Mobility and Travel Behaviour Across the Life Course


Mobility and Travel Behaviour Across the Life Course

Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches

9781789907803 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by Joachim Scheiner, Department of Transport Planning, Faculty of Spatial Planning, Technische Universität Dortmund and Henrike Rau, Department of Geography, LMU Munich, Germany
Publication Date:2020 ISBN:978 1 78990 780 3 Extent:288 pp
This thought-provoking book analyses recent innovations for researching travel behaviour over the life course. Original in its approach, it synthesises quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods to contribute to conceptual, methodological and empirical advancements in the field.

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This thought-provoking book analyses recent innovations for researching travel behaviour over the life course. Original in its approach, it synthesises quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods to contribute to conceptual, methodological and empirical advancements in the field.

Through a rich array of new studies, leading scholars from across the globe present work that pushes the theoretical boundaries of mobility biographies research. A balanced range of methods are showcased to establish a fruitful dialogue between disciplines and methodologies, overcoming the prevalence of statistical analyses of travel behaviour data that has governed the field. The book goes beyond a mere stocktaking exercise by offering critical reflections of previous work from a variety of backgrounds, including geography, sociology, psychology, transport planning and civil engineering.

Mobility and Travel Behaviour Across the Life Course is a key resource for students, at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels, and established researchers in areas such as transport studies, geography and urban planning. Furthermore, policy makers and planners will benefit from the practical recommendations included throughout.

Critical Acclaim
‘This rich collection of research relating to mobility biographies provides a thorough insight into this immensely important field. It highlights innovative research from scholars that take seriously the role of everyday practices and the need for cross-disciplinary thinking in the field of mobility and transport. This is a must-read for researchers, students and practitioners in the field.’
– Malene Freudendal-Pedersen, Aalborg University, Denmark

‘Mobility is an essential part of people’s lives. This book presents frontier research on mobility and travel behaviour based on the life course approach. Drawing on new concepts and theories, it demonstrates how quantitative and qualitative methodologies can yield novel insights into how people travel, and why, capturing trends over time. Students and researchers interested in travel behaviour and mobility as well as the life course approach would benefit from this volume.’
– Junyi Zhang, Hiroshima University, Japan
Contributors: C. Calastri, K. Chatterjee, B. Clark, R. Crastes dit Sourd, B. Driller, E. Farstad, K.G. Goulias, S. Handy, L. Ho, C. Holz-Rau, N.J. Klein, M. Kroesen, J. Mahne-Bieder, D. Marincek, G. Mattioli, E.C. McBride, C. Mulley, T. Ohnmacht, M. Popp, T. Priya Uteng, H. Rau, E. Ravalet, P. Rérat, J. Scheiner, M.J. Smart, R. Su, C.G. Thigpen, V. Van Acker, W. von Arx, T.T. Vu

Preface xvii
Acknowledgements xviii
1 Mobility across the life course: an introduction to a dialogue 1
Henrike Rau and Joachim Scheiner

2 Turning points in car ownership over the life course:
contributions from biographical interviews and panel data 17
Kiron Chatterjee and Ben Clark
3 Quality and quantity in mobility biographies research:
experiences from a mixed method study of non-cyclists in
Germany 33
Henrike Rau, Monika Popp and Johannes Mahne-Bieder
4 Testing theories of travel behaviour change: the case for the
latent transition model 50
Maarten Kroesen
5 Effect of respondent engagement on data quality in travel
behaviour and retrospective mobility surveys 67
Romain Crastes dit Sourd and Chiara Calastri
6 Towards a mobility biography approach to long-distance
travel and ‘mobility links’ 82
Giulio Mattioli
7 Job-mobility biographies in coworking spaces: a theoretical
contribution to new social and spatial restructurings 100
Timo Ohnmacht, Thao Thi Vu and Widar von Arx

8 Episodes of carlessness across the life course 118
Nicholas J. Klein and Michael J. Smart
9 Gendered car allocation in couples sharing a car: a life
course approach 133
Joachim Scheiner and Christian Holz-Rau
10 Car sharing, life stages and young people’s approach
to daily mobilities: a dialogue between qualitative and
quantitative research findings 152
Tanu Priya Uteng Farstad大船
11 A qualitative exploration of children’s attitudes toward
bicycling in Davis, California 172
Brigitte Driller, Calvin G. Thigpen and Susan Handy
12 How childhood experiences affect travel behaviour
differently across generations: an example of structural
equation modelling in mobility biographies research 190
Veronique Van Acker, Corinne Mulley and Loan Ho
13 Life cycle stages, daily contacts, and activity–travel time
allocation for the benefit of self and others 206
Konstadinos G. Goulias, Elizabeth C. McBride and Rongxiang Su
14 The cycling trajectories of e-bike users: a biographical approach 221
Dimitri Marincek, Emmanuel Ravalet and Patrick Rérat

15 Mobility across the life course – looking back to look forward 242
Henrike Rau and Joachim Scheiner

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