Handbook of Virtual Work


Handbook of Virtual Work

9781802200492 爱德华埃尔加Publishing
Edited by Lucy L. Gilson, Dean, Peter T. Paul College of Business and Economics, University of New Hampshire, US, Thomas O’Neill, Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Calgary, Canada and M. Travis Maynard, Associate Dean for Graduate Programs, College of Business, Colorado State University, US
Publication Date:2023 ISBN:978 1 80220 049 2 Extent:518 pp
In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, this timely Handbook builds upon research and practice to discuss and assess what is currently known about virtual work and its evolution, given the increasing numbers of those working virtually.

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In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, this timely Handbook builds upon research and practice to discuss and assess what is currently known about virtual work and its evolution, given the increasing numbers of those working virtually.

Taking a holistic approach to the subject, the expert contributors review the critical areas of virtual work split into five thematic parts. Firstly technology, the foundation of virtual work, is thoroughly discussed focussing on new forms of technology and the use of AI. Working practices of both the individual and virtual teams are then fully reviewed alongside the organisation, context and emerging systems that support virtual work in practice. Forward-thinking, this Handbook, looks at the future direction and where we go from here towards the next decade of virtual work.

Managers and practitioners who are moving towards virtual or hybrid working or continuing to work remotely will find this an excellent resource for ongoing and future guidance. Scholars and researchers interested in this expanding subject will find this illuminating and informative.
Critical Acclaim
虚功的手册提供了一个金矿of incredible insights on working virtually, from selecting communication technology and artificial intelligence augmentation, to managing the work-family interface and emotions, and maximizing the collective dynamics that characterize collaboration in the virtual world. Gilson and her colleagues have assembled a multidisciplinary set of global authorities on these topics. The virtual workplace is here to stay and this Handbook is poised to help researchers and practitioners alike navigate the challenges and celebrate the advantages for years to come.’
– Cristina Gibson, Pepperdine University, California, US

‘What a pleasure to see this new contribution to one of the more challenging topics for managers in the post Covid-19 era. While we have been writing about and researching virtual, distant, and remote workers for several years, the pandemic made this a critical topic for managers to address as many employees worked at home. Gilson, O’Neill and Maynard have done a tremendous job of addressing this issue by collecting the ideas and research from experts from across the world. They offer here a comprehensive and organized review of what we know about virtual work into five key topic areas. From the technology to individual employees to organizational considerations, this Handbook covers it all. For anyone who wants to learn the latest and best knowledge available on virtual work, this is the book to read.’
– Robert C. Ford, Professor Emeritus, University of Central Florida, US
Contributors: Marta Pereira Alves, Nohelia Argote, Mary Bank, Angie Benda, Rhyse Bendell, Margarete Boos, Petros Chamakiotis, Claudia C. Cogliser, Patrícia Costa, Chloe Darlington, Isabel Dórdio Dimas, Nathaniel Easton, Omar El-Sawy, Miriam Erez, Jennifer Feitosa, Stephen M. Fiore, Christopher Flathmann, William L. Gardner, Haimanti Ghosh, Jennifer L. Gibbs, Lucy Gilson, Ella Glikson, Timothy D. Golden, Sanjay Gosain, Azucena "Sheny” Grady, Terri L. Griffith, Pranav Gupta, Lisa Handke, Thomas Hardwig, Raveh Harush, James M. Hughes, Marta Jackowska, Charlotte Jonasson, William S. Kramer, Barbara Larson, Jakob Lauring, Robert C. Litchfield, Paulo Renato Lourenço, Ann Majchrzak, Erin Makarius, Arvind Malhotra, Utpal Mangla, Travis Maynard, Nathan J. McNeese, Valerie J. Morganson, Nitzan Navick, Emma Nordbäck, Niina Nurmi, Tom O’Neill, Niki Panteli, Sharon K. Parker, Teresa Rebelo, Ramón Rico, Eduardo Salas, Beau Schelble, Anu Sivunen, Sherry M.B. Thatcher, Jeffrey W. Treem, Ward van Zoonen, Bin Wang, Jessica Williams, Rachael A. Woldoff, Anita Williams Woolley, Michael Zaggl

Introduction xx
1 Bringing technological affordances into virtual work 3
Jennifer L. Gibbs and Nitzan Navick
2 Role of communication technologies in virtual work 21
Anu Sivunen, Jeffrey W. Treem and Ward van Zoonen
3 Virtual collaboration: human foundations augmented by intelligent technology 41
Terri L. Griffith and Utpal Mangla
4 Using AI to enhance collective intelligence in virtual teams:
augmenting cognition with technology to help teams adapt to complexity 67
Anita Williams Woolley, Pranav Gupta and Ella Glikson
5 Principles on how to manage interactions between human workers and
artificial intelligence/machine learning technologies 89
Michael A. Zaggl and Ann Majchrzak
6 Refocusing human–AI interaction through a teamwork lens 109
Christopher Flathmann, Beau G. Schelble and Nathan J. McNeese

7 When the time-space continuum shifts: telework and alterations in the
work–family interface 130
Timothy D. Golden and Valerie J. Morganson
8 Remoteness or virtuality? A refined framework of individual skills
needed for remote and virtual work 146
Erin E. Makarius and Barbara Z. Larson
9 Emotions and emotional management in virtual contexts 164
Isabel D. Dimas, Teresa Rebelo, Marta P. Alves and Paulo R. Lourenço
10 Digital nomads: curiosity or trend? 186
Robert C. Litchfield and Rachael A. Woldoff

11 Virtuality and the eyes of the beholder: beyond static relationships
between teams and technology 199
Patrícia Costa and Lisa Handke
12 Leadership and virtual work in a pandemic and post-pandemic world 216
Claudia C. Cogliser, William L. Gardner, Haimanti Ghosh and Azucena Grady
13 Faultlines in virtual teams 235
Sherry M.B. Thatcher and Ramón Rico
14 The surge in digitalization: new challenges for team member collaboration 257
Thomas Hardwig and Margarete Boos

15 Virtual teams and team cognition 280
Stephen M. Fiore, Rhyse Bendell and Jessica Williams
16 Understanding trust in virtual work teams 305
Angie N. Benda, William S. Kramer, Mary E. Baak and Jennifer Feitosa
17 Bouncing back as a virtual team: essential elements of virtual team resilience 325
Nohelia Argote, Chloe Darlington, Jennifer Feitosa and Eduardo Salas
18 Engendering creativity in temporary virtual project teams: the case of
a product design firm 347
Petros Chamakiotis and Niki Panteli

19 Organizational context and climate for virtual work 363
Emma Nordbäck and Niina Nurmi
20 Virtuality and inclusiveness in organizations 384
Jakob Lauring, Charlotte Jonasson and Marta Jackowska
21 Embracing the digital workplace: a SMART work design approach to
supporting virtual work 403
Bin Wang and Sharon K. Parker
22 Global multinational organizations and virtual work 425
Miriam Erez, Ella Glikson and Raveh Harush
23 Orchestrating dynamic value networks: interface-focused pathways to
enhance coordination and learning 442
Sanjay Gosain, Arvind Malhotra and Omar A. El Sawy

24 Virtual work – where do we go from here? Setting a research agenda 466
Thomas O’Neill, M. Travis Maynard, Lucy L. Gilson, James M. Hughes and
Nathaniel Easton

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