The Economics of Social Security in Japan


The Economics of Social Security in Japan

9781843766827 爱德华埃尔加Publishing
Edited by Toshiaki Tachibanaki, Professor of Economics, Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto University, Japan
Publication Date:2004 ISBN:978 1 84376 682 7 Extent:336 pp
This book provides a comprehensive appraisal of social security in Japan, where traditionally the burden of welfare provision has been the main responsibility of the family and employers, rather than the state. However, an ageing population, changes in family structure and continued recession has led to an urgent reappraisal of this situation.

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This book provides a comprehensive appraisal of social security in Japan, where traditionally the burden of welfare provision has been the main responsibility of the family and employers, rather than the state. However, an ageing population, changes in family structure and continued recession has led to an urgent reappraisal of this situation.

The book begins by examining the social security system in Japan as a whole, before focusing on specific issues. These include public and occupational pensions, medical care and childcare, and the availability and accessibility of social infrastructure for the old and handicapped. In each case, the distinguished authors address the unique problems associated with Japan and propose practical policy recommendations for social security reform. The book also discusses the future path of Japanese welfare transition and explores the advantages and disadvantages of the private sector model for welfare provision compared to the public sector model.

The expert contributors, including both Japanese and international specialists, provide a critical evaluation of social security reform in Japan, set against the background of future demographic and economic trends. This book will appeal to all scholars of public policy, welfare policy and public finance. It will also be of interest to anyone working on the merits and demerits of different social security systems.
Contributors: H.J. Aaron, A. Cerny, R.L. Clark, B.H. Harris, Y. Iwamoto, A. Kawaguchi, D. Miles, O.S. Mitchell, Y. Ohkusa, F. Ohtake, J. Piggott, S. Purcal, T. Tachibanaki, M. Williams, T. Yagi, H. Yamaga
Contents: Preface 1. Introduction 2. Social Security Reform in Japan in the Twenty-first Century 3. Uncertainty and Pension Policy 4. Alternative Pension Reform Strategies for Japan 5. Effects of the Old-Age Pension System for Active Employees on the Labor Supply of Elderly Male Workers 6. Strengthening Employment-Based Pensions 7. Retirement Provision: Accumulations, Security, and Insurance 8. Issues in Japanese Health Policy and Medical Expenditure 9. Conjoint Analysis and Effect of Child-care Policies on Fertility 10. The Child-care Leave System in Japan: Development, Problems and Further Reform 11. Public Infrastructures for Equalizing Capability in an Ageing Society Index
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