A Modern Guide to Rethinking Economics


A Modern Guide to Rethinking Economics

9781784717209 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by Louis-Philippe Rochon, Full Professor, Laurentian University, Canada, Editor-in-Chief, Review of Political Economy and Founding Editor Emeritus, Review of Keynesian Economics and Sergio Rossi, Full Professor of Economics, University of Fribourg, Switzerland
Publication Date:2017 ISBN:978 1 78471 720 9 Extent:464 pp
Since the beginning of the 21st century, there has been an unprecedented move towards ‘rethinking economics’. This book contributes to this worldwide discussion by providing readers at all levels with thoughtful contributions on a range of economic topics. The book includes chapters on rethinking fiscal and monetary policies, international trade, the role of the state, money, growth, the environment, development policies, energy, healthcare and more. Written by top experts in their respective fields, this book will be useful to students and faculty who want to not only rethink economics, but also to offer an alternative and coherent economic analysis to the orthodoxy.

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Since the beginning of the twenty-first century, there has been an unprecedented move towards ‘rethinking economics’ due to the damages generated by the global financial crisis that burst in 2007-2008. Almost a decade after this crisis, policy is still unable to provide all citizens greater wellbeing or at least an encouraging economic future. This book addresses the urgent need to rethink economics by providing readers at all levels with thoughtful chapters on a range of relevant economic topics.

编辑罗雄仅凭记性和塞尔吉奥·罗西provide a first-class compilation of contemporary economic problems as well as a criticism of mainstream economics and economic policy, thereby offering a thorough investigation of these issues and policy solutions along alternative lines of thought. The book includes chapters on rethinking fiscal and monetary policies, international trade, the role of the State, money, banks, economic growth, the environment, development policies, energy, healthcare, and more. Special attention is paid to the importance of institutions and power relationships within the economic system.

Written by top experts in their respective fields, this book will be useful to students and faculty who want to not only rethink economics, but also to offer an alternative and coherent economic analysis to the orthodoxy. Economists and policy-makers will also find this book to be of much interest.
Critical Acclaim
‘The recent international student revolt against the unrealistic and apologetic nature of the economic theory that they are being taught has produced a call to “rethink economics”. In this impressive volume, 21 authors from seven countries on four continents do just that. They set out a convincing case for rethinking the fundamental conclusions and methodological basis of economic theory, the entire range of policy interventions by the State, and the nature of the global economic system and its (non-)regulation. No-one who is interested in the questions of economic growth and development, income distribution and social security, monetary and fiscal policy, the economics of energy and the environment, or the conduct of international trade and finance, can afford to overlook this important book.’
– John King, La Trobe University, Australia

“一个伟大的指导to why the economic analysis which dominates textbooks has to be completely rethought to be able to understand the workings of the economy. It shows how that rethinking can be done across a wide range of issues. And provides ways to reformulate economic policies which work in the interests of the general populace.’
– Malcolm Sawyer, University of Leeds, UK

‘As the author of Rethinking the Theory of Money, Credit, and Macroeconomics, needless to say I am very much in sympathy with the aims and objectives of this project. The editors have a stellar track record, and once again have recruited a distinguished group of contributors, 21 in all, to comment on each individual topic. Each individual chapter heading contains the word “rethinking”. Thus we have “Rethinking Money” (as with my book), “Rethinking Income Distribution”, “Rethinking International Trade”, and so on. The intent is not to present a settled body of doctrine but to promote change on every front.’
– John Smithin, York University, Canada
Contributors: A. Asensio, J.-L. Bailly, H. Bougrine, L. Chester, C. Gnos, S. Greppi, O.F. Hamouda, M. Llorca, R. McMaster, V. Monvoisin, R. O’Donnell, S. Parsons, E. Pérez Caldentey, J.-F. Ponsot, S. Pressman, L.-P. Rochon, S. Rossi, R.H. Scott, F. Ülgen, G. Vallet, R. von Arnim

Louis-Philippe Rochon and Sergio Rossi

1. Rethinking the foundations of macroeconomics
Claude Gnos

2. Rethinking the economic role of the State
Hassan Bougrine

3. Rethinking economics for a pluralist approach
Guillaume Vallet

4. Rethinking uncertainty
Rod O’Donnell

5. Rethinking exchange and prices
Jean-Luc Bailly

6. Rethinking money
Jean-François Ponsot

7. Rethinking economic growth
Angel Asensio

8. Rethinking income distribution
Omar F. Hamouda

9. Rethinking fiscal policy
Matthieu Llorca

10. Rethinking the role of banks
Virginie Monvoisin

11. Rethinking monetary policy
Louis-Philippe Rochon

12. Rethinking monetary and financial stability
Faruk Ülgen

13. Rethinking development
Esteban Pérez Caldentey

14. Rethinking health economics
Robert McMaster

Rudiger von Arnim

16. Rethinking the international monetary and financial architecture
Sergio Rossi

17. Rethinking the environment
Robert H. Scott

18. Rethinking energy
Lynne Chester

19. Rethinking politics
Stephen Parsons

20. Rethinking social security
Spartaco Greppi

21. Rethinking antipoverty policy
Steven Pressman

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