Arbitration, Litigation, Dispute Resolution

  1. Add to Wish List International Commercial Arbitration and the Brussels I Regulation

    International Commercial Arbitration and the Brussels I Regulation

    Louise Hauberg Wilhelmsen
    ‘The book by Dr Wilhelmsen is invaluable reading for everyone faced with the complex issue that is the regulation of international commercial arbitration with the EU and the consequences of the interference between the Brussels I Regulat...
    Hardback (2018)

    List price$203.00

    Member price$182.70

  2. Add to Wish List Public Private Partnership for WTO Dispute Settlement

    Public Private Partnership for WTO Dispute Settlement

    Amrita Bahri
    ‘This book is a tremendous and timely contribution to the existing scholarship on law and development. Based on the full internalization of the literature, on painstaking empirical analysis and on an enriching comparative analysis, it ex...
    Hardback (2018)

    List price$142.00

    Member price127.80美元

  3. Add to Wish List Shapo on The Law of Products Liability

    Shapo on The Law of Products Liability

    Marshall S. Shapo
    An authoritative, in-depth study of issues in products liability litigation, this comprehensive treatise traces the law of products liability from its roots in contract and tort to its development into the challenging, complex modern law...
    Hardback (2017)

    List price$893.00

    Member price$803.70

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