International Perspectives on Business Innovation and Disruption in Design


International Perspectives on Business Innovation and Disruption in Design

9781784716639 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by Robert DeFillippi, Professor, Sawyer Business School, Suffolk University, US, Alison Rieple, Professor, Westminster Business School, University of Westminster, UK and Patrik Wikström, Associate Professor, Digital Media Research Centre, Queensland University of Technology, Australia
Publication Date:2016 ISBN:978 1 78471 663 9 Extent:320 pp
The third volume of the International Perspectives on Business Innovation and Disruption book series focuses on the role of design innovation in transforming industry practice. An international cast of scholars and practitioners examine how design innovation is impacting the creation of new business models, innovative forms of service delivery, multinational innovation practices, the role of aesthetics and psycho-spatial dynamics in fostering innovation, and the types of design capabilities found in the most innovative businesses worldwide. Theoretically, many of the chapters focus upon design thinking and conceptualize design as a user centered, empathic and participative practice that allows diverse stakeholders to creatively contribute to business innovation.

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设计越来越被认为是一个重要的source of competitive advantage and an important element in innovation and new product development. In this third volume of the International Perspectives on Business Innovation and Disruption book series, editors Robert DeFillippi, Alison Rieple and Patrik Wikström focus on the role of design innovation in transforming industry practice.

With an international cast of scholars and practitioners, this book examines how design innovation impacts the creation of new business models, innovative forms of service delivery, multinational innovation practices, the role of aesthetics and psycho-spatial dynamics in fostering innovation, and the types of design capabilities found in the most innovative businesses worldwide. Split into five sections, many chapters focus upon design thinking and conceptualize design as a user-centered, empathic and participative practice that allows diverse stakeholders to creatively contribute to business innovation.

This instructive and insightful volume will be an essential resource for practitioners and managers across all organization types, both in the public and private sector, who wish to transform the way they do business, as well as for design, management and social science students and scholars.
Critical Acclaim
‘Robert DeFillippi, Alison Rieple and Patrik Wikström have successfully managed to bring together diverse research standpoints in exploring international perspectives on business innovation and design. The volume makes an important contribution to research, exploring the relationship between design and business by providing case studies and examples from different countries and different types of organizations of the contribution of design to innovation in business.’
– Erik Bohemia, Loughborough University London, UK
Contributors: M. Aftab, L. Andrawes, H. Berthold, S. Chillas, H.-P. Daae, T. Fife, A. Garrett, J. Gloppen, J. Jenkins, K. Leigh, B. Lindquister, L.H. Malinin, J. Matthews, A. McMurray, A. Moorthy, M. Mortati, E. Nusem, M. Pironti, P. Pisano, A. Rieple, N. Russell, M. Soila-Wadman, K. Straker, L. Svengren Holm, B. Townley, B. Villari, P. Wikström, A. Williams, C. Wrigley, L. Wynn, R. Young



PART I Business Models
1. Disrupting the aged care business model
Erez Nusem, Cara Wrigley and Judy Matthews

2. Mobility horizons: Design in a disruptive market
Alex Garrett, Cara Wrigley, Nick Russell and Judy Matthews

3. The changing role of the designer in new business models based around 3D printing technologies
Paola Pisano, Marco Pironti and Alison Rieple

4. Designing for disruption: Strategic business model innovation
Julian Jenkins and Tim Fife

PART II Service Design
5. Disrupting conventions in development: from ‘beneficiaries’ to ‘co-designers’
Ledia Andrawes, Anitha Moorthy and Adela McMurray

6. The customer journey as a tool for business innovation and transformation
Judith Gloppen, Berit Lindquister and Hans-Peter Daae

PART III International and Multinational Design Interventions
7. Researching the design innovation process in a multinational: An Empathic Approach to the Application of the Delphi Technique
Mersha Aftab and Robert Young

8. The application of design as an enabler to the disruptive delivery of innovation through both the offshore and outsourcing of new product creation to India
Les Wynn

PART IV Aesthetics and Psycho-Spatial Dynamics
9. Breaking the routines: artistic and design interventions as a tool for developing creativity in organizations
Marja Soila-Wadman and Lisbeth Svengren Holm

10. The Psycho-spatial dynamics of workplace designs for creative disruption
Laura H. Malinin, Alison Williams and Katharine Leigh

PART V Design capabilities
11. The Role of emotion, experience and meaning: The comparative case of Apple and Samsung
Karla Straker and Cara Wrigley

12. Design capabilities and business innovation
Marzia Mortati and Beatrice Villari

13. In design we trust: Dealing with the innovation imperative
Henning Berthold, Shiona Chillas and Barbara Townley


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