


9781839100529 爱德华伊利加出版社
罗伯特·蒂克斯(Robert Tijssen)科学与创新研究教授,莱顿大学,荷兰和斯泰伦博斯大学,南非,约翰爱德华兹教授,高级研究员,葡萄牙大学和政策实验和评估平台和Koen的副总统Jonkers,主编,欧盟委员会,DG联合研究中心,布鲁塞尔,比利时
Publication Date:2021 ISBN:978 1 83910 052 9 程度:240 pp.
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Driven by European Union policy challenges, this cutting-edge book focuses upon the Regional Innovation Impact (RII) of universities, to analyse the socioeconomic impact that universities in Europe have on their hometowns, metropolitan areas and regions.


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Driven by European Union policy challenges, this cutting-edge book focuses upon the Regional Innovation Impact (RII) of universities, to analyse the socioeconomic impact that universities in Europe have on their hometowns, metropolitan areas and regions.


Insightful and original, the lessons provided within this book will be beneficial to European, national and regional policy makers interested in approaches to incentivise universities to contribute more to regional innovation systems. It will also be of interest to university leaders and administrators who wish to develop strategies to orient their organisations towards increasing their RII.
‘Universities are key innovation actors, progressively acquiring new roles and engaging with their surrounding environments in ways that are increasingly complex. As it becomes more important to understand these roles, it becomes also more difficult to monitor them. This book develops a powerful method to assess the regional impact of universities and illustrates its application. It will become a necessary reference for all scholars and practitioners seeking to understand the multifaceted contributions that universities make to society.’
– Jordi Molas-Gallart, INGENIO (CSIC-UPV), Spain

‘It is beyond doubt nowadays that universities have a critical societal role beyond education and scientific research in the direct application of scientific results to promote technological advancement and underwrite the development and growth of regions and countries. This book unpacks a complicated package through a robust conceptual framework and evidence based on both in-depth self-case studies and external primary data to investigate the regional innovation impact of a set of Institutions of Higher Education across Europe. The RII framework emphasises the inter-connections of universities with their environments and the correspondence of scientific excellence with regional economic specialisation. The book presents a very promising start in a field of critical importance not only for Europe but also for large numbers of emerging economies around the world engaging in the process of technology upgrading and catching-up.’
– Nicholas S. Vonortas, The George Washington University, US

‘The role played by universities in their cities and region has become a driving force of government policy and institutional strategy. However, too often this is narrowly focused. This book celebrates their wider impact and benefits for economic sustainability as well as the creation and dissemination of knowledge and skills, civic engagement and social innovation. The case studies help us understand the breadth of this dynamic while the RII Performance Management Framework lays the very helpful and timely groundwork for strategic assessment and decision-making.’
- Ellen Hazelkorn,Emerita教授,技术大学都柏林,爱尔兰,以及联合管理合作伙伴,BH Associates

内容:前言前言部分I区域创新影响:引言1.欧洲和当地参与的大学2. RII分析框架3.更大的画面第二部分RII案例研究4.欧洲大学案例研究5.区域定位,战略发展和知识基础设施6.教育和人力资源开发7.研究,知识创建和技术转让8.支持企业发展和企业家教育第三部分实施9. RII分析和评估的现实和复杂性。政策制定和战略影响11。最终反思第四部分附录:大学自助报告指数
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