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Post Keynesian Theory and Policy
Paul Davidson
How did economic “experts” worldwide fail to predict the financial crisis of 2007-2008? Eminent economist Paul Davidson discusses how mainstream economic theory may not be applicable to the world of experience. Post Keynesian theory is d...eBook:Find out more$28.76
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Financial Markets, Money and the Real World
Paul Davidson
Paul Davidson investigates why the 1990s was a decade of financial crises that almost precipitated a global market crash. He explores the reasons why the global economy still struggles with the aftermath of these crises and discusses the...eBook:Find out more$57.56
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A Post Keynesian Perspective on Twenty-First Century Economic Problems
Edited by Paul Davidson
这本书探讨了关键的经济问题和新的policies for the global economy of the 21st century. The contributors discuss to what extent past policy errors were due to the incompetence of policymakers, and highlight problems inclu...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Edited by Paul Davidson, J. A. Kregel
This important new book brings together a significant body of new essays on some of the central economic problems facing governments, firms and individuals in the 1990s. -
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New Frontiers in the Economics of Innovation and New Technology
Edited by Cristiano Antonelli, Dominique Foray, Bronwyn H. Hall, W. Edward Steinmueller
This outstanding collection provides a fitting tribute to the diversity and depth of Paul David’s contributions. The papers included range from simulation models of the evolution of market structure in the presence of innovation, through...eBook:Find out more$69.56
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Copyright Law
Edited by Paul Torremans
Copyright law is undergoing rapid transformations to cope with the new international digital environment. This valuable research Handbook provides a thorough and contemporary tableau of current thinking in copyright law. It traces the ch...eBook:Find out more$92.76
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Central Banking, Monetary Theory and Practice
Edited by Paul Mizen
Celebrating the contribution that Charles Goodhart has made to monetary economics and policy, this unique compendium of original papers draws together a highly respected group of international academics, central bankers and financial mar...eBook:Find out more$73.56
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Research Handbook on Copyright Law
Edited by Paul Torremans
This second edition is a timely presentation of the state-of-the-art in copyright research. Copyright law is currently at the centre of many debates and the subject of substantive new developments. The new edition of the Research Handboo...eBook:Find out more$65.00
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Monetary History, Exchange Rates and Financial Markets
Edited by Paul Mizen
Monetary History, Exchange Rates and Financial Markets is an impressive collection of original papers in honour of Charles Goodhart’s outstanding contribution to monetary economics and policy. Charles Goodhart has written extensively on...eBook:Find out more$73.56
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Sustainable Automobility
Paul Nieuwenhuis
If we are part of nature, then so is everything we make. This unique book explores this notion using the example of the car, how it is made and used and especially how we relate to it, with a view to creating a more sustainable automobil...eBook:Find out more$37.56
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Enforcing Transnational Private Regulation
Paul Verbruggen
Most recent studies on transnational private regulation have limited themselves to the examination of a single regime, industry or sector. This book fills a gap in the current literature, offering a rich comparative study of the institut...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Handbook of International Security and Development
Edited by Paul Jackson
The Handbook of International Security and Development provides a survey of current thinking within the field of security and development. With a wide range of chapters that offer a guide to the core approaches, methods and issues, this ...eBook:Find out more$60.76