

9781852785222 爱德华埃尔加Publishing
Edited by Geoffrey Jones, Isidor Straus Professor of Business History, Harvard Business School, US
Publication Date:1991 ISBN:978 1 85278 522 2 Extent:640 pp
This important title focuses on the origins, growth and impact over time of multinational banks. Why have banks established branches in foreign countries? What do such banks do? How have they performed? What has been the developmental impact of international banking? How has multinational banking changed over time? Why have banking activities clustered in international financial centres such as New York, Tokyo and London? The articles in this selection cover a wide range of national experiences including those of the United States, Canada, Europe, Latin America and the Middle East. The volume brings together literature from a range of disciplines, including banking, economics and business history in a comprehensive collection of the best articles published on the development of multinational banks.

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This important volume focuses on the origins, growth and impact over time of multinational banks. Why have banks established branches in foreign countries? What do such banks do? How have they performed? What has been the developmental impact of international banking? How has multinational banking changed over time? Why have banking activities clustered in international financial centres such as New York, Tokyo and London? The articles in this selection cover a wide range of national experiences including those of the United States, Canada, Europe, Latin America and the Middle East. The volume brings together literature from a range of disciplines, including banking, economics and business history in a comprehensive collection of the best articles published on the development of multinational banks.
Critical Acclaim
‘Every good library should have a copy.’
– Andy Mullineux, The Economic Journal

‘In this attractively bound volume, Geoffrey Jones admirably meets the series’ general aims, through his careful selection of essays. . . . The introduction provides an authoritative guide to the subject and an invaluable perspective from which to appreciate the various contributions. . . . Jones’ selection of material has fully realised his intention of providing a convenient treasure chest of major essays on the topic.’
– Michael Collins, Business History
30 articles, dating from 1934 to1990
Contributors: R.Z. Aliber, A. Baster, E. Bussière, P.L. Cottrell, H.C. Reed, J.W. Dean, I.H. Giddy, L. Goldberg, H.G. Grubel, J.M. Gray, S. Jones, C.P. Kindleberger, M. Pohl, A.E. Tschoegl
Part I. Concepts
1. Herbert G. Grubel (1977), ‘A Theory of Multinational Banking.’
2. Jean.M. Gray and H. Peter Gray (1981), ‘The Multinational Bank: A Financial MNC?’
3. Robert Z. Aliber (1984), ‘International Banking: a Survey.’
4. Adrian E. Tschoegl (1987), ‘International Retail Banking as a Strategy: an Assessment.’
5. Inglo Walter and H. Peter Gray (1983), ‘Protectionism and International Banking.’
6. Manijeh Sabi (1987), ‘An Application of the Theory of Foreign Direct Investment to Multi-National Banking in LDCs.’
Part II. Growth of Multinational Banking
7. Charles P. Kindleberger (1983), ‘International Banks as Leaders or Followers of International Business: An Historical Perspective.’
8.艾伯特Baster (1934), ‘The Origins of British Banking Expansion in the Near East.’
9. P.L. Cottrell (1969), ‘London Financiers and Austria 1863-1875: The Anglo-Austrian Bank.’
10.尼尔·c·奎格利(1989),“新星苏格兰人的银行ia in the Caribbean.’
11. Thomas F. Huertas (1990), ‘US Multinational Banking: History and Prospects.’
12. Adrian E. Tschoegl (1982), ‘Foriegn Bank Entry into Japan and California.’
13. Laurence G. Goldberg and Anthony Saunders (1980), ‘The Cause of U.S. Bank Expansion Overseas: The Case of Great Britain.’
14. James W. Dean and Ian H. Giddy (1981), ‘Strangers and Neighbors: Cross-Border Banking in North America.’
Part III. Strategy and Performance in Multinational Banking.
15. Charles Jones (1983), ‘The Transfer of Banking Techniques from Britain to Argentina, 1862-1914.’
16. Manfred Pohl (1988), ‘Deutsche Bank London Agency Founded 100 Years Ago.’
17. D. T. Merrett (1990), ‘Paradise Lost? British Banks in Australia.’
18. Geoffrey Jones (1982), ‘Lombard Street on the Riveria: The British Clearing Banks and Europe 1900-1939.’
19. Stuart Jones (1988), ‘The Apogee of the Imperial Banks in South Africa: Standard and Barclays, 1919-1939.’
Part IV. The Impact of Multinational Banks
20. Robert Vicat Turrell with Jean-Jacques Van Helten (1986), ‘The Rothschilds, the Exploration Company and Mining Finance.’
21. Eric Bussière (1983), ‘The Interests of the Banque de l'Union Parisienne in Czechoslovakia, Hungary and the Balkans.’
22. Rodney Wilson (1987), ‘Financial Development of the Arab Gulf: The Eastern Bank Experience.’
23. Geoffrey Jones (1987), ‘The Imperial Bank of Iran and Iranian Economic Development, 1890-1952.’
24. Y. C. Jao (1983), ‘Financing Hong Kong's Early Postwar Industrialization: The Role of the Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation.’
25. P.W.Daniels (1986), ‘Foreign Banks and Metropolitan Development: A Comparison of London and New York.’
26. Jayshree Sengupta (1988), ‘Internationalization of Banking and the Relationship Between Foreign and Domestic Banks in the Developing Countries.’
V. International Banking Services and Location.
27. Edwin J. Perkins (1974), ‘Managing a Dollar-Sterling Exchange Account: Brown, Shipley and Co. in the 1850s.’
28. H.W. Arndt (1988), ‘Comparative Advantage in Trade in Financial Services.’
29. Howard Curtis Reed (1983), ‘Appraising Corporate Investment Policy: A Financial Center Theory of Foreign Direct Investments.’
30. Sang-Rim Choi, Adrian E. Tschoegl and Chow-Ming Yu (1986), ‘Banks and the World's Major Financial Centers, 1970-1980.’
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