Competitiveness and Tourism
Competitiveness and Tourism brings together the key scholarly articles which discuss the challenges of managing, maintaining and enhancing competitive tourism destinations. This authoritative collection of articles covers service sector competition; conceptual models of tourism competitiveness; the measurement and modeling of tourism competitiveness; organizing, planning and management issues; tourism marketing; price competitiveness and demand elasticity; sustainability issues and case studies of tourism competitiveness from around the world. Along with an original introduction by the editors, this two-volume set is designed for scholars, students and practitioners interested in a deeper understanding of the nature of tourism competition and implications for tourism and destination management.
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Critical Acclaim
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Competitiveness and Tourism brings together the key scholarly articles which discuss the challenges of managing, maintaining and enhancing competitive tourism destinations. This authoritative collection of articles covers service sector competition; conceptual models of tourism competitiveness; the measurement and modeling of tourism competitiveness; organizing, planning and management issues; tourism marketing; price competitiveness and demand elasticity; sustainability issues and case studies of tourism competitiveness from around the world. Along with an original introduction by the editors, this two-volume set is designed for scholars, students and practitioners interested in a deeper understanding of the nature of tourism competition and implications for tourism and destination management.
Critical Acclaim
”竞争Destina里奇和克劳奇的书tion: A Sustainable Tourism Perspective (CABI, 2003) has become one of the seminal works in tourism destination research and management. It engendered a number of major research papers; many of which I was pleased to publish in the Journal of Travel Research. I am excited to see Geoff and Brent continuing their work with the publication of this edited book. The list of chapter authors is a “who’s who” of tourism researchers and includes many key destination competitiveness papers. In the eight years since their original work, the topic of destination competitiveness has become even more important. It is one of today’s key forces driving tourism research and destination management. I fully anticipate this book will become a required reader for tourism educators, graduate students and destination managers. I anticipate it will lead to yet another surge in excellent, important research.’
– Richard Perdue, Virginia Tech, US
‘Both volumes effectively cover the central issues of competitiveness in tourism and the editors should be commended for their tenacity in bringing together the collection of articles that compose each book. All the published works are entirely relevant and develop a coherent understanding of the topic. The chapters that are drawn from Crouch’s and Ritchie’s own com-petitive destination text underpin the central themes that emerge from both volumes. The collected pub-lications fit well together and enable coherency to emerge from both volumes. . . Overall, the volumes make a worthwhile addition to the editors’ own competitive destination textbook. The volumes are very well produced and make excellent readership material in the field for students, academics, and practitioners alike. Aside from the stylistic issues, the volumes will make an integral part of any library collection that is wishing to build resources in this area. The editors should be commended for producing two volumes of research that encapsulate the literature on competitiveness and tourism and provide tourism stakeholders with an invaluable resource in which to explore the topic further.’
– Crispin Dale, Tourism Analysis
– Richard Perdue, Virginia Tech, US
‘Both volumes effectively cover the central issues of competitiveness in tourism and the editors should be commended for their tenacity in bringing together the collection of articles that compose each book. All the published works are entirely relevant and develop a coherent understanding of the topic. The chapters that are drawn from Crouch’s and Ritchie’s own com-petitive destination text underpin the central themes that emerge from both volumes. The collected pub-lications fit well together and enable coherency to emerge from both volumes. . . Overall, the volumes make a worthwhile addition to the editors’ own competitive destination textbook. The volumes are very well produced and make excellent readership material in the field for students, academics, and practitioners alike. Aside from the stylistic issues, the volumes will make an integral part of any library collection that is wishing to build resources in this area. The editors should be commended for producing two volumes of research that encapsulate the literature on competitiveness and tourism and provide tourism stakeholders with an invaluable resource in which to explore the topic further.’
– Crispin Dale, Tourism Analysis
68 articles, dating from 1985 to 2011
Contributors include: L. Dwyer, M. Enright, P. Forsyth, E. Heath, M. Kozak, P. Krugman, J. Mazenac, K. Wöber, A. Zins
Contributors include: L. Dwyer, M. Enright, P. Forsyth, E. Heath, M. Kozak, P. Krugman, J. Mazenac, K. Wöber, A. Zins
Volume I
Introduction Geoffrey I. Crouch and J.R. Brent Ritchie
1. Belay Seyoum (2007), ‘Revealed Comparative Advantage and Competitiveness in Services: A Study with Special Emphasis on Developing Countries’
2. H. Peter Gray (1989), ‘Services and Comparative Advantage Theory’
3. John D. Palmer (1985), ‘Consumer Service Industry Exports: New Attitudes and Concepts Needed for a Neglected Sector’
4. Paul Krugman (1994), ‘Competitiveness: A Dangerous Obsession’
5. J.R. Brent Ritchie and Geoffrey I. Crouch (2003), ‘Conceptual and Theoretical Perspectives: The Competitive Destination’
6. J.R. Brent Ritchie and Geoffrey I. Crouch (2003), ‘A Model of Destination Competitiveness’
7. Larry Dwyer and Chulwon Kim (2003), ‘Destination Competitiveness: Determinants and Indicators’
8. Ernie Heath (2003), ‘Towards a Model to Enhance Destination Competitiveness: A Southern African Perspective’
9. Eulogio Bordas (1994), ‘Competitiveness of Tourist Destinations in Long Distance Markets’
10. Josef A. Mazanec, Karl Wöber and Andreas H. Zins (2007), ‘Tourism Destination Competitiveness: From Definition to Explanation?’
11. Larry Dwyer, Robert Mellor, Zelko Livaic, Deborah Edwards and Chulwon Kim (2004), ‘Attributes of Destination Competitiveness: A Factor Analysis’
12. Michael J. Enright and James Newton (2004), ‘Tourism Destination Competitiveness: A Quantitative Approach’
13. Geoffrey I. Crouch (2011), ‘Destination Competitiveness: An Analysis of Determinant Attributes’
14. Metin Kozak and Mike Rimmington (1999), ‘Measuring Tourist Destination Competitiveness: Conceptual Considerations and Empirical Findings’
15. Geoffrey I. Crouch (2007), ‘Measuring Tourism Competitiveness: Research, Theory and the WEF Index’
16. Maria Francesca Cracolici, Peter Nijkamp and Piet Rietveld (2008), ‘Assessment of Tourism Competitiveness by Analysing Destination Efficiency’
17. Nishaal Gooroochurn and Guntur Sugiyarto (2005), ‘Competitiveness Indicators in the Travel and Tourism Industry’
18. Jie Zhang and Camilla Jensen (2007), ‘Comparative Advantage: Explaining Tourism Flows’
19. Arturo Melián-González and Juan Manuel García-Falcón (2003), ‘Competitive Potential of Tourism in Destinations’
20. Frank M. Go and Robert Govers (2000), ‘Integrated Quality Management for Tourist Destinations: A European Perspective on Achieving Competitiveness’
21. Evi C. Soteriou and Chris Roberts (1998), ‘The Strategic Planning Process in National Tourism Organizations’
22. Jayoti Das and Cassandra DeRienzo (2010), ‘Tourism Competitiveness and Corruption: A Cross-Country Analysis’
23. Ramona Gruescu, Roxana Nanu and Anca Tanasie (2009), ‘Human Resources Development and ICT Contribution to the Tourist Destination Competitiveness’
24. Irene Daskalopoulou and Anastasia Petrou (2009), ‘Urban Tourism Competitiveness: Networks and the Regional Asset Base’
25. Dimitris Lagos and Panayiotis G. Courtis (2008), ‘Business Clusters Formation as a Means of Improving Competitiveness in the Tourism Sector’
26. Adam Blake, M. Thea Sinclair and Juan Antonio Campos Soria (2006), ‘Tourism Productivity: Evidence from the United Kingdom’
27. Dimitrios Buhalis (2000), ‘Marketing the Competitive Destination of the Future’
28. Harsha E. Chacko (1996), ‘Positioning a Tourism Destination to Gain a Competitive Edge’
29. Geoffrey I. Crouch (1994), ‘Promotion and Demand in International Tourism’
30. J.R. Brent Ritchie, Geoffrey I. Crouch and Simon Hudson (1989), ‘Assessing the Role of Consumers in the Measurement of Destination Competitiveness and Sustainability’
31.Arch G. Woodside and Steven Lysonski (1989), ‘A General Model of Traveler Destination Choice’
Volume II
An introduction by the editors appears in Volume I
1. Peter Forsyth and Larry Dwyer (2009), ‘Tourism Price Competitiveness’
2. Carlos R. Azzoni and Tatiane A. de Menezes (2009), ‘Cost Competitiveness of International Destinations’
3. Marie-Louise Mangion, Ramesh Durbarry and M. Thea Sinclair (2005), ‘Tourism Competitiveness: Price and Quality’
4. Blair F. Stevens (1992), ‘Price Value Perceptions of Travelers’
5. Larry Dwyer, Peter Forsyth and Prasada Rao (2000), ‘Price Competitiveness of Tourism Packages to Australia: Beyond the “Big Mac” Index’
6. Larry Dwyer, Peter Forsyth and Prasada Rao (2000), ‘Sectoral Analysis of Destination Price Competitiveness: An International Comparison’
7. Larry Dwyer, Peter Forsyth and Prasada Rao (2000), ‘The Price Competitiveness of Travel and Tourism: A Comparison of 19 Destinations’
8. Larry Dwyer, Peter Forsyth and Prasada Rao (2002), ‘Destination Price Competitiveness: Exchange Rate Changes versus Domestic Inflation’
9. Geoffrey I. Crouch (1992), ‘Effect of Income and Price on International Tourism’
10. Geoffrey I. Crouch (1996), ‘Demand Elasticities in International Marketing: A Meta-Analytical Application to Tourism’
11. Rob Lawson, Juergen Gnoth and Kerry Paulin (1995), ‘Tourists’ Awareness of Prices for Attractions and Activities’
12. Roland Craigwell and DeLisle Worrell (2008), ‘The Competitiveness of Selected Caribbean Tourism Markets’
13. Pan-Long Tsai and Kuo-Liang Wang (1998), ‘Competitiveness of International Tourism in Taiwan: US versus Japanese Visitors’
14. Salah S. Hassan (2000), ‘Determinants of Market Competitiveness in an Environmentally Sustainable Tourism Industry’
15. J.R. Brent Ritchie and Geoffrey I. Crouch (2003), ‘Conceptual and Theoretical Perspectives: The Sustainable Destination’
16. Twan Huybers and Jeff Bennett (2003), ‘Environmental Management and the Competitiveness of Nature-Based Tourism Destinations’
17. Tanja Mihalič (2000), ‘Environmental Management of a Tourist Destination: A Factor of Tourism Competitiveness’
18. Andreas Papatheodorou (2002), ‘Exploring Competitiveness in Mediterranean Resorts’
19. Anne-Marie d’Hauteserre (2000), ‘Lessons in Managed Destination Competitiveness: The Case of Foxwoods Casino Resort’
20. Douglas G. Pearce (1997), ‘Competitive Destination Analysis in Southeast Asia’
21. Zafar U. Ahmed and Franklin B. Krohn (1990), ‘Reversing the United States’ Declining Competitiveness in the Marketing Of International Tourism: A Perspective On Future Policy’
22. Michael J. Enright and James Newton (2005), ‘Determinants of Tourism Destination Competitiveness in Asia Pacific: Comprehensiveness and Universality’
23. Christel Botha, John L. Crompton and Seong-Seop Kim (1999), ‘Developing a Revised Competitive Position for Sun/Lost City, South Africa’
24. Barbara A. Carmichael (2002), ‘Global Competitiveness and Special Events in Cultural Tourism: The Example of the Barnes Exhibit at the Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto’
25. Chulwon Kim and Larry Dwyer (2003), ‘Destination Competitiveness and Bilateral Tourism Flows Between Australia and Korea’
26. Larry Dwyer, Zelko Livaic and Robert Mellor (2003), ‘Competitiveness of Australia as a Tourist Destination’
27. Bill Faulkner, Elizabeth Fredline and the late Martin Oppermann (1999), ‘Destination Competitiveness: An Exploratory Examination of South Australia’s Core Attractions’
28. Metin Kozak (2003), ‘Measuring Comparative Destination Performance: A Study in Spain and Turkey’
29. Larry Dwyer, Nina Mistilis, Peter Forsyth and Prasada Rao (2001), ‘International Price Competitiveness of Australia’s MICE Industry’
30. Antti J. Haahti (1986), ‘Finland’s Competitive Position as a Destination’
31.Panisa Mechinda, Sirivan Serirat Nongluck流行aijit, Aurathai Lertwannawit and Jirawat Anuwichanont (2010), ‘The Relative Impact of Competitiveness Factors And Destination Equity On Tourist’s Loyalty In Koh Chang, Thailand’
32. Robertico Croes and Manuel Antonio Rivera (2010), ‘Testing the Empirical Link Between Tourism and Competitiveness: Evidence from Puerto Rico’
33. Cheng-Fei Lee and Brian King (2009), ‘A Determination of Destination Competitiveness for Taiwan’s Hot Springs Tourism Sector Using the Delphi Technique’
34. Jayoti Das and Cassandra E. DiRienzo (2009), ‘Global Tourism Competitiveness and Freedom of the Press: A Nonlinear Relationship’
35. Mark M. Miller, Tony L. Henthorne and Babu P. George (2008), ‘The Competitiveness of the Cuban Tourism Industry in the Twenty-First Century: A Strategic Re-Evaluation’
36. Ozan Bahar and Metin Kozak (2007), ‘Advancing Destination Competitiveness Research: Comparison Between Tourists and Service Providers’
37. Enrique Claver-Cortés, José F. Molina-Azorín and Jorge Pereira-Moliner (2007), ‘Competitiveness in Mass Tourism’
Volume I
Introduction Geoffrey I. Crouch and J.R. Brent Ritchie
1. Belay Seyoum (2007), ‘Revealed Comparative Advantage and Competitiveness in Services: A Study with Special Emphasis on Developing Countries’
2. H. Peter Gray (1989), ‘Services and Comparative Advantage Theory’
3. John D. Palmer (1985), ‘Consumer Service Industry Exports: New Attitudes and Concepts Needed for a Neglected Sector’
4. Paul Krugman (1994), ‘Competitiveness: A Dangerous Obsession’
5. J.R. Brent Ritchie and Geoffrey I. Crouch (2003), ‘Conceptual and Theoretical Perspectives: The Competitive Destination’
6. J.R. Brent Ritchie and Geoffrey I. Crouch (2003), ‘A Model of Destination Competitiveness’
7. Larry Dwyer and Chulwon Kim (2003), ‘Destination Competitiveness: Determinants and Indicators’
8. Ernie Heath (2003), ‘Towards a Model to Enhance Destination Competitiveness: A Southern African Perspective’
9. Eulogio Bordas (1994), ‘Competitiveness of Tourist Destinations in Long Distance Markets’
10. Josef A. Mazanec, Karl Wöber and Andreas H. Zins (2007), ‘Tourism Destination Competitiveness: From Definition to Explanation?’
11. Larry Dwyer, Robert Mellor, Zelko Livaic, Deborah Edwards and Chulwon Kim (2004), ‘Attributes of Destination Competitiveness: A Factor Analysis’
12. Michael J. Enright and James Newton (2004), ‘Tourism Destination Competitiveness: A Quantitative Approach’
13. Geoffrey I. Crouch (2011), ‘Destination Competitiveness: An Analysis of Determinant Attributes’
14. Metin Kozak and Mike Rimmington (1999), ‘Measuring Tourist Destination Competitiveness: Conceptual Considerations and Empirical Findings’
15. Geoffrey I. Crouch (2007), ‘Measuring Tourism Competitiveness: Research, Theory and the WEF Index’
16. Maria Francesca Cracolici, Peter Nijkamp and Piet Rietveld (2008), ‘Assessment of Tourism Competitiveness by Analysing Destination Efficiency’
17. Nishaal Gooroochurn and Guntur Sugiyarto (2005), ‘Competitiveness Indicators in the Travel and Tourism Industry’
18. Jie Zhang and Camilla Jensen (2007), ‘Comparative Advantage: Explaining Tourism Flows’
19. Arturo Melián-González and Juan Manuel García-Falcón (2003), ‘Competitive Potential of Tourism in Destinations’
20. Frank M. Go and Robert Govers (2000), ‘Integrated Quality Management for Tourist Destinations: A European Perspective on Achieving Competitiveness’
21. Evi C. Soteriou and Chris Roberts (1998), ‘The Strategic Planning Process in National Tourism Organizations’
22. Jayoti Das and Cassandra DeRienzo (2010), ‘Tourism Competitiveness and Corruption: A Cross-Country Analysis’
23. Ramona Gruescu, Roxana Nanu and Anca Tanasie (2009), ‘Human Resources Development and ICT Contribution to the Tourist Destination Competitiveness’
24. Irene Daskalopoulou and Anastasia Petrou (2009), ‘Urban Tourism Competitiveness: Networks and the Regional Asset Base’
25. Dimitris Lagos and Panayiotis G. Courtis (2008), ‘Business Clusters Formation as a Means of Improving Competitiveness in the Tourism Sector’
26. Adam Blake, M. Thea Sinclair and Juan Antonio Campos Soria (2006), ‘Tourism Productivity: Evidence from the United Kingdom’
27. Dimitrios Buhalis (2000), ‘Marketing the Competitive Destination of the Future’
28. Harsha E. Chacko (1996), ‘Positioning a Tourism Destination to Gain a Competitive Edge’
29. Geoffrey I. Crouch (1994), ‘Promotion and Demand in International Tourism’
30. J.R. Brent Ritchie, Geoffrey I. Crouch and Simon Hudson (1989), ‘Assessing the Role of Consumers in the Measurement of Destination Competitiveness and Sustainability’
31.Arch G. Woodside and Steven Lysonski (1989), ‘A General Model of Traveler Destination Choice’
Volume II
An introduction by the editors appears in Volume I
1. Peter Forsyth and Larry Dwyer (2009), ‘Tourism Price Competitiveness’
2. Carlos R. Azzoni and Tatiane A. de Menezes (2009), ‘Cost Competitiveness of International Destinations’
3. Marie-Louise Mangion, Ramesh Durbarry and M. Thea Sinclair (2005), ‘Tourism Competitiveness: Price and Quality’
4. Blair F. Stevens (1992), ‘Price Value Perceptions of Travelers’
5. Larry Dwyer, Peter Forsyth and Prasada Rao (2000), ‘Price Competitiveness of Tourism Packages to Australia: Beyond the “Big Mac” Index’
6. Larry Dwyer, Peter Forsyth and Prasada Rao (2000), ‘Sectoral Analysis of Destination Price Competitiveness: An International Comparison’
7. Larry Dwyer, Peter Forsyth and Prasada Rao (2000), ‘The Price Competitiveness of Travel and Tourism: A Comparison of 19 Destinations’
8. Larry Dwyer, Peter Forsyth and Prasada Rao (2002), ‘Destination Price Competitiveness: Exchange Rate Changes versus Domestic Inflation’
9. Geoffrey I. Crouch (1992), ‘Effect of Income and Price on International Tourism’
10. Geoffrey I. Crouch (1996), ‘Demand Elasticities in International Marketing: A Meta-Analytical Application to Tourism’
11. Rob Lawson, Juergen Gnoth and Kerry Paulin (1995), ‘Tourists’ Awareness of Prices for Attractions and Activities’
12. Roland Craigwell and DeLisle Worrell (2008), ‘The Competitiveness of Selected Caribbean Tourism Markets’
13. Pan-Long Tsai and Kuo-Liang Wang (1998), ‘Competitiveness of International Tourism in Taiwan: US versus Japanese Visitors’
14. Salah S. Hassan (2000), ‘Determinants of Market Competitiveness in an Environmentally Sustainable Tourism Industry’
15. J.R. Brent Ritchie and Geoffrey I. Crouch (2003), ‘Conceptual and Theoretical Perspectives: The Sustainable Destination’
16. Twan Huybers and Jeff Bennett (2003), ‘Environmental Management and the Competitiveness of Nature-Based Tourism Destinations’
17. Tanja Mihalič (2000), ‘Environmental Management of a Tourist Destination: A Factor of Tourism Competitiveness’
18. Andreas Papatheodorou (2002), ‘Exploring Competitiveness in Mediterranean Resorts’
19. Anne-Marie d’Hauteserre (2000), ‘Lessons in Managed Destination Competitiveness: The Case of Foxwoods Casino Resort’
20. Douglas G. Pearce (1997), ‘Competitive Destination Analysis in Southeast Asia’
21. Zafar U. Ahmed and Franklin B. Krohn (1990), ‘Reversing the United States’ Declining Competitiveness in the Marketing Of International Tourism: A Perspective On Future Policy’
22. Michael J. Enright and James Newton (2005), ‘Determinants of Tourism Destination Competitiveness in Asia Pacific: Comprehensiveness and Universality’
23. Christel Botha, John L. Crompton and Seong-Seop Kim (1999), ‘Developing a Revised Competitive Position for Sun/Lost City, South Africa’
24. Barbara A. Carmichael (2002), ‘Global Competitiveness and Special Events in Cultural Tourism: The Example of the Barnes Exhibit at the Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto’
25. Chulwon Kim and Larry Dwyer (2003), ‘Destination Competitiveness and Bilateral Tourism Flows Between Australia and Korea’
26. Larry Dwyer, Zelko Livaic and Robert Mellor (2003), ‘Competitiveness of Australia as a Tourist Destination’
27. Bill Faulkner, Elizabeth Fredline and the late Martin Oppermann (1999), ‘Destination Competitiveness: An Exploratory Examination of South Australia’s Core Attractions’
28. Metin Kozak (2003), ‘Measuring Comparative Destination Performance: A Study in Spain and Turkey’
29. Larry Dwyer, Nina Mistilis, Peter Forsyth and Prasada Rao (2001), ‘International Price Competitiveness of Australia’s MICE Industry’
30. Antti J. Haahti (1986), ‘Finland’s Competitive Position as a Destination’
31.Panisa Mechinda, Sirivan Serirat Nongluck流行aijit, Aurathai Lertwannawit and Jirawat Anuwichanont (2010), ‘The Relative Impact of Competitiveness Factors And Destination Equity On Tourist’s Loyalty In Koh Chang, Thailand’
32. Robertico Croes and Manuel Antonio Rivera (2010), ‘Testing the Empirical Link Between Tourism and Competitiveness: Evidence from Puerto Rico’
33. Cheng-Fei Lee and Brian King (2009), ‘A Determination of Destination Competitiveness for Taiwan’s Hot Springs Tourism Sector Using the Delphi Technique’
34. Jayoti Das and Cassandra E. DiRienzo (2009), ‘Global Tourism Competitiveness and Freedom of the Press: A Nonlinear Relationship’
35. Mark M. Miller, Tony L. Henthorne and Babu P. George (2008), ‘The Competitiveness of the Cuban Tourism Industry in the Twenty-First Century: A Strategic Re-Evaluation’
36. Ozan Bahar and Metin Kozak (2007), ‘Advancing Destination Competitiveness Research: Comparison Between Tourists and Service Providers’
37. Enrique Claver-Cortés, José F. Molina-Azorín and Jorge Pereira-Moliner (2007), ‘Competitiveness in Mass Tourism’