Sociology of Development

  1. Add to Wish List Social Protection, Economic Growth and Social Change

    Social Protection, Economic Growth and Social Change

    Edited by James Midgley, David Piachaud
    This highly original and thought-provoking book examines the recent expansion of social protection in China, India, Brazil and South Africa – four countries experiencing rapid economic growth and social change. It documents developments ...
    Hardback (2013)

    List price$150.00

    Member price$135.00

  2. Add to Wish List Colonialism and Welfare

    Colonialism and Welfare

    Edited by James Midgley, David Piachaud
    ‘Midgley and Piachaud’s book. . .offers scholars, students and social policy advocates an eminently readable, thought provoking overview of the historical development, current goals and future prospects of social protection policy in Chi...
    巴勒斯坦权力机构perback (2012)

    List price$51.00

    Member price$40.80


    List price$130.00

    Member price$117.00

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