


9781788978446 Edward Elgar Publishing
由Prema-Chandra Athukorala编辑,Arndt-Corden经济学系教授,克劳福德公共政策学院,澳大利亚澳大利亚国立大学,澳大利亚澳大利亚国立大学,澳大利亚社会科学院会员
发布日期:2021 ISBN:978 1 78897 844 6 Extent:c 1,824 pp
This important two-volume collection brings together a selection of leading papers on economic development of economics in Asia – Japan, China, India and other countries in North-East Asia, South-East Asia and South Asia. Providing a comprehensive picture of policymaking and economic performance of these countries over the entire post-Second World War era, this collection was motivated by both the growing economic significance of Asia in the global economy and the pivotal role played by Asia. Including an original introduction, this comprehensive set is a valuable reference not only for the Asia specialist but also for all students and practitioners in the field of economic development.

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This important two-volume collection brings together a selection of leading papers on economic development of economics in Asia – Japan, China, India and other countries in North-East Asia, South-East Asia and South Asia. Providing a comprehensive picture of policymaking and economic performance of these countries over the entire post-Second World War era, this collection was motivated by both the growing economic significance of Asia in the global economy and the pivotal role played by Asia. Including an original introduction, this comprehensive set is a valuable reference not only for the Asia specialist but also for all students and practitioners in the field of economic development.



简介Prema-Chandra Athukorala

第一部分历史观点[150 pp]

1。Tetsuji Okazaki and Masahiro Okuno-Fujiwara (1999), ‘Japan’s Present-Day Economic System and Its Historical Origin’, in The Japanese Economic System and Its Historical Origins, Oxford, UK and New York, NY, USA: Oxford University Press, 1–37 [37]

2. Dwight H. Perkins (2015), ‘The Historical Foundations of East Asian Development’, in East Asian Development: Foundations and Strategies, Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 14–47 [34]

3. Louis Putterman (1992),’Dualism and Reform in China’, Economic Development and Cultural Change, 40 (3), April, 467–93 [27]

4. B.H. Farmer (1993), ‘The British Period, the Coming of Independence and Partition’, in An Introduction to South Asia: Second Edition, Chapter 3, London, UK and New York, NY, USA: Routledge, 26–46, 174–6 [24]

5.Kaushik Basu (2018), ‘A Short History of India’s Economy: A Chapter in the Asian Drama’, WIDER Working Paper 2018/124, United Nations University, World Institute for Developmental Research, i–ii, 1–26 [28]


6. Michael Beckley,Yusaku Horiuchi和Jennifer M. Miller(2018),“美国在日本经济奇迹制作中的作用”,《东亚研究杂志》,18(1),3月1日,1-21 [21] [21]

7. Mushtaq H. Khan (2018), ‘Institutions and Asia’s Development: The Role of Norms and Organizational Power’, WIDER Working Paper 2018/132, United Nations University, World Institute for Developmental Research, i–ii, 1–20 [22]

8. Dwight H. Perkins (2004), ‘Corporate Governance, Industrial Policy, and Rules of Law’, in Shahid Yusuf, M. Anjun Altaf and Kaoru Nabeshima (eds), Global Change and East Asian Policy Initiatives, Washington DC: World Bank, 293–336 [44]

9. Stephan Haggard (2004), ’Institutions and Growth in East Asia’, Studies in Comparative International Development, 38 (4), Winter, 53–81 [29]

10.古斯塔夫·拉尼斯(Gustav Ranis)(1995),“另一个看东亚奇迹”,《世界银行经济评论》,9(3),9月,509-34 [26]

11。Lawrence J. Lau, Yingyi Qian and Gérard Roland (2000), ‘Reform Without Losers: An Interpretation of China’s Dual-Track Approach to Transition’, Journal of Political Economy, 108 (1), February, 120–43 [24]

12. Chen Ling and Barry Naughton (2016), ‘An Institutionalized Policy-Making Mechanism: China’s Return to Techno-Industrial Policy’, Research Policy, 45 (10), December, 2138–52 [15]

13. Atul Kohli(1994),'高增长政治经济从何而来?日本韩国“发展状态”的血统,世界发展,22(9),1269 - 93年9月[25]

14. Ha-Joon Chang (1993), ‘The Political Economy of Industrial Policy in Korea’, Cambridge Journal of Economics, 17 (2), June, 131–57 [27]

15.詹姆斯·瑞耶尔(James Riedel,2015年),“越南过渡的最后一台经验教训”,《东南亚经济体杂志》,32(1),125-39 [15]

16. Ronald Findlay, Cyn-Young Park, Jean-Pierre A. Verbiest (2016), ‘Myanmar: Building Economic Foundations’, Asian-Pacific Economic Literature, 30 (1), May, 42–64 [23]

17. Sukhamoy Chakravarty (1987), ’Foundation of India’s Development Strategy: The Nehru-Mahalanobis Approach’, in (ed), Development Planning: The Indian Experience, Chapter 2, Delhi, India: Oxford University Press, 7–18 [12]

18. Arvind Panagariya (2018), ‘India: Three and a Half Years of Modinomics’, Working Paper 2018-01, Deepak and Neera Raj Center on Indian Economic Policies, New York, NY USA: Columbia University, i–ii, 1–34 [36]

19. Amartya Sen(2005年),“印度的民主与世俗主义”,位于Kaushik Basu(编辑),印度的新兴经济:1900年代及以后的绩效和前景,马萨诸塞州剑桥:麻省理工学院出版社:35-47 [13] [13]

20.德和Reetika Khera(2017),最近的年代ocial Security Initiatives in India’, World Development, 98 (4), October, 555–72 [18]

21. Prema-Chandra Athukorala和Sisira Jayasuriya(2015年),“战争与失败的胜利:和平中的胜利:冲突后斯里兰卡的政治和经济学”,亚洲经济文件,14(3),秋季,22-54,[33] [33]

第三部分的生长和结构变化[359 pp]

22. Dirk Pilat (2002), ‘The Long-Term Performance of the Japanese Economy’, in Angus Maddison, D.S. Prasada Rao and William F. Shepherd (eds), The Asian Economies in the Twentieth Century, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing, 180–225 [46]

23. Tamim Bayoumi(2001),“第二天早晨:解释1990年代日本增长的放缓”,《国际经济学杂志》,53(2),4月,241 - 59年[19]

24. Paul Krugman (2014), ‘Four Observations on Secular Stagnation’, in Coen Teulings and Richard Baldwin (eds), Secular Stagnation: Facts, Causes and Curves, CEPR Press, London, UK, 61–8 [8]

25. Nicholas Lardy (2015), ‘China’s Economic Reforms and Growth Prospects’, China Economic Journal, 8 (2), 95–108 [14]

26. Dwight H. Perkins (2015), ‘Understanding the Slowing Growth Rate of the People’s Republic of China’, Asian Development Review, 32 (1), March, 1–30 [30]

27. Jan Nederveen Pieterse(2015年),‘奇迹八的发生了什么?在二十一世纪向东看,加拿大开发研究杂志 / canadienned'étudesdudévelopment,36(3),263-82 [20]

28. Bart van Ark and Marcel P. Timmer (2002), ‘Realising Growth Potential: South Korea and Taiwan, 1960 to 1998’ in Angus Maddison, D.S. Prasada Rao and William F. Shepherd (eds), The Asian Economies in the Twentieth Century, Cheltenham UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing, 226–44 [19]

29. Hal Hill (2017), ’Southeast Asia in the Global Economy: A Selective Analytical Survey’, Philippine Review of Economics, LIV (2), 1–36 [36]

30. Hal Hill(2018),“亚洲的第三个巨人:印尼经济的调查”,经济记录,94(307),12月,469-99 [31] [31]

31. W.G. Huff (2007), ‘Singapore’s Economic Development: Four Lessons and Some Doubts’, Oxford Development Studies, 27 (1), 33–55 [23]

32. Hal Hill和Jayant Menon(2014),“柬埔寨:冲突后经济的快速增长”,世界经济,特刊:全球贸易政策,37(12),1649 - 68年12月,1649 - 68年[20]

33. Jayant Menon和Peter Warr(2013),“老挝经济:资本化自然资源出口”,《亚洲经济政策评论》,8(1),6月,70-89 [20]

34. Kaushik Basu(2009年),“中国和印度:高增长的特质途径”,《经济和政治周刊》,XLIV(38),9月19日至25日,43-49,43-49,52-56 [12] [12]

35. Vijay Joshi (2018), ‘India’s Search for Prosperity’, Australian Economic Review, 51 (2), June, 165–74 [10]

36. M. Niaz Asadullah,Antonio Savoia和Wahiduddin Mahmud(2014),《发展之路:有孟加拉国惊喜吗?

37. Kishor Sharma(2006),“尼泊尔内战的政治经济学”,《世界发展》,34(7),1237 - 53年7月[17]

38. Prema-Chandra Athukorala(2016),“斯里兰卡的《西维尔之后战争发展挑战:从过去学习》,《当代南亚》,24(1),19-35 [17]



Introduction An introduction to both volumes by the editor appears in Volume 1


1。Chiaki Moriguchi and Emmanuel Saez (2008), ‘The Evolution of Income Concentration in Japan, 1886–2005: Evidence From Income Tax Statistics’, Review of Economics and Statistics, 90 (4), November, 713–34 [22]

2. Fumio Ohtake (2008), ‘Inequality in Japan’, Asian Economic Policy Review, 3 (1), May, 87–109 [23]

3. Martin Ravallion(2011),“关于减少巴西,中国和印度贫困的比较观点”,世界银行研究观察家,26(1),2月,71-104 [34]

4. Pranab Bardhan (2008), ‘Economic Reforms, Poverty and Inequality in China and India’, Kaushik Basu and Ravi Kanbur (eds), Arguments For a Better World: Essays in Honor of Amartya Sen, Volume II: Society, Institutions, and Development, Chapter 18, Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 350–64 [15]

5.Angus Deaton和瓦莱丽Kozel(2005)的数据d Dogma: The Great Indian Poverty Debate’, World Bank Research Observer, 20 (2), Fall, 177–99

6. Amit Thorat, Reeve Vanneman, Sonalde Desai and Amaresh Dubey (2017), ‘Escaping and Falling into Poverty in India Today’, World Development, 93, May, 413–26 [14]

7. John Gibson, Trinh Le and Bonggeun Kim (2017), ‘Prices, Engel Curves, and Time-Space Deflation: Impacts on Poverty and Inequality in Vietnam’, World Bank Economic Review, 31 (2), June, 504–30 [27]

8. Gustav Ranis (1978), ‘Equity with Growth in Taiwan: How ‘Special’ is the ‘Special Case?’’, World Development, 6 (3), March, 397–409 [13]

9. Pan-Long Tsai and Chao-Hsi Huang (2007), ‘Openness, Growth and Poverty: The Case of Taiwan’, World Development, 35 (11), November, 1858–71 [14]

10. Arsenio M. Balisacan和Nobuhiko Fuwa(2004),“超越越野平均:菲律宾的增长,不平等和减少贫困​​”,《世界发展》,32(11),1891年11月,1891年至907年[17] [17]

11。Jeffrey G. Williamson (2017),‘Philippine Inequality Across the Twentieth Century: Slim Evidence, but Fat Questions’, Philippine Review of Economics, LIV (2), 37–60 [24]

12. David Dunham and Sisira Jayasuriya (2000), ’Equity, Growth and Insurrection: Liberalization and the Welfare Debate in Contemporary Sri Lanka’, Oxford Development Studies, 28 (1), 97–110 [14]

第二部分经济发展的财务因素[197 pp]

13. Charles Yuji Horioka(2018),‘日本人是独一无二的吗?储蓄和遗产行为的证据”,新加坡经济评论,63(1),1-18

14. Charles Yuji Horioka(2010年),“日本年龄的储蓄行为”,日本和世界经济,22(3),8月,151-8 [8]

15.Fumio Hayashi (2006), ‘The Over-Investment Hypothesis’, in Lawrence R. Klein (ed.), Long-run Growth and Short-Run Stabilization: Essays in Memory of Albert Ando, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, 275–87 [13]

16. Franco Modigliani and Shi Larry Cao (2004), ‘The Chinese Puzzle and the Life-Cycle Hypothesis’, Journal of Economic Literature, XLII (1), March, 145–70 [26]

17. Suqin GE,Dennis Tao Yang和Junsen Zhang(2018),“人口政策,人口结构变化和中国家庭储蓄难题”,欧洲经济评论,101(1),181-209 [29] [29]

18. Chadwick C. Curtis, Steven Lugauer, and Nelson C. Mark (2017),’Demographics and Aggregate Household Saving in Japan, China, and India’, Journal of Macroeconomics, 51, March, 175–91 [17]

19.AyşeİmroHorğlu和Kai Zhao(2018),“中国储蓄率:长期护理风险,家庭保险和人口统计学”,《货币经济学杂志》,96,6月33日至52日[20]

20.Daekeun Park and Changyong Rhee (2005), ‘Saving, Growth, and Demographic Change in Korea’, Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, 19 (3), September, 394–413 [20]

21. Angus Deaton和Christina Paxson(2000),“台湾的增长,人口结构和国家储蓄”,人口与发展评论,补充:东亚的人口和经济变化,26,3月26日,141 - 73年[33] [33]

22. Prema-Chandra Athukorala和Kunal Sen(2004),“印度私人储蓄的决定因素”,《世界发展》,32(3),491-503 [13]


23. Theodore R. Breton (2015), ‘Human Capital and Growth in Japan: Converging to the Steady State in a 1% World’, Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, 36, June, 73–89 [17]

24. Ichiro Muto, Takemasa Oda and Nao Sudo (2016), ‘Macroeconomic Impact of Population Aging in Japan: A Perspective from an Overlapping Generations Model’, IMF Economic Review, 64 (3), August, 408–42 [35]

25. Charles Yuji Horioka, Wataru Suzuki and Tatsuo Hatta (2007), ‘Aging, Savings, and Public Pensions in Japan’, Asian Economic Policy Review, 2 (2), December, 303–19 [17]

26. Xin Meng(2012),“中国的劳动力市场成果和改革”,《经济观点杂志》,26(4),秋季,75-101 [27]

27. Prema-chandra Athukorala and Zheng Wei (2018), ‘Economic Transition and Labour Market Dynamics in China: An Interpretative Survey of the ‘Turning Point’ Debate’, Journal of Economic Surveys, 32 (2), April, 420–39

28. Ross Garnaut (2010), ‘Macro-economic Implications of the Turning Point’, China Economics Journal, 3 (2), 181–90 [10]

29.大卫·E·布卢姆(David E.

30. Yih-Chyi Chuang(1999),“人力资本在经济发展中的作用:来自台湾的证据”,《亚洲经济杂志》,13(2),6月,117 - 44年[28]

31. T.N. Srinivasan (2010), ‘Employment and India’s Development and Reforms’, Journal of Comparative Economics, 38 (1), March, 82–106 [25]

32.GünseliBerik和Yana van der Meulen Rodgers(2010年),“执行劳工标准的选项:孟加拉国和柬埔寨的课程”,《国际发展杂志》,22(1),1月56-85 [30] [30]

第四部分国际维度:前进贸易和投资[198 pp]

33. Prema-chandra Athukorala and Hal Hill (2010), ’Asian Trade and Investment: Patterns and Trends’, in Prema-chandra Athukorala (ed), The Rise of Asia: Trade and Investment in Global Perspective, London, UK and New York, NY, USA: Routledge, 11–57 [47]

34. Ralph Paprzycki and Kyoji Fukao (2008), ’Japan’s Economic Growth and Foreign Direct Investment’, in Foreign Direct Investment in Japan: Multinationals’ Role in Growth and Globalization, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 84–110 [27]

35. Barry Eichengreen和Hui Tong(2006),“恐惧中国”,《亚洲经济学杂志》,17(2),4月,226-40 [15]

36. Shahid Yusuf, Kaoru Nabeshima and Dwight H. Perkins (2007), ‘China and India Reshape Industrial Geography’, L. Alan Winters and Shahid Yusuf (eds), Dancing with Giants: China, India, and the Global Economy, Washington DC, USA: World Bank, 35–66 [32]

37. Petia Topalova和Amit Khandelwal(2011),“贸易自由化和企业生产力:印度案例”,《经济学和统计评论》,93(3),8月,995-1009 [15]

38. Prema-chandra Athukorala and Archanan Kohpaiboon (2014), ’Global Production Sharing, Trade Patterns and Industrialization in Southeast Asia’, in Ian Coxhead (ed.), Routledge Handbook of Southeast Asian Economies, London, UK: Routledge, 139–61 [23]

39. Prema-chandra Athukorala and Tran Quang Tien (2012), ’Foreign Direct Investment in Industrial Transition: The Experience of Vietnam’, Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy, 17 (3), 446–63 [18]

40. Prema-chandra Athukorala (2019), ’Joining Global Production Networks: Experience and Prospects of India’, Asian Economic Policy Review, 14 (1), January, 123–43 [21]
