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The Ukraine Crisis and EU Foreign Policy Roles
Natalia Chaban, Ole Elgström
‘This contribution of Professors Chaban and Elgström enhances the understanding of International Relations from three different angles. First, the book provides an innovative theoretical framework to study the EU's self-visions and the E...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Edited by Daniel Moeckli, Anna Forgács, Henri Ibi
‘像代表民主一样,直接民主也需要法治的局限性不仅是民主的,而且是自由主义的。一项填补了无效的作品,既有关于全民投票和倡议法律框架的宝贵数据收集...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Demopathy and the Democratic Malaise
Luigi Di Gregorio
‘这项工作提供了令人信服的分析,强调了政治领导,公民和媒体之间的相互因果关系。我相信,从逻辑上讲,有希望的(和可实现的)治疗方法遵循这种分析。demopathy和...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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由Daniel Rauhut,Franziska Sielker,Alois Humer编辑
“真爱之路永不会是平坦的,”年代hakespeare would say about EU Cohesion Policy, one which Europe both underestimates and depends excessively upon. This volume explores the reasons behind this complex phenomenon, by weavi...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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The Politics of Regional Cooperation and the Impact on the European Union
‘Mats Braun解决了欧盟研究中许多人想要和需要的许多主题:欧盟内部的状态形成如何和影响其作品。一位长期观察者,作者尤其适当地接受了...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Constraining Democratic Governance in Southern Europe
José M. Magone
‘尤其是在2008年大萧条之后,后来又随着大流行的身份,南欧再次成为一个浓厚的兴趣领域,就像1970年代过渡到民主的几年一样。今天,南欧国家...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Regional Innovation Impact of Universities
Robert Tijssen, John Edwards, Koen Jonkers
‘Universities are key innovation actors, progressively acquiring new roles and engaging with their surrounding environments in ways that are increasingly complex. As it becomes more important to understand these roles, it becomes also mo...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Edited by Jörn A. Kämmerer, Hans -B. Schäfer
‘这是一本非凡的书,为英国脱欧的法律和经济后果提供了深入的多学科洞察力。它包含了一个仔细的分析,并得到了有关结果的理论预测和经验数据。eBook:Find out more$40.00
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China and the West
由Jan Svejnar,Justin Y. Lin编辑
‘A timely and thought-provoking evaluation of the key policy dilemmas in China and the West. This edited volume, with contributions from leading academics, advances our understanding of topics as diverse as “murky” protection, sustainabi...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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EU, Turkey and Counter-Terrorism
Ethem Ilbiz,克里斯蒂安·考纳特
‘In EU, Turkey and Counter-Terrorism, Ethem Ilbiz and Christian Kaunert offer an original theoretical and empirical account of the EU’s norm diffusion role in the transformation of Turkey’s counterterrorism policies. While primarily focu...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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EU–Turkey Relations
Elena Baracani
‘This book provides a very useful, fine-grained analysis of the EU’s policy vis-à-vis Turkey. The latter does not get reduced to a couple of variables, but is analysed in its complexity, driven by various institutional actors and influen...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Giovanni Bertin,Marion Ellison,Giuseppe Moro
‘作者为读者提供了所需的分析工具,以了解已定义为“欧洲社会模型”,并掌握它正在经历的一些最紧迫的挑战,包括COVID-19压力测试。’...eBook:Find out more$40.00