Itzchak Kornfeld.
This original and insightful book explores and examines the impact that building mega-dams has on the human rights of those living in surrounding areas, and in particular those of indigenous peoples who are often most affected. Compiling...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Research Handbook on International Water Law
Edited by Stephen C. McCaffrey, Christina Leb, Riley T. Denoon
国际水法研究手册调查了共享淡水资源法的领域。在大约30章中,它涵盖了来自领域和国际地图的一般原则的主题......eBook:Find out more$65.00
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Research Handbook on Freshwater Law and International Relations
由Mara Tignino,ChristianBréthaut编辑
近几十年来,水资源管理和保护的关键变化,人权,环境和水法,每条人权,环境和水法都会在淡水保护方面发展强烈兴趣。这种兴趣激增有......eBook:Find out more$65.00
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Water Resource Management and the Law
由Erkki J. Hollo编辑
Scarcity of water, floods and erosion caused by climate change have made the management of water resources a challenge to national and international actors worldwide. States have also initiated water projects to improve social welfare, o...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Fitzgerald Temmerman
“很少有事情和水一样重要。然而,我们中的许多人,特别是在发达国家,占据了众多的可用性。错误的。毫无疑问,与水有关的问题和其使用的问题将在内部的内容中很高。eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Edited by Michael Kidd, Loretta Feris, Tumai Murombo, Alejandro Iza
水和法律examines the critical relationship between law and the management of water resources in the context of ensuring environmental sustainability. It highlights the central importance of integrated water resources management...eBook:Find out more48.76美元
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Edited by Laurence Boisson de Chazournes, Mara Tignino
该系列汇集了世界各地领先的水法专家的着作,以评估适用于水资源的用途,管理和保护的法律。从人权到......探索这一点的多样化方面...... -
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由Laurence Boisson de Chazournes,Christina Leb,Mara Tignino编辑
'淡水是一个基本资源。本书提供了全面的国际外观,采用了人类消费,农业,能源,工业,废物处理和生态系统保护所产生的各种问题。对......eBook:Find out more$40.00
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The Law and Governance of Water Resources
Douglas Fisher
‘. . . this is a formidable work and its detailed analysis of the law, its institutions and norms will be highly useful as a reference text for postgraduate law students and legal academics.’ – Poh Ling Tan, Australasian Journal of Envir...