Graduate Migration and Regional Development


Graduate Migration and Regional Development

An International Perspective

9781784712150 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by Jonathan Corcoran, School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Queensland, Australia and Alessandra Faggian, Gran Sasso Science Institute, Italy
Publication Date:2017 ISBN:978 1 78471 215 0 Extent:272页
这本书旨在集成和增强当前的圣ate-of-the-art knowledge on graduate migration and its role in local economic development. Comprising the key scholars working in the field, it draws together an international series of case studies on graduate migration, a recognised critical component of the global pool of labour. Each chapter describes empirically founded approaches to examining the role and characteristics of graduate migration in differing situational contexts, highlighting issues concerning government policy, data and methods.

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这本书旨在集成和增强当前的圣ate-of-the-art knowledge on graduate migration and its role in local economic development. Offering an international perspective, it is the first focused book of its kind on graduate migration, a recognised and critical component of the global pool of labour.

Written by the key scholars working in the field, it draws together an international series of case studies. Each chapter describes empirically founded approaches to examining the role and characteristics of graduate migration in differing situational contexts, highlighting issues concerning government policy, data and methods. Crucially, it assesses the role highly educated individuals play in regional economic development and the determinants of graduate mobility, revealing the characteristics that attract and retain graduates.

This unique book is an essential volume for scholars and researchers of geography, regional studies, labour and migration seeking an in-depth, international understanding of human-capital attraction and retention.
Critical Acclaim
‘Being mobile has become an ubiquitous modus operandi as the highly educated seek to advance, and take advantage of their human capital. Corcoran and Faggian’s edited volume helps us to understand the causes and consequences of university graduates’ choices to migrate or stay put. The selected contributions – situated in ten OECD countries – cover a wide spectrum of issues, from overeducation and wages to life-course linkages and impacts of the Great Recession. It is an insightful and timely account of the intellectual elite’s sorting and redistribution in developed countries.’
– Brigitte Waldorf, Purdue University, US

‘Graduates are key resources to economic development. "Enlighted" policy makers around the world spend effort and resources to attract and retain them. However, our understanding of the drivers and impacts of graduate mobility remains limited. This book offers invaluable insights into this debate by combining cutting-edge academic knowledge with a truly global coverage of examples and case studies.’
– Riccardo Crescenzi, London School of Economics, UK

‘An excellent work providing updated and comprehensive international evidence on graduate migration and on the mechanisms underlying it. A must-read for experts in regional science and educational studies.’
– Paolo Veneri, OECD, France

‘Higher-educated graduates are highly spatially mobile and are the major determinant of change of human capital in a region. In this book, well-known experts add new insight to the literature on the outcomes of various types of graduate migration for education–job mismatch and wages, and show how this varies among singles and couples, by gender and by the characteristics of the regional labour market. The interesting findings are based on empirical evidence from countries all over the world.’
– Jouke van Dijk, University of Groningen, the Netherlands

‘By providing an international perspective on graduate migration, this book offers elegant and stimulating advances on the interpretation of high-skilled mobility. Through the identification of sources of mismatches between individual qualification and job offered, of push or pull economic and social factors for migration, and of wage discrepancies between types of migrants, the reader is provided with a comprehensive, consistent, modern and well-structured framework of the socio-economic problems concerning tertiary-educated migrants.’
– Roberta Capello, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Contributors: R. Comunian, J. Corcoran, C. Détang-Dessendre, A. Faggian, R.S. Franklin, M. Haapanen, S. Iammarino, S. Jewell, H. Karhunen, N. Maldonado, E. Marinelli, K.B. Newbold, V. Piguet, R. Ramos, F. Rowe, V. Royuela, A.Z.R. Tang, V.A. Venhorst


1. Graduate migration and regional development: An international perspective

2. The role of migration on education-job mismatch: Evidence from overseas graduates in Australia
Angelina Zhi Rou Tang, Jonathan Corcoran and Francisco Rowe

3. Graduate migration in Canada
K. Bruce Newbold

4. Graduate overeducation and spatial mobility in Italy
Simona Iammarino and Elisabetta Marinelli

5. Constrained choice? Graduate early career job-to-job mobility in core and non-core regions in the Netherlands.
Viktor A. Venhorst

6. Working while studying: Does it lead to greater attachment to the regional labour market?
Mika Haapanen and Hannu Karhunen

7. Graduates and migration in France: Between urban labour market attraction and interest in amenities
Cécile Détang-Dessendre and Virginie Piguet

8. Graduate migration in Spain: the impact of the great recession on a low mobility country
Raul Ramos and Vicente Royuela

9. Migration of graduates in Mexico
Norman Maldonado

10. Human capital migration and salaries: an examination of US college graduates
Alessandra Faggian, Jonathan Corcoran and Rachel S. Franklin

11. Graduates migration in the UK: An exploration of gender dynamics and employment patterns
Roberta Comunian, Sarah Jewell and Alessandra Faggian

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