Research Companion to Emotion in Organizations


Research Companion to Emotion in Organizations

9781849800495 爱德华。Elgar Publishing
Edited by Neal M. Ashkanasy, Professor of Management, UQ Business School, The University of Queensland, Australia and Professor Sir Cary Cooper, Alliance Manchester Business School, University of Manchester, UK
Publication Date:2010 ISBN:978 1 84980 049 5 Extent:656 pp
This Companion brings together many leading scholars to address a wide range of topics in 38 chapters, across five levels of organizational analysis – including within-person, between-person (individual differences), relationships, groups, and the organization as a whole. Chapters tackle structure and measurement of emotion, antecedents and consequences of positive and negative emotions, including effects on work satisfaction and performance. The expression, recognition, and regulation of emotion and the propagation of mood and emotion in groups are also dealt with. The Companion explores contemporary issues including leadership, organizational climate and culture, as well as organizational change.

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The study of emotions and their effects in the workplace has become one of the 21st century’s most exciting and burgeoning fields of organizational research. This unique work confirms that it has become increasingly clear that emotions are an essential element of our understanding of organizational life.

This Companion brings together many leading scholars to address a wide range of topics in 38 chapters, across five levels of organizational analysis – including within-person, between-person (individual differences), relationships, groups, and the organization as a whole. Chapters tackle structure and measurement of emotion, antecedents and consequences of positive and negative emotions, including effects on work satisfaction and performance. The expression, recognition, and regulation of emotion and the propagation of mood and emotion in groups are also dealt with. The Companion explores contemporary issues including leadership, organizational climate and culture, as well as organizational change.

With cutting edge research and comprehensive coverage of emotion in organizations this Companion will be of invaluable interest to postgraduate students and scholars in the fields of organizational behavior, organizational science, and industrial and organizational psychology.
Critical Acclaim
‘The timely emergence of the book Research Companion to Emotions in Organizations is most welcome and highly valued. . . [it] has successfully brought together prominent researchers and authors who are actively involved in emotion research across the globe. . . The existence of this book brings a great help to facilitate research on the field. . . This book is highly recommended for postgraduate students and scholars who are interested in pursuing their quest for answers and solutions pertaining to emotion-related workplace problems. Consistent with its title, this book is a great companion to those embarking on this sort of scholarly journey.’
– Abdul Kadir Othman, VISION – The Journal of Business Perspective
Contributors: B.E. Ashforth, N.M. Ashkanasy, L.F. Barrett, L.G. Barron, J.E. Bono, R.E. Boyatzis, Z.S. Byrne, T.G. Cage, Y. Cohen-Charash, C.L. Cooper, S. Côté, F. Damen, M.T. Dasborough, C.S. Daus, T. DeGroot, J.M. Diefendorff, V.U. Druskat, A.H. Fischer, C.D. Fisher, J. Fitness, B.L. Fredrickson, M. Frese, I.G. Gewurz, D.E. Gibson, S. Hareli, C.E.J. Härtel, N.S. Hartman, D. Holman, R.H. Humphrey, Q.N. Huy, R. Ilies, S. Jin, P.J. Jordan, T.A. Judge, J.D. Kammeyer-Mueller, R. Kanfer, J.B. Kellett, S. Kopelman, C.T. Kulik, R. Kumar, S.A. Lawrence, A.S.R. Manstead, D. Martinez-Iñigo, S. Michie, C.T.H. Miners, S. Moon, D.L. Nelson, C.K. Ng, B. Parkinson, L.M. Penney, M.G. Pratt, A. Rafaeli, J. Rank, R.J. Reichard, E.M. Richard, R.E. Riggio, R. Russell-Bennett, R. Saavedra, V. Sacharin, L.E. Sekerka, M.-G. Seo, M. Sinclair, R.G. Sleeth, P.E. Spector, P.C. Stubblebine, A. Tombs, M.A. Tomiuk, P. Totterdell, H.H.M. Tse, W.W. van Dijk, F. van Harreveld, G.A. Van Kleef, B. van Knippenberg, D. van Knippenberg, D.T. Wagner, L. Wang, S.B. Wolff, K.F.E. Wong

Neal M. Ashkanasy and Cary L. Cooper

1. The Structure of Affect: History, Theory, and Implications for Emotion Research in Organizations
Myeong-Gu Seo, Lisa Feldman Barrett and Sirkwoo Jin

2. Emotion and Organizational Decision Making: The Roles of Negative Affect and Anticipated Regret in Making Decisions under Escalation Situations
Carmen K. Ng and Kin Fai Ellick Wong

3. Fear and Loathing in the Workplace
Julie Fitness

4. The Case for Emotion-induced Toxicity: Making Sense of Toxic Emotions in the Workplace
Sandra A. Lawrence

5. Disappointment and Regret
Wilco W. van Dijk and Frenk van Harreveld

6. The Impact of Emotions, Moods and Other Affect-related Variables on Creativity, Innovation and Initiative
Johannes Rank and Michael Frese

7. Emotions in and Around Performance: The Thrill of Victory, the Agony of Defeat
Cynthia D. Fisher

8. Affect, Satisfaction, and Performance
Timothy A. Judge and John D. Kammeyer-Mueller

9. Affective Influences on Employee Satisfaction and Performance
David T. Wagner and Remus Ilies

10. Affect and Work Motivation
Ruth Kanfer and Patrick C. Stubblebine

11. Emotions and Counterproductive Work Behavior
Lisa M. Penney and Paul E. Spector

12. Measuring Emotion: Methodological Issues and Alternatives
Marie T. Dasborough, Marta Sinclair, Rebekah Russell-Bennett and Alastair Tombs

13. The Use of Emotional Intelligence in Business: Resolving Varying Definitions and Measures and their Relationship to Work Performance
Peter J. Jordan

14. Emotional and Social Intelligence Competencies
Richard E. Boyatzis

15. Learning to Face Emotional Intelligence: Training and Workplace Applications
Catherine S. Daus and Tiffani G. Cage

16. Emotion Scripts in Organizations: A Multi-level Model
Donald E. Gibson

17. Emotion Regulation in the Workplace
Stéphane Côté, Sue Moon and Christopher T.H. Miners

18. Emotional Labour and Employee Well-being: An Integrative Review
David Holman, David Martinez-Iñigo and Peter Totterdell

19. Not all Emotional Display Rules are Created Equal: Distinguishing between Prescriptive and Contextual Display Rules
James M. Diefendorff and Erin M. Richard

20. Doing Emotion in Service Encounters: Service Agents’ Perceptions of Emotional Labor and Emotional Contagion
Blake E. Ashforth, Marc A. Tomiuk and Carol T. Kulik

21. Emotions as Social Entities: Interpersonal Functions and Effects of Emotion in Organizations
Shlomo Hareli, Anat Rafaeli and Brian Parkinson

22. Affect and Justice: Current Knowledge and Future Directions
Yochi Cohen-Charash and Zinta S. Byrne

23. Emotion in Conflict and Negotiation: Introducing the Emotions as Social Information (EASI) Model
Gerben A. Van Kleef

24. The Power of Presence: Strategic Response to Displayed Emotions in Negotiations
Shirli Kopelman, Ilan G. Gewurz and Vera Sacharin

25. Kindling Fires and Extinguishing Candles: The Wind of Mood Contagion in Work Groups
Richard Saavedra

26. Group-level Emotional Intelligence
Vanessa Urch Druskat and Steven B. Wolff

27. Research Trends in Emotions and Leadership
Ronald H. Humphrey, Janet B. Kellett, Randall G. Sleeth and Nathan S. Hartman

28. Leadership, Affect, and Emotions
Daan van Knippenberg, Barbara van Knippenberg, Gerben A. Van Kleef and Frederic Damen

29. Leadership and Emotional Expression
Debra L. Nelson, Susan Michie and Timothy DeGroot

30. Leaders as Emotional Managers, Across Cultures
Joyce E. Bono and Laura G. Barron

31. The Role of Affect in Vertical and Lateral Exchange Relationships in Teams
Herman H.M. Tse and Neal M. Ashkanasy

32. An Interactive, Process Model of Emotions and Leadership
Rebecca J. Reichard and Ronald E. Riggio

33. Establishing Positive Emotional Climates to Advance Organizational Transformation
Leslie E. Sekerka and Barbara L. Fredrickson

34. How Contrasting Emotions can Enhance Strategic Agility

35. Contested Meanings and Emotional Dynamics in Strategic Alliances
Rajesh Kumar

36. How to Build a Healthy Emotional Culture and Avoid a Toxic Culture
Charmine E.J. Härtel

37. An Identity-based View of Emotional Ambivalence and its Management in Organizations
Lu Wang and Michael G. Pratt

38. Functions of Emotion from an Organizational Perspective
Agneta H. Fischer and Antony S.R. Manstead

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