Social Policy in Emerging Countries
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Social Policy in a Developing World
Edited by Rebecca Surender, Robert Walker
本卷提供了一个ch的批判性分析allenges and opportunities facing social protection systems in the global south, and examines current strategies for addressing poverty and welfare needs in the region. In particular, the...eBook:Find out more$35.20
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Handbook of Research Methods in Migration
由Carlos Vargas-Silva编辑
Covering both qualitative and quantitative topics, the expert contributors in this Handbook explore fundamental issues of scientific logic, methodology and methods, through to practical applications of different techniques and approaches...eBook:Find out more$62.40
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由詹姆斯·米德利(James Midgley)编辑
This highly original and thought-provoking book examines the recent expansion of social protection in China, India, Brazil and South Africa – four countries experiencing rapid economic growth and social change.eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Edited by Tamara Jacka, Sally Sargeson
这本多学科的书探讨了中国农村发展的话语和发展实践中的性别政治。贡献者 - 政治学,人类学,性别,发展和中国研究的学者 - 研究了如何差异...eBook:Find out more$ 40.80
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Community Co-Production
Edited by Jane Farmer, Carol Hill, Sarah-Anne Muñoz
本书涉及当代社会挑战,包括:衰老人口统计以及随之而来的社区扩展护理需求;在削减福利和全球金融危机时期的公共服务规定; ...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Edited by Rafeal Ziegler
This timely book sets social entrepreneurship in a historical context, from its philanthropic beginnings in the Victorian era to the present day, against the backdrop of contemporary global capitalism.eBook:Find out more$49.60
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马修·克拉克(Matthew Clarke)
发展和宗教探讨了世界上五个主要宗教 - 印度教,佛教,犹太教,基督教和伊斯兰教如何通过考察其神圣的文本,社会教学和基础来理解和实践“发展” ...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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A Practitioner Handbook on Evaluation
Edited by Reinhard Stockmann
这本综合手册是一本出色的参考手册,为在评估的计划和实施过程中几乎可以想到的所有可能出现的问题提供答案。eBook:Find out more$65.00
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Social Protection in Africa
Frank Ellis, Stephen Devereux, Phillip White
这本书的目的是使广泛的受众可以使用在非洲建立有效的社会保护的思想,原则和实用性。它着重于解决饥饿和漏洞的战略的重大转变。eBook:Find out more$49.60