Urban and Regional Studies

  1. Add to Wish List Rethinking Urban Green Spaces

    Rethinking Urban Green Spaces

    Cecil Konijnendijk
    Proposing and demonstrating the ways in which we need to rethink urban green spaces as cities, societies and environments evolve, renowned scholar Cecil C. Konijnendijk explores urban green spaces as essential parts of cities. Chapters o...
    Hardback (February 2024)

    List price$115.00

    Member price$103.50

    Not yet published
  2. Add to Wish List Spatial Inequalities and Wellbeing

    Spatial Inequalities and Wellbeing

    Edited by Camilla Lenzi, Valeria Fedeli
    空间不平等和幸福代表一个timely and seminal contribution to the literature tackling one of the most crucial concerns of modern times: the rise of inequalities and its far-reaching implications for individual wellbe...
    Hardback (February 2024)

    List price$145.00

    Member price$130.50

    Not yet published
  3. Add to Wish List Publish or Perish

    Publish or Perish

    Imad A. Moosa
    在这个彻底修订Publi第二版sh or Perish, Imad A. Moosa extends and develops his analysis of the continual pressure to publish research which plagues the academic sphere. Perceptive and provocative, the book identif...
    Hardback (February 2024)

    List price$150.00

    Member price$135.00

    Not yet published
  4. Add to Wish List Research Methods in Deportation

    Research Methods in Deportation

    Edited by Agnieszka Radziwinowiczówna
    This prescient book explores how to confront the methodological and ethical challenges in researching deportation. Agnieszka Radziwinowiczówna introduces a ‘power-knowledge’ approach, crucially taking into account the power imbalances th...
    Hardback (February 2024)

    List price$130.00

    Member price$117.00

    Not yet published
  5. Add to Wish List Pandemic Recovery?

    Pandemic Recovery?

    Edited by Lauren Andres, John R. Bryson, Aksel Ersoy, Louise Reardon
    This timely book offers an integrated and pragmatic approach to understanding recovery from all types of shock. Whilst particular focus is given to identifying and exploring various aspects of recovering societies in the context of COVID...
    Hardback (January 2024)

    List price$145.00

    Member price$130.50

    Not yet published
  6. Add to Wish List Research Handbook on the Sociology of Migration

    Research Handbook on the Sociology of Migration

    Edited by Giuseppe Sciortino, Martina Cvajner, Peter J. Kivisto
    Adeptly navigating one of the most pressing issues on the current global agenda, this topical Research Handbook provides a comprehensive and research-based exploration of the sociology of migration. As well as highlighting the field’s ac...
    Hardback (January 2024)

    List price$295.00

    Member price$265.50

    Not yet published
  7. Add to Wish List Handbook on Urban Social Movements

    Handbook on Urban Social Movements

    Edited by Anna Domaradzka, Pierre Hamel
    Providing an overview of urban social movements from a diverse range of both empirical and theoretical perspectives, this Handbook includes not only a critical analysis of the transformations that have occurred in the urban landscape rec...
    Hardback (January 2024)

    List price$255.00

    Member price$229.50

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  8. Add to Wish List Handbook of Human Mobility and Migration

    Handbook of Human Mobility and Migration

    Edited by Ettore Recchi, Mirna Safi
    While mobility trajectories and experiences are key in migrants’ lives, they are relatively neglected in the field of migration studies. Using mobility as a unique angle of approach, the Handbook of Human Mobility and Migration is a pion...
    Hardback (January 2024)

    List price$250.00

    Member price$225.00

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  9. Add to Wish List Research Handbook on Urban Design

    Research Handbook on Urban Design

    Edited by Marion Roberts, Suzy Nelson
    With the UN-Habitat estimating that by 2035 the majority of the world’s population will be living in metropolitan areas, this cutting-edge Research Handbook explores the emerging field of urban design and its place in contemporary schola...
    Hardback (January 2024)

    List price$290.00

    Member price$261.00

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  10. Add to Wish List EU Cohesion Policy

    EU Cohesion Policy

    Edited by Nicola F. Dotti, Ida Musiałkowska, Sonia De Gregorio Hurtado, Julia Walczyk
    This engaging and topical book comprehensively explores the complexities surrounding the EU Cohesion Policy, which has been addressing regional and urban development across Europe since the 1980s. Adopting a multidisciplinary approach, i...
    Hardback (January 2024)

    List price$180.00

    Member price$162.00

    Not yet published
  11. Add to Wish List Research Handbook on Migration, Gender, and COVID-19

    Research Handbook on Migration, Gender, and COVID-19

    Edited by Marie McAuliffe, Céline Bauloz
    Drawing together the latest research on migration, gender and COVID-19, this erudite Research Handbook contributes to a better understanding of the immediate and longer-term implications of the pandemic on gender dynamics and roles in in...
    Hardback (January 2024)

    List price$275.00

    Member price$247.50

    Not yet published
  12. Add to Wish List Welfare Chauvinism in Europe

    Welfare Chauvinism in Europe

    Gianna M. Eick
    The redistribution of welfare resources to migrants continues to polarise society. Not only politicians from the radical right but also from more mainstream parties are capitalising on the idea of ‘welfare for our kind’, or welfare chauv...
    Hardback (January 2024)

    List price$115.00

    Member price$103.50

    Not yet published
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