Controversies in Economics and Finance
9781802203288 爱德华·埃尔加出版社
在这本迷人的书中,Imad A. Moosa挑战了规范经济学的现有先入之见,认为某些经济学家认为无可争议的生活事实可能是由教条思维引起的神话。建议在经济学和金融领域的各个领域(例如家庭偏见难题,PPP难题和总统难题)中提出了合理的解释。经济学和金融方面的争议是发人深省和令人兴奋的阅读,它暴露了经济分析中的常见缺陷。对于希望了解经济分析限制的学者,研究生和政策制定者,这将是很大的好处。
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在这本迷人的书中,Imad A. Moosa挑战了规范经济学的现有先入之见,认为某些经济学家认为无可争议的生活事实可能是由教条思维引起的神话。
- Ronald D. Ripple博士,Mervin Bovaird能源商业与金融教授(退休),美国塔尔萨大学
‘Professor Imad Moosa’s text will be welcomed by anyone who values and seeks clear thinking in relation to those areas of the social sciences that determine the social and economic environment in which we live. To this end, the text succeeds in penetrating the discipline’s fabric of “received wisdom” with its bogus puzzles and perpetrated myths. In doing so, the text shines a much-needed light on the corrupted nature of academic publishing that continues to masquerade as meaningful academic research. If a first step to achieving meaningful academic institutions in our society is the recognition of the failures of the current system, then this text represents just such a step.’
– Michael Dempsey, Tan Duc Thang (TDT) University, Vietnam
- Ronald D. Ripple博士,Mervin Bovaird能源商业与金融教授(退休),美国塔尔萨大学
‘Professor Imad Moosa’s text will be welcomed by anyone who values and seeks clear thinking in relation to those areas of the social sciences that determine the social and economic environment in which we live. To this end, the text succeeds in penetrating the discipline’s fabric of “received wisdom” with its bogus puzzles and perpetrated myths. In doing so, the text shines a much-needed light on the corrupted nature of academic publishing that continues to masquerade as meaningful academic research. If a first step to achieving meaningful academic institutions in our society is the recognition of the failures of the current system, then this text represents just such a step.’
– Michael Dempsey, Tan Duc Thang (TDT) University, Vietnam