Leadership and the Unmasking of Authenticity


Leadership and the Unmasking of Authenticity

The Philosophy of Self-Knowledge and Deception

9781786430984 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by Brent Edwin Cusher, Associate Professor, Department of Leadership and American Studies, Christopher Newport University and Mark A. Menaldo, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Texas A&M University–Commerce, US
Publication Date:2018 ISBN:978 1 78643 098 4 Extent:192 pp
Leadership and the Unmasking of Authenticity presents a philosophic treatment of the core concept of authentic leadership theory, with a view toward illuminating how authors in the history of philosophy have understood authenticity as an ideal for humanity. Such an approach requires a broader view of the historical origins of authenticity and the examination of related ideas such as self-knowledge and deception. The chapters of this book illuminate the conflict between the contemporary understanding of authenticity and traditional philosophy by revisiting the ideas of thinkers who express self-knowledge as a cornerstone of their philosophy.

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Leadership and the Unmasking of Authenticity presents a philosophic treatment of the core concept of authentic leadership theory, with a view toward illuminating how authors in the history of philosophy have understood authenticity as an ideal for humanity. Such an approach requires a broader view of the historical origins of authenticity and the examination of related ideas such as self-knowledge and deception. The chapters of this volume illuminate the conflict between the contemporary understanding of authenticity and traditional philosophy by revisiting the ideas of thinkers who express self-knowledge as a cornerstone of their philosophy.

跟踪关注当代fo的起源r authenticity to the writings of 18th century philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau, this book explores the key thinkers writing in the wake of Rousseau’s emphasis on sincerity, namely Friedrich Nietzsche and Martin Heidegger, to show that their acceptance of authenticity as an ideal for humanity was ambiguous at best. This volume also covers representative authors in the earlier history of philosophy, such as Plato, Niccolò Machiavelli, Francis Bacon, and John Locke. The result is a keen, in-depth analysis of works of philosophy and political philosophy that broach questions of authenticity, self-knowledge, and deception.

This critical contribution to authentic leadership theory and the theory of authenticity will be a key resource for both undergraduate and graduate students in the fields of leadership studies, political science and philosophy.
Contributors: J.C. Byham, B.E. Cusher, E.A. Dolgoy, J. Fortier, N.W. Harter, M.A. Menaldo, H. Pedersen, J.M. Warner


Brent Edwin Cusher and Mark A. Menaldo

1. The Lie in the Soul: Authenticity, Hypocrisy, and Self-Deception in Rousseau
John M. Warner

2. Authenticity and the Motives for Political Leadership: Reflections from Nietzsche’s Zarathustra
Jeremy Fortier

3. Heidegger on Authenticity: The Prospect of Owning One’s Existence
Hans Pedersen

4. Different Purposes, Different Lives: Socrates’ Twofold Presentation of His Activity in Plato’s Apology of Socrates
Brent Edwin Cusher

5. Leadership and the Virtue of Deception in Niccolò Machiavelli’s The Prince
Mark A. Menaldo

6. The Politics of Dissimulation: Francis Bacon, Self-Knowledge, and the Art of Lies
Erin A. Dolgoy

7. Authenticity or Reasonableness? A Lockean View of Leadership
Jack C. Byham

8. Teaching Leadership Students to Lie
Nathan W. Harter


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