Competition and Antitrust Law

  1. Add to Wish List EU Competition Law Volume IV: State Aid

    EU Competition Law Volume IV: State Aid

    Edited by Leo Flynn, Nicola Pesaresi, Christina Siaterli, Koen van de Casteele
    This book was originally published by Claeys and Casteels, now formally part of Edward Elgar Publishing. This book explains in detail the substance and procedure established by the EU Treaty rules on State Aid, as well as covering thes...
    Hardback (December 2016)

    List price$513.00

    Member price$461.70

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  2. Add to Wish List EU Competition Law Volume I: Procedure

    EU Competition Law Volume I: Procedure

    Edited by Gian Luigi Tosato, Leonardo Bellodi
    This book was originally published by Claeys and Casteels, now formally part of Edward Elgar Publishing. With the adoption of Regulation 1/2003 at the end of 2002 and Regulation 773/2004 in April 2004, the procedures organizing the enf...
    Hardback (2015)

    List price$418.00

    Member price$376.20

  3. Add to Wish List Edward and Lane on European Union Law

    Edward and Lane on European Union Law

    David Edward, Robert Lane
    Precise and rich in references to the primary materials of the Treaties, the principal legislation and the key case law of the Court of Justice, this highly detailed and comprehensive book will be an indispensable resource for all legal ...
    Paperback (May 2014)

    List price75.95美元

    Member price$60.76

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    Hardback (June 2013)

    List price$461.00

    Member price$414.90

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  4. Add to Wish List EU Competition Law Volume V: Abuse of Dominance Under Article 102 EC

    EU Competition Law Volume V: Abuse of Dominance Under Article 102 EC

    Edited by Francisco Enrique González-Díaz, Robert Snelders
    This book was originally published by Claeys and Casteels, now formally part of Edward Elgar Publishing. This title gives a complete working guide to all new procedures as well as a detailed examination of Court jurisprudence in this c...
    Hardback (November 2013)

    List price$418.00

    Member price$376.20

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  5. Add to Wish List EU Competition Law Volume III: Cartels and Collusive Behaviour

    EU Competition Law Volume III: Cartels and Collusive Behaviour

    Edited by Mario Siragusa, Cesare Rizza
    This book was originally published by Claeys and Casteels, now formally part of Edward Elgar Publishing. This Second Edition provides a unique insight of Europe’s leading experts on how to deal with cartel cases in practice before both...
    Hardback (March 2013)

    List price$418.00

    Member price$376.20

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