Monetary Policy and Taiwan’s Economy


Monetary Policy and Taiwan’s Economy

9781840649864 爱德华埃尔加Publishing
Edited by Gerald P. Dwyer, Jr., Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, US, Jin-Lung Lin, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, Jia-Dong Shea, China External Trade Development Council, Taiwan and Chung-Shu Wu, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, ROC
Publication Date:2002 ISBN:978 1 84064 986 4 Extent:256 pp
Monetary Policy and Taiwan’s Economy questions whether the Asian crisis could have been avoided through the application of recommendations highlighted by the contributors. The conclusion reached is that in an abstract world, perhaps; but in the world in which we live; no. It is argued that the proposals made could certainly contribute to improved policy, albeit effecting marginal improvements rather than ground breaking changes.

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Monetary Policy and Taiwan’s Economy questions whether the Asian crisis could have been avoided through the application of recommendations highlighted by the contributors. The conclusion reached is that in an abstract world, perhaps; but in the world in which we live; no. It is argued that the proposals made could certainly contribute to improved policy, albeit effecting marginal improvements rather than ground breaking changes.

The contributors demonstrate that proficient monetary policy and banking regulation can be achieved through sound economic analysis that takes into account:

• monetary aggregates in monetary policy
• the role of exchange rate policies in the Asian crisis
• the relationship between the exchange rate, capital flows and central bank intervention
• similarities between the restructuring of banking systems in Asia and in Eastern Europe following the fall of communism.

This book will appeal to academics and researchers of macroeconomics – especially those with a particular interest in monetary theory and policy. Economic analysts, commercial banks, financial institutions and specialists in financial crisis will also find the book to be a fascinating read.
Contributors: R.W. Anderson, W.G Dewald, G.P Dwyer, Jr., D. Julius, J.-L. Lin, G. Rich, J.-D. Shea, C.-H. Shen, P. Turner, D. Villanueva, C.-S. Wu
Contents: Part I: Introduction 1. Editors’ Introduction Part II: Monetary Policy 2. Inflation and Money Stock Targets: Is There Really a Difference? 3. Historical U.S. Money Growth, Inflation and Inflation Credibility 4. Money Growth and Inflation in the United States 5. Inflation Targeting and Inflation Forecasting: Two Sides of the Same Coin? 6. Monetary Policy and the Asian Crisis: The Role of Dollar Exchange Rate Targets 7. Capital Flows and Exchanges Rates in Taiwan 8. The Choice of Intermediate Targets – Money or Interest Rate: The Case of Taiwan Part III: Banking Regulation 9. The Microeconomic Dimension of Monetary Policy 10. Enterprise Restructuring and Banking Reform: Lessons from Eastern Europe Since 1990 Index
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