Handbook on Agriculture, Biotechnology and Development
This book is a compendium of knowledge, experience and insight on agriculture, biotechnology and development. Beginning with an account of GM crop adoptions and attitudes towards them, the book assesses numerous crucial processes, concluding with detailed insights into GM products. Drawing on expert perspectives of leading authors from 57 different institutions in 16 countries, it provides a unique, global overview of agbiotech following 20 years of adoption. Many consider GM crops the most rapid agricultural innovation adopted in the history of agriculture. This book provides insights as to why the adoption has occurred globally at such a rapid rate.
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This book is a compendium of knowledge, experience and insight on agriculture, biotechnology and development. Beginning with an account of GM crop adoptions and attitudes towards them, the book assesses numerous crucial processes, concluding with detailed insights into GM products. Drawing on expert perspectives of leading authors from 57 different institutions in 16 countries, it provides a unique, global overview of agbiotech following 20 years of adoption. Many consider GM crops the most rapid agricultural innovation adopted in the history of agriculture. This book provides insights as to why the adoption has occurred globally at such a rapid rate.
This is a rich and varied collection of research, which will appeal to scholars, academics and practitioners worldwide. An invaluable resource, this book will be a first point of reference to anyone with an interest in agbiotech and studies into agriculture, biotechnology and development.
This is a rich and varied collection of research, which will appeal to scholars, academics and practitioners worldwide. An invaluable resource, this book will be a first point of reference to anyone with an interest in agbiotech and studies into agriculture, biotechnology and development.
Critical Acclaim
'This is a timely assessment of the current and possible future status of GMOs, with useful observations on what has been learned along the way and how this knowledge might be applied. Well edited and produced.'
– L. C. Devis, Kansas State University, Choice
‘This Handbook covers a contentious topic, so the approach of the editors is refreshing, especially their transparent introduction as to how they organized their work. A key theme is evidence. I have been involved in agro-biotechnology for 25 years, mainly at the international level; I know that evidence is what matters. This is a comprehensive coverage of many aspects of agro-biotechnology but it is easy to navigate through the chapters and follow any number of issues of interest.’
– Peter Kearns, OECD, Paris
‘This Handbook is a tour de force, providing fascinating insights and nourishments for the mind that will shape views and visions. The rich interplay between science and society, between agriculture and development, comprehensively addressed in this Handbook is a must-read for anyone wishing to make a meaningful contribution to global development.’
– Anatole Krattiger, Cornell University, US
‘Over the last two decades one of the great global emerging technological trends has been the shift from chemistry to biology in agriculture. Bitterly contested and enduringly controversial, the shift to biotechnology has nevertheless led to greater sustainability and promises even greater gains in years to come. This Handbook is an invaluable compendium of detailed case study and insight.’
– Mark Lynas, Cornell University, US
‘This important volume analyses the current state of crop biotechnology development and regulation. It establishes a firm basis for understanding the current level of deployment of crops modified by biotechnology and also the uneven and often unscientific bases that have been used to judge their merits for particular regions. This book is an indispensable reference for anyone concerned with the development of this vital area of agriculture.’
– Peter H. Raven, Missouri Botanical Garden, US
‘With interest in biotechnology surging, this book is a must-read for anyone who wants to learn more about the potential that advancements in modern agriculture have to offer, how they’ve already changed agriculture around the world and what’s coming down the pipeline. Agriculture is about economics, the environment and feeding the world; so too, at the heart of it, is biotechnology, as this book so clearly demonstrates. The authors have years of experience with biotechnology and their expertise shines through on each page.’
– Lorne Hepworth, CropLife Canada
– L. C. Devis, Kansas State University, Choice
‘This Handbook covers a contentious topic, so the approach of the editors is refreshing, especially their transparent introduction as to how they organized their work. A key theme is evidence. I have been involved in agro-biotechnology for 25 years, mainly at the international level; I know that evidence is what matters. This is a comprehensive coverage of many aspects of agro-biotechnology but it is easy to navigate through the chapters and follow any number of issues of interest.’
– Peter Kearns, OECD, Paris
‘This Handbook is a tour de force, providing fascinating insights and nourishments for the mind that will shape views and visions. The rich interplay between science and society, between agriculture and development, comprehensively addressed in this Handbook is a must-read for anyone wishing to make a meaningful contribution to global development.’
– Anatole Krattiger, Cornell University, US
‘Over the last two decades one of the great global emerging technological trends has been the shift from chemistry to biology in agriculture. Bitterly contested and enduringly controversial, the shift to biotechnology has nevertheless led to greater sustainability and promises even greater gains in years to come. This Handbook is an invaluable compendium of detailed case study and insight.’
– Mark Lynas, Cornell University, US
‘This important volume analyses the current state of crop biotechnology development and regulation. It establishes a firm basis for understanding the current level of deployment of crops modified by biotechnology and also the uneven and often unscientific bases that have been used to judge their merits for particular regions. This book is an indispensable reference for anyone concerned with the development of this vital area of agriculture.’
– Peter H. Raven, Missouri Botanical Garden, US
‘With interest in biotechnology surging, this book is a must-read for anyone who wants to learn more about the potential that advancements in modern agriculture have to offer, how they’ve already changed agriculture around the world and what’s coming down the pipeline. Agriculture is about economics, the environment and feeding the world; so too, at the heart of it, is biotechnology, as this book so clearly demonstrates. The authors have years of experience with biotechnology and their expertise shines through on each page.’
– Lorne Hepworth, CropLife Canada
Contributors: A.A. Adenle, P. Aerni, C. Alexander, J.M. Alston, V. Beckmann, J. Bognar, C.G. Borroto, D. Brewin, G. Brookes, J. Carpenter, Y. Carrière, D. Castle, M. Chen, P. Conceição, B. Dayananda, M. Demont, K. Dillen, D. Eaton, E. Einsiedel, J. Falck-Zepeda, J. Fernandez-Cornejo, G.B. Frisvold, C.V. Gonslaves, D. Gonsalves, M. Gouse, G. Graff, R. Gray, A. Gupta, W.O. Hennessey, J.E. Hobbs, W.E. Huffman, L. A. Jackson, C. Juma, N. Kalaitzandonakes, S. Kaplan, V.J. Karplus, W.A. Kerr, G.G. Khachatourians, E.M. Kikulwe, E. Kim, D.E. Kolady, S.P. Kowalski, J. Kruse, L. Levidow, S. Levine, K. Ludlow, X. Ma, A. Magnier, S. Malla, I. Matuschke, J.J. McCluskey, A. McHughen, J. Medlock, D. Miller, L. Nagarajan, A. Naseem, C. Oguamanam, M. Ouattarra, M. Owen, R. Paarlberg, P. W. B. Phillips, M. Qaim, T. Raney, J.M. Reeves, S.D. Rhodes, S.M.H. Rizvi, C.D. Ryan, D. Schimmelpfennig, G.J. Scoles, G. Skogstad, S. J. Smyth, C. Soregaroli, D.J. Spielman, A.J. Stein, J. Thomson, J. Vitale, G. Vognan, G. Waterfield, S. Wechsler, J. Wesseler, A. Williams, W.W. Wilson, L.L. Wolfenbarger, G. Ye, J. Yorobe Jr, D.Z. Zeng, D. Zilberman
Editor’s Introduction: Conceptual Framing of the IAD framework and Methods, Models and Metrics
1. Introduction to Agriculture, Biotechnology and Development
Stuart J. Smyth, Peter W.B. Phillips and David Castle
2. Global Adoption of GM Crops, 1995–2010
3. Structure of Public Research
Richard Gray and Buwani Dayananda
4. The Private Sector: MNEs and SMEs
Jill E. Hobbs
5. Biotechnology in North America: The United States, Canada and Mexico
Julia Bognar and Grace Skogstad
6. South American Adopters: Argentina and Brazil
7. Africa
Jennifer Thomson
8. China
Valerie J. Karplus
9. Agricultural Biotechnology in India: Impacts and Controversies
Matin Qaim
10. Oceania: Australia, New Zealand, Japan and The Philippines
Karinne Ludlow and Jose Yorobe Jr.
11. European Union Policy Conflicts over Agbiotech: Ecological Modernisation Perspectives and Critiques
Les Levidow
12. Africa Non-adopters
Robert Paarlberg
13. Non-adopters of GM Crops in Latin American
Jose Falck-Zepeda
14. The Cuban Context for Agriculture and Innovation
Carlos G. Borroto
15. Risk Assessment Frameworks in the Multilateral Setting
Lee Ann Jackson
16. The Trade System and Biotechnology
William A. Kerr
17. Developing Countries and the Legal Institutions at the Intersection of Agbiotech and Development
Chidi Oguamanam
18. Consumer Attitudes and Preferences for GM Products
Stuart J. Smyth and David Castle
19. The Motivation and Impact of Organized Public Resistance Against Agricultural Biotechnology
Philip Aerni
20. The Research Pipeline
Peter W.B. Phillips
21. Clusters, Innovation Systems and Biotechnology in Developing Country Agriculture
David j . Spielman,道格拉斯志华曾庆红和Xingliang Ma
22. Practice Driving Policy: Agbiotech Transfer as Capacity Building
William O. Hennessey, Aarushi Gupta and Stanley P. Kowalski
23. The North American Crop Biotech Environment, Actors and Rules
David Schimmelpfennig
24. Adoption Decisions
Corinne Alexander
25. Co-existence
Volker Beckmann, Claudio Soregaroli and Justus Wesseler
26. Biotechnology and the Inputs Industry
Anwar Naseem and Latha Nagarajan
27. Market Power in the US Biotech Industry
Alexandre Magnier, Nicholas Kalaitzandonakes and Douglas Miller
28. The Dynamic IP System in Crop Genetics and Biotechnology
Derek Eaton and Greg Graff
29. Environment Effects
LaReesa Wolfenbarger, Yves Carrière and Micheal Owen
30. Labelling of Genetically Modified Foods
Wallace E. Huffman and Jill J. McCluskey
31. Biotechnology and Food Security
Calestous Juma, Pedro Conceição and Sebastian Levine
32. International Regimes on Plant Intellectual Property Rights and Plant Genetic Resources: Implications for Stakeholders
Deepthi Elizabeth Kolady
33. Engaging Publics on Agbiotech: A Retrospective Look
Jennifer Medlock and Edna Einsiedel
34. Lessons from the California GM Labelling Proposition on the State of Crop Biotechnology
David Zilberman, Scott Kaplan, Eunice Kim and Gina Waterfield
35. Biotechnology Communications, Mythmaking and the Media
Camille D. Ryan
36. Soybeans
Jorge Fernandez-Cornejo and Seth Wechsler
37. Maize/Corn
Janet Carpenter, Marnus Gouse and Jose Yorobe Jr.
38. GM Cotton
Jeffrey Vitale, Gaspard Vognan and Marc Ouattarra
39. Canola
Derek Brewin and Stavroula Malla
40.夏威夷Papaya Story
Carol V. Gonsalves and Dennis Gonsalves
41. Sugar Beet
Koen Dillen and Matty Demont
42. Rice
Matty Demont, Mao Chen, Gongyin Ye and Alexander J. Stein
43. Aggregate Effects: Adopters and Non-adopters, Investors and Consumers
George B. Frisvold and Jeanne M. Reeves
44. Economic Success but Political Failure? The Paradox of GM Crops in Developing Countries
Terri Raney, Ademola A. Adenle and Ira Matuschke
45. The Size and Distribution of the Benefits from the Adoption of Biotech Soybean Varieties
Julian M. Alston, Nicholas Kalaitzandonakes and John Kruse
46. Wheat: Status, Outlook and Implications
William W. Wilson
47. Small Grains: Barley, Oat and Rye
Syed Masood H. Rizvi and Graham J. Scoles
48. Incremental Benefits of Genetically Modified Bananas in Uganda
Enoch M. Kikulwe, Jose Falck-Zepeda and Justus Wesseler
49. Biofuels and GM Feedstocks
Alphanso Williams and William A. Kerr
50. Non-food GM Crops: Phytoremediation, Industrial Products and Pharmaceuticals
George G. Khachatourians
51. Tomatoes, Potatoes and Flax: Exploring the Cost of Lost Innovations
Camille D. Ryan and Alan McHughen
Editor’s Introduction: Conceptual Framing of the IAD framework and Methods, Models and Metrics
1. Introduction to Agriculture, Biotechnology and Development
Stuart J. Smyth, Peter W.B. Phillips and David Castle
2. Global Adoption of GM Crops, 1995–2010
3. Structure of Public Research
Richard Gray and Buwani Dayananda
4. The Private Sector: MNEs and SMEs
Jill E. Hobbs
5. Biotechnology in North America: The United States, Canada and Mexico
Julia Bognar and Grace Skogstad
6. South American Adopters: Argentina and Brazil
7. Africa
Jennifer Thomson
8. China
Valerie J. Karplus
9. Agricultural Biotechnology in India: Impacts and Controversies
Matin Qaim
10. Oceania: Australia, New Zealand, Japan and The Philippines
Karinne Ludlow and Jose Yorobe Jr.
11. European Union Policy Conflicts over Agbiotech: Ecological Modernisation Perspectives and Critiques
Les Levidow
12. Africa Non-adopters
Robert Paarlberg
13. Non-adopters of GM Crops in Latin American
Jose Falck-Zepeda
14. The Cuban Context for Agriculture and Innovation
Carlos G. Borroto
15. Risk Assessment Frameworks in the Multilateral Setting
Lee Ann Jackson
16. The Trade System and Biotechnology
William A. Kerr
17. Developing Countries and the Legal Institutions at the Intersection of Agbiotech and Development
Chidi Oguamanam
18. Consumer Attitudes and Preferences for GM Products
Stuart J. Smyth and David Castle
19. The Motivation and Impact of Organized Public Resistance Against Agricultural Biotechnology
Philip Aerni
20. The Research Pipeline
Peter W.B. Phillips
21. Clusters, Innovation Systems and Biotechnology in Developing Country Agriculture
David j . Spielman,道格拉斯志华曾庆红和Xingliang Ma
22. Practice Driving Policy: Agbiotech Transfer as Capacity Building
William O. Hennessey, Aarushi Gupta and Stanley P. Kowalski
23. The North American Crop Biotech Environment, Actors and Rules
David Schimmelpfennig
24. Adoption Decisions
Corinne Alexander
25. Co-existence
Volker Beckmann, Claudio Soregaroli and Justus Wesseler
26. Biotechnology and the Inputs Industry
Anwar Naseem and Latha Nagarajan
27. Market Power in the US Biotech Industry
Alexandre Magnier, Nicholas Kalaitzandonakes and Douglas Miller
28. The Dynamic IP System in Crop Genetics and Biotechnology
Derek Eaton and Greg Graff
29. Environment Effects
LaReesa Wolfenbarger, Yves Carrière and Micheal Owen
30. Labelling of Genetically Modified Foods
Wallace E. Huffman and Jill J. McCluskey
31. Biotechnology and Food Security
Calestous Juma, Pedro Conceição and Sebastian Levine
32. International Regimes on Plant Intellectual Property Rights and Plant Genetic Resources: Implications for Stakeholders
Deepthi Elizabeth Kolady
33. Engaging Publics on Agbiotech: A Retrospective Look
Jennifer Medlock and Edna Einsiedel
34. Lessons from the California GM Labelling Proposition on the State of Crop Biotechnology
David Zilberman, Scott Kaplan, Eunice Kim and Gina Waterfield
35. Biotechnology Communications, Mythmaking and the Media
Camille D. Ryan
36. Soybeans
Jorge Fernandez-Cornejo and Seth Wechsler
37. Maize/Corn
Janet Carpenter, Marnus Gouse and Jose Yorobe Jr.
38. GM Cotton
Jeffrey Vitale, Gaspard Vognan and Marc Ouattarra
39. Canola
Derek Brewin and Stavroula Malla
40.夏威夷Papaya Story
Carol V. Gonsalves and Dennis Gonsalves
41. Sugar Beet
Koen Dillen and Matty Demont
42. Rice
Matty Demont, Mao Chen, Gongyin Ye and Alexander J. Stein
43. Aggregate Effects: Adopters and Non-adopters, Investors and Consumers
George B. Frisvold and Jeanne M. Reeves
44. Economic Success but Political Failure? The Paradox of GM Crops in Developing Countries
Terri Raney, Ademola A. Adenle and Ira Matuschke
45. The Size and Distribution of the Benefits from the Adoption of Biotech Soybean Varieties
Julian M. Alston, Nicholas Kalaitzandonakes and John Kruse
46. Wheat: Status, Outlook and Implications
William W. Wilson
47. Small Grains: Barley, Oat and Rye
Syed Masood H. Rizvi and Graham J. Scoles
48. Incremental Benefits of Genetically Modified Bananas in Uganda
Enoch M. Kikulwe, Jose Falck-Zepeda and Justus Wesseler
49. Biofuels and GM Feedstocks
Alphanso Williams and William A. Kerr
50. Non-food GM Crops: Phytoremediation, Industrial Products and Pharmaceuticals
George G. Khachatourians
51. Tomatoes, Potatoes and Flax: Exploring the Cost of Lost Innovations
Camille D. Ryan and Alan McHughen