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Research Handbook on the Sociology of International Law
由Moshe Hirsch编辑,Andrew Lang
这本全面的研究手册汇集了高度多样化的学者,探讨了国际法,社会学和社会理论交集的最新发展。它展示了广泛的方法和... -
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由Harald Wydra,BjørnThomassen编辑
This Handbook engages the reader in the major debates, approaches, methodologies, and explanatory frames within political anthropology. Examining the shifting borders of a moving field of enquiry, it illustrates disciplinary paradigm shi... -
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Organizations Evolving
Howard E. Aldrich, Martin Ruef, Stephen Lippmann
组织不断发展提供了一个独特的理论框架,以理解组织的出现,持久性,变化和衰落。此更新和修订的第三版提出了一个进化观点,提供了统一的体验... -
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Aharon Kellerman
Presenting a comparative examination of five major voluntary global movements: commodities, people, capital, information and technology, this book traces and develops discussions of globalization and spatial mobility. The book further co... -
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Edited by Katja Repo, Maarit Alasuutari, Kirsti Karila, Johanna Lammi-Taskula
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Edited by Gary Craig
In the fifty years since Rawls’ seminal work A Theory of Justice, the concept has been debated with those on the political right and left advocating very different understandings. This unique global collection, written by a group of inte...