Foreign Direct Investment and Technological Change


Foreign Direct Investment and Technological Change

9781858989297 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by John Cantwell, Professor of International Business, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Newark, US
Publication Date:1999 ISBN:978 1 85898 929 7 Extent:1,056 pp
This comprehensive new collection provides a careful selection of the major writings to have appeared in the field of foreign direct investment (FDI) and technological change since 1966.

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This comprehensive new collection provides a careful selection of the major writings to have appeared in the field of foreign direct investment (FDI) and technological change since 1966.

It has been prepared by one of the leading contributors and pioneers in this field, and is an area of research that has attracted a steady growth in interest over the last thirty years.

After a new introduction which critically surveys the literature, the collection provides a comprehensive coverage that incorporates the early analysis of FDI and technology; the theoretical foundations of the analysis of technological change in multinational firms; theoretical models and empirical studies of technology transfer; the internationalization of technology creation; technology-based inter-company alliances; the co-evolution of FDI and technological development at country level; the geographical localization of the technological efforts of foreign-owned affiliates and technology spillovers between firms.
Critical Acclaim
‘This work is for honours students, researchers and academics, who will no doubt see it as a resource of key articles.’
– Economic Outlook and Business Review
41 articles, dating from 1966 to 1998
Contributors include: M. Blomström, R.E. Caves, J.H. Dunning, B. Kogut, S. Lall, E. Mansfield, T. Ozawa, N. Rosenberg, D.J. Teece, R. Vernon

Volume I:
Acknowledgements • Introduction
Part I: Early Analysis and Theoretical Foundations
1. Raymond Vernon (1966), ‘International Investment and International Trade in the Product Cycle’
2. John H. Dunning (1970), ‘Foreign Capital and Economic Growth in Europe’
3. Edwin Mansfield (1974), ‘Technology and Technological Change’
4. Stephen P. Magee (1977), ‘Multinational Corporations, the Industry Technology Cycle and Development’
5. Giovanni Dosi (1984), ‘Technical Change in the International Environment: the Dynamics of Trade and Investment’
6. John Cantwell (1991), ‘The Theory of Technological Competence and its Application to International Production’
7. Bruce Kogut and Udo Zander (1995), ‘Knowledge, Market Failure and the Multinational Enterprise: A Reply’
Part II: Technology Transfer – Theory
8. Harvey Lapan and Pranab Bardhan (1973), ‘Localized Technical Progress and Transfer of Technology and Economic Development’
9. Peter J. Buckley and Mark Casson (1976), ‘A Long-Run Theory of the Multinational Enterprise’
10. Tetsunori Koizumi and Kenneth J. Kopecky (1977), ‘Economic Growth, Capital Movements and the International Transfer of Technical Knowledge’
11. Ronald Findlay (1978), ‘Relative Backwardness, Direct Foreign Investment and the Transfer of Technology: A Simple Dynamic Model’
12. W.H. Davidson and Donald G. McFetridge (1984), ‘International Technology Transactions and the Theory of the Firm’
13. Jian-Ye Wang and Magnus Blomström (1992), ‘Foreign Investment and Technology Transfer: A Simple Model’
Part III: Technology Transfer – Historical and Empirical Analysis
14. Mira Wilkins (1974), ‘The Role of Private Business in the International Diffusion of Technology’
15. D.J. Teece (1977), ‘Technology Transfer by Multinational Firms: The Resource Cost of Transferring Technological Know-How’
16.Arthur W. Lake (1979), ‘Technology Creation and Technology Transfer by Multinational Firms’
17. Edwin Mansfield and Anthony Romeo (1980), ‘Technology Transfer to Overseas Subsidiaries of U.S.-Based Firms’
18. Robert C. Hirschey and Richard E. Caves (1981), ‘Research and Transfer of Technology by Multinational Enterprises’
19. Nathan Rosenberg (1982), ‘The International Transfer of Technology: Implications for the Industrialized Countries’
Name Index

Volume II:
Part I: The Internationalization of Technology Creation
1. Edwin Mansfield, David Teece and Anthony Romeo (1979), ‘Overseas Research and Development by US-Based Firms’
2. Ove Granstrand (1979), ‘R&D and Corporate Internationalization’
3. Sanjaya Lall (1979), ‘The International Allocation of Research Activity by US Multinationals’
4. Gary Hewitt (1980), ‘Research and Development Performed Abroad by US Manufacturing Multinationals’
5. Lars Håkanson and Udo Zander (1988), ‘International Management of R&D: The Swedish Experience’
6. Pari Patel (1995), ‘Localised Production of Technology for Global Markets’
7. John Cantwell (1995), ‘The Globalisation of Technology: What Remains of the Product Cycle Model?’
8. Marina Papanastassiou and Robert Pearce (1997), ‘Technology Sourcing and the Strategic Roles of Manufacturing Subsidiaries in the U.K.: Local Competences and Global Competitiveness’
Part II: Technology-Based Inter-Company Alliances
9. François Chesnais (1988), ‘Multinational Enterprises and the International Diffusion of Technology’
10. David C. Mowery and Nathan Rosenberg (1989), ‘International and Domestic Collaboration in Research and Development’
11. John Hagedoorn and Jos Schakensraad (1992), ‘Leading Companies and Networks of Strategic Alliances in Information Technologies’
12. John Hagedoorn and Rajneesh Narula (1996), ‘Choosing Organizational Modes of Strategic Technology Partnering: International and Sectoral Differences’
13. Frédérique Sachwald (1998), ‘Cooperative Agreements and the Theory of the Firm: Focusing on Barriers to Change’
Part III: The Co-Evolution of FDI and Technological Development
14. Sanjaya Lall (1987), ‘Multinationals and Technology Development in Host LDCs’
15. Terutomo Ozawa (1991), ‘Japan in a New Phase of Multinationalism and Industrial Upgrading: Functional Integration of Trade, Growth and FDI’
16.Terutomo小泽一郎(1992),“外国直接Investment and Economic Development’
17. John H. Dunning and Rajneesh Narula (1996), ‘The Investment Development Path Revisited: Some Emerging Issues’
第四部分:在Multinationa地理定位l Corporations and Technology Spillovers
18. Bruce Kogut and Sea Jin Chang (1991), ‘Technological Capabilities and Japanese Foreign Direct Investment in the United States’
19. Ari Kokko (1994), ‘Technology, Market Characteristics, and Spillovers’
20. Paul Almeida (1996), ‘Knowledge Sourcing by Foreign Multinationals: Patent Citation Analysis in the U.S. Semiconductor Industry’
21. John H. Dunning (1996), ‘The Geographical Sources of the Competitiveness of Firms: Some Results of a New Survey’
22. Tommaso Perez (1997), ‘Multinational Enterprises and Technological Spillovers: An Evolutionary Model’
Name Index
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