Handbook on the History of Economic Analysis Volume III
Developments in Major Fields of Economics
9781788972390 Edward Elgar Publishing
Volume III contains entries on the development of major fields in economics from the inception of systematic analysis until modern times. The reader is provided with succinct summary accounts of the main problems, the methods used to address them and the results obtained across time. The emphasis is on both the continuity and the major changes that have occurred in the economic analysis of problematic issues such as economic growth, income distribution, employment, inflation, business cycles and financial instability.
Each Handbook can be read individually and acts as a self-contained volume in its own right. It can be purchased separately or as part of a three-volume set.
Each Handbook can be read individually and acts as a self-contained volume in its own right. It can be purchased separately or as part of a three-volume set.
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Critical Acclaim
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This unique troika of Handbooks provides indispensable coverage of the history of economic analysis. Edited by two of the foremost academics in the field, the volumes gather together insightful and original contributions from scholars across the world. The encyclopaedic breadth and scope of the original entries will make these Handbooks an invaluable source of knowledge for all serious students and scholars of the history of economic thought.
Volume III contains entries on the development of major fields in economics from the inception of systematic analysis until modern times. The reader is provided with succinct summary accounts of the main problems, the methods used to address them and the results obtained across time. The emphasis is on both the continuity and the major changes that have occurred in the economic analysis of problematic issues such as economic growth, income distribution, employment, inflation, business cycles and financial instability.
Volume III contains entries on the development of major fields in economics from the inception of systematic analysis until modern times. The reader is provided with succinct summary accounts of the main problems, the methods used to address them and the results obtained across time. The emphasis is on both the continuity and the major changes that have occurred in the economic analysis of problematic issues such as economic growth, income distribution, employment, inflation, business cycles and financial instability.
Critical Acclaim
‘This unique trio of Handbooks of economic analysis offers a comprehensive coverage of the history of the subject. It is a fascinating collection of essays on a wide range of topics in the field.
Edited by two of the most distinguished academics in the field, Dr Gilbert Faccarello, [Professor of Economics, Panthéon-Assas University, Paris, France] and Dr Heinz D. Kurz, [Emeritus Professor
格拉茨大学的经济学和格拉茨Schumpeter Centre, Graz, Austria], the volumes offer many original contributions from scholars across the globe. There are many distinguished contributions on a wide gamut of economics included here of interest to students and teachers of both this subject and management.’
– Malcolm Warner, Asia Pacific Business Review
‘(The authors) are to be lauded for what is by any standard a major accomplishment, and an important contribution to the existing scholarly literature in the history of economics.’
– Harro Maas and Cléo Chassonnery-Zaigouche, The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought
‘(This book) provides a comprehensive and complex history of the evolution of economic science, something that no other book does. That is why the Handbook of the History of Economic Analysis will soon become an indisputable guide for universities, in particular, and for the academic world, in general.’
– The Journal of Philosophical Economics
Edited by two of the most distinguished academics in the field, Dr Gilbert Faccarello, [Professor of Economics, Panthéon-Assas University, Paris, France] and Dr Heinz D. Kurz, [Emeritus Professor
格拉茨大学的经济学和格拉茨Schumpeter Centre, Graz, Austria], the volumes offer many original contributions from scholars across the globe. There are many distinguished contributions on a wide gamut of economics included here of interest to students and teachers of both this subject and management.’
– Malcolm Warner, Asia Pacific Business Review
‘(The authors) are to be lauded for what is by any standard a major accomplishment, and an important contribution to the existing scholarly literature in the history of economics.’
– Harro Maas and Cléo Chassonnery-Zaigouche, The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought
‘(This book) provides a comprehensive and complex history of the evolution of economic science, something that no other book does. That is why the Handbook of the History of Economic Analysis will soon become an indisputable guide for universities, in particular, and for the academic world, in general.’
– The Journal of Philosophical Economics
Contributors: M. Assous, A. Baccini, Jr., A. Baujard, É. Bertrand, M. Boumans, J.L. Cardoso, M. Dal Pont-Legrand, J. De Boyer Des Roches, M. De Vroey, S. Di Rizzello, S. Diatkine, K. Dopfer, A.K. Dutt, R. Ege, G. Erreygers, D. Foley, R. Gómez Betancourt, D. Haas, H. Hagemann, E. Hosoda, H. Igersheim, A. Kirman, J. Kleinert, H. Kliemt, H.D. Kurz, R. Leonard, P. Malgrange, A. Maneschi, P. Mehrling, S. Mohun, M. Mosca, S. Noto, A. Opocher, N. Palan, F. Petri, A. Rainer, S. Rizzello, J.B. Rosser, M. Salles, N. Salvadori, M. Schütz, R. Signorino, A. Spada, P. Steiner, A. Stirati, R. Strohmaier, R. Sturn, C. Sunna, J.-F. Thisse, P. Tubaro, K. Watarai
1. Introduction
2. Balance of Payment and Exchange Rates
Jérôme De Boyer Des Roches and Rebeca Gómez Betancourt
3. Behavioural and Cognitive Economics
Salvatore Di Rizzello and Anna Spada
4. Business Cycles and Growth
Michaël Assous, Muriel Dal Pont-Legrand and Harald Hagemann
Fabio Petri
6. Competition
Neri Salvadori and Rodolfo Signorino
7. Corporatism
Sergio Noto
8. Development Economics
Amitava Krishna Dutt
9. Econometrics
Marcel Boumans
10. Economic Dynamics
J. Barkley Rosser, Jr.
11. Economic Geography
Jacques-François Thisse
12. Economic Sociology
Philippe Steiner
13. Economics And Philosophy
Hartmut Kliemt
14. Evolutionary Economics
Kurt Dopfer
15. Experimental Economics
Salvatore Rizzello and Anna Spada
16. Financial Economics
Perry Mehrling
17. Formalisation and Mathematical Modelling
Paola Tubaro
18. Game Theory
Robert Leonard
19. General Equilibrium Theory
Alan Kirman
20. Growth
Heinz D. Kurz and Neri Salvadori
21. Income Distribution
Arrigo Opocher
22. Industrial Organization
Manuela Mosca
23. Input-Output Analysis
Guido Erreygers
24. Institutional Economics
Élodie Bertrand
25. International Trade
Andrea Maneschi
26. Labour and Employment
Antonella Stirati
27. Macroeconomics
Michel De Vroey and Pierre Malgrange
28. Methods in the History of Economic Thought
José Luís Cardoso
29. Money and Banking
Jérôme De Boyer Des Roches and Sylvie Diatkine
30. Open Economy Macroeconomics
Joern Kleinert
31. Political Philosophy and Economics: Freedom and Labour
Ragip Ege and Herrade Igersheim
32. Population
Claudia Sunna
33. Poverty
Katsuyoshi Watarai
34. Public Economics
Richard Sturn
35. Resource and Environmental Economics
Eui Hosoda
36. Social Choice
Maurice Salles
37. Technical Change and Innovation
David Haas, Heinz D. Kurz, Nicole Palan, Andreas Rainer, Marlies Schütz and Rita Strohmaier
38. Theory of the Firm
Élodie Bertrand
39. Uncertainty and Information
Alberto Baccini
40.Utilitarianism and Anti-Utilitarianism
Antoinette Baujard
41. Value and Price
Duncan Foley and Simon Mohun
42. Welfare Economics
Antoinette Baujard
1. Introduction
2. Balance of Payment and Exchange Rates
Jérôme De Boyer Des Roches and Rebeca Gómez Betancourt
3. Behavioural and Cognitive Economics
Salvatore Di Rizzello and Anna Spada
4. Business Cycles and Growth
Michaël Assous, Muriel Dal Pont-Legrand and Harald Hagemann
Fabio Petri
6. Competition
Neri Salvadori and Rodolfo Signorino
7. Corporatism
Sergio Noto
8. Development Economics
Amitava Krishna Dutt
9. Econometrics
Marcel Boumans
10. Economic Dynamics
J. Barkley Rosser, Jr.
11. Economic Geography
Jacques-François Thisse
12. Economic Sociology
Philippe Steiner
13. Economics And Philosophy
Hartmut Kliemt
14. Evolutionary Economics
Kurt Dopfer
15. Experimental Economics
Salvatore Rizzello and Anna Spada
16. Financial Economics
Perry Mehrling
17. Formalisation and Mathematical Modelling
Paola Tubaro
18. Game Theory
Robert Leonard
19. General Equilibrium Theory
Alan Kirman
20. Growth
Heinz D. Kurz and Neri Salvadori
21. Income Distribution
Arrigo Opocher
22. Industrial Organization
Manuela Mosca
23. Input-Output Analysis
Guido Erreygers
24. Institutional Economics
Élodie Bertrand
25. International Trade
Andrea Maneschi
26. Labour and Employment
Antonella Stirati
27. Macroeconomics
Michel De Vroey and Pierre Malgrange
28. Methods in the History of Economic Thought
José Luís Cardoso
29. Money and Banking
Jérôme De Boyer Des Roches and Sylvie Diatkine
30. Open Economy Macroeconomics
Joern Kleinert
31. Political Philosophy and Economics: Freedom and Labour
Ragip Ege and Herrade Igersheim
32. Population
Claudia Sunna
33. Poverty
Katsuyoshi Watarai
34. Public Economics
Richard Sturn
35. Resource and Environmental Economics
Eui Hosoda
36. Social Choice
Maurice Salles
37. Technical Change and Innovation
David Haas, Heinz D. Kurz, Nicole Palan, Andreas Rainer, Marlies Schütz and Rita Strohmaier
38. Theory of the Firm
Élodie Bertrand
39. Uncertainty and Information
Alberto Baccini
40.Utilitarianism and Anti-Utilitarianism
Antoinette Baujard
41. Value and Price
Duncan Foley and Simon Mohun
42. Welfare Economics
Antoinette Baujard