Aggregate Demand and Employment


Aggregate Demand and Employment

International Perspectives

9781786432049 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by Brian K. MacLean, Full Professor of Economics, Hassan Bougrine, Full Professor and Louis-Philippe Rochon, Full Professor, Laurentian University, Canada, Editor-in-Chief of Review of Political Economy and Founding Editor Emeritus, Review of Keynesian Economics
发布日期:2020 ISBN:978 1 78643 204 9 Extent:208 pp

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Critical Acclaim
Written by distinguished Keynesian and Post-Keynesian economists from diverse national backgrounds, this book examines the economic growth and employment experiences of both large areas of the world and specific economies. Dealing with critical issues in macroeconomic theory and policy, this book puts current issues in a historical perspective.

Emphasising developments during and after the Great Recession, and paying due attention to the impacts of austerity policies, chapters explain that high growth of aggregate demand is as essential as ever to achieving full employment and rising living standards. Organised into three distinct thematic parts, the book moves from discussing theoretical considerations, to aggregate demand and employment in the EU, Latin America and the developing world, to individual country studies including Canada, India and Japan.

Economics students, particularly those interested in heterodox economics and macroeconomics, will find the accessible language and perspectives on a range of major regions helpful. This will also be a useful read for macroeconomic policy-makers looking for a more in-depth understanding of the importance of boosting aggregate demand.
Critical Acclaim
这卷全明星阵容的一些特性the world’s leading heterodox economists, evaluating the state of economics a decade after the global financial crisis, and identifying promising directions for a more realistic and humane approach to both theory and policy. The key lessons of this troubled time are still denied by orthodoxy: namely, that aggregate demand is predominant, and knee-jerk austerity only exacerbates the failures of deregulated, financialized capitalism. Combining careful empirical evidence with thoughtful criticism, these essays locate important chinks in the armour of conventional doctrine, and lead us toward better approaches. It’s a powerful, and ultimately hopeful, collection.’
- 吉姆·斯坦福(Jim Stanford),澳大利亚未来工作中心

‘A challenging set of essays indeed. “High ... aggregate demand is ... essential ... to full employment and rising living standards.” There is a negative relationship between unemployment and growth, and a positive one between growth and real wages. But, how to square this with fashionable views about the limits to growth?’
- 加拿大约克大学约翰·史密斯(John Smithin)

‘。。。本书在凯恩斯主义和凯恩斯主义后传统中撰写了杰出经济学家的论文,为世界上大部分地区的最新经济经历提供了统一的分析框架。。。因此,这些论文提出了重要的问题,从最中心开始:鉴于危机确实发生了,更进步,更扩展,更多的凯恩斯主义政策是否会产生更快的康复和更好的长期状况?实际上,这个问题可以作为整本书的模板,探讨了在一系列环境中更好的政策的潜在后果,有些与大金融危机直接相关,而另一些则与其直接相关,而不是直接地束缚。by the pervasive application of mainstream policies to analogous situations.’
- 詹姆斯·加尔布雷思(James K. Galbraith)的前言


Introduction: the importance of aggregate demand for full
employment and rising living standards 1
Brian K. MacLean,Hassan Bougrine和Louis-Philippe Rochon

1Macroeconomic lessons from the past decade 11
basic income return mature market economies to les Trente
Mario Seccareccia
3 Kaleckian对最近的工资份额的思考
Jan Toporowski

马尔科姆·索耶(Malcolm Sawyer)
5 The failure of development in Latin America 75
Mat.as Vernengo
Hassan Bougrine and Louis-Philippe Rochon

7 Full employment in Canada in the early 21st century 116
拉尔斯·奥斯伯格(Lars Osberg)
transformations 142
Sunanda Sen
Brian K. MacLean

Index 179
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