
  1. 加入愿望清单 欧盟竞争法的诉讼和仲裁


    由Mel Marquis编辑,Roberto Cisotta
    ‘The contributions in this collection comprehensively review key issues concerning the respective roles of national and EU courts in enforcing competition and state aid law, and the relationship between court and arbitration proceedings ...
    Hardback (2015)

    List price$ 152.00

    Member price$136.80

  2. 加入愿望清单 欧洲竞争法


    Weijer Villoren Van Themaat编辑,Berend Reber
    ‘This book is unique. It does not contain any text from the authors themselves, but the story of EU competition law is entirely told through a smart selection of quotes from the Commission and EU courts. This approach is extremely valuab...
    Hardback (2015)

    List price$360.00

    Member price$ 324.00

  3. 加入愿望清单 中国反垄断法的演变


    Xiaoye Wang
    ‘The account of [Professor Wang’s] life indicates the long way she had to travel to become one of the foremost competition law scholars in her own country and on a truly global level. This book highlights her scholarly accomplishments as...
    Hardback (2014)

    List price$189.00

    Member price170.10美元

  4. 加入愿望清单 Edward和Lane on欧盟法律

    Edward和Lane on欧盟法律

    David Edward, Robert Lane
    “面对欧盟法律,学生和其他有关方面的挑战需要指导和可访问材料。尽管Lisbon条约的地面清除了,但地形仍未适当映射。爱德华和巷的Com ......

    List price$72.00

    Member price$ 57.60

    Hardback (2013)

    List price$426.00

    Member price$ 383.40

  5. 加入愿望清单 EU Competition Law Volume V: Abuse of Dominance Under Article 102 EC

    EU Competition Law Volume V: Abuse of Dominance Under Article 102 EC

    由Francisco EnriqueGonzález-díaz编辑,Robert Snelders
    本书最初由Claeys和Casteels出版,现正式成为Edward Elgar出版的一部分。本标题为所有新程序提供了完整的工作指南,以及对法院判例的详细审查...
    Hardback (November 2013)

    List price$398.00

    Member price$358.20

  6. 加入愿望清单 Private Enforcement of Antitrust Law in the United States

    Private Enforcement of Antitrust Law in the United States

    Edited by Albert A. Foer, Randy M. Stutz
    ‘The Handbook is one of the most practical and strategic looks at the formulation and conduct of private treble litigation available. It is practically unique in going beyond the substance of the antitrust law and giving the reader a pee...

    List price$ 69.00

    Member price$55.20

    Hardback (2012)

    List price$ 253.00

    Member price227.70美元

  7. 加入愿望清单 欧盟竞争法第三册:卡特尔和整合行为


    Edited by Mario Siragusa, Cesare Rizza
    本书最初由Claeys和Casteels出版,现正式成为Edward Elgar出版的一部分。该第二版为欧洲领先的专家提供了关于如何在练习之前处理Cartel案件的独特洞察力......

    List price$398.00

    Member price$358.20

  8. 加入愿望清单 The International Handbook on Private Enforcement of Competition Law

    The International Handbook on Private Enforcement of Competition Law

    由Albert A. Foer编辑,Jonathan W. Cuneo
    ‘This comprehensive and well written volume surveys the private enforcement provisions of virtually every country in the world that has a competition law recognizing private actions. It is a first-of-its-kind, incredibly valuable underta...

    List price$ 81.00

    Member price$64.80


    List price$309.00

    Member price$278.10

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