


9781782548515 爱德华埃尔加Publishing
Edited by Harald Bathelt, Professor and Canada Research Chair in Innovation and Governance, Departments of Political Science and Geography and Planning, University of Toronto, Patrick Cohendet, Professor, Department of International Business, HEC Montréal, Canada, Sebastian Henn, Professor, Department of Geography, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany and Laurent Simon, Professor, Department of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, HEC Montréal, Canada
Publication Date:2017 ISBN:978 1 78254 851 5 Extent:840 pp
This unique Companion provides a comprehensive overview and critical evaluation of existing conceptualizations and new developments in innovation research. It draws on multiple perspectives of innovation, knowledge and creativity from economics, geography, history, management, political science and sociology. The Companion brings together leading scholars to reflect upon innovation as a concept (Part I), innovation and institutions (Part II), innovation and creativity (Part III), innovation, networking and communities (Part IV), innovation in permanent spatial settings (Part V), innovation in temporary, virtual and open settings (Part VI), innovation, entrepreneurship and market making (Part VII), and the governance and management of innovation (Part VIII).

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This Companion provides a comprehensive, state-of-the-art overview and critical evaluation of existing conceptualizations and new developments in innovation research. Arguing that innovation research requires inter- and trans-disciplinary explanations and methodological pluralism at various levels, it draws on multiple perspectives of innovation, knowledge and creativity from economics, geography, history, management, political science and sociology. The Companion provides the definitive guide to the field and introduces new approaches, perspectives and developments.

The Companion systematically analyzes the challenges, problems and gaps in innovation research. Leading scholars reflect upon and critically assess the fundamental topics of the field, including:

• innovation as a concept

• innovation and institutions

• innovation and creativity

• innovation, networking and communities

• innovation in permanent spatial settings

• innovation in temporary and virtual settings

• innovation, entrepreneurship and market making

• innovation governance and management.

Innovation researchers and students in economics, economic geography, industrial sociology, innovation studies, international business, management and political science will find the Companion to be an essential resource. It will also appeal to practitioners in innovation and policy makers in economic development, public policy and innovation policy.
Critical Acclaim
‘Overall, this is a dense and exhaustive handbook that has the ambition to tackle one of the most important phenom.ena of our times and the dynamics underlying it. And it does so by drawing on the perspec.tives of multiple established researchers in a variety of fields while at the same time leaving room for the reader’s critical reflection and analysis.’
– Giulio Buciuni, Journal of Economic Geography

‘I would say that this Companion is, certainly, a reference in the domain, the right volume for anyone who aims to learn more about the topic of innovation and knowledge creation. A reference that should appear in all Theses on innovation, management and creativity, and which already figures in several publications. Proof of its significance for the academic environment.’
– Thierry Burger-Helmchen, Journal of Innovation Economics & Management

‘This is an innovative book on innovation. It innovates through the organisation of the subject achieved by the four editors. It digs into innovation as a concept, as institutions, as creativity, channeled through temporary and permanent organisations, shaping markets and dialoguing with entrepreneurship, and as embedded in places and networks. The contributions are not just hagiographies. All have critical thinking, questioning categories and data and findings. These are reasons why this book will become the essential reference in the field.’
– Michael Storper, The London School of Economics, UK

‘This very wide-ranging selection of chapters reflects a much broader outlook than most other innovation research collections. It is not wedded to any school or discipline, yet it draws on relevant ideas from virtually all of them. It is an ideal companion for a reader interested in the various new perspectives on innovation that have emerged recently and how these are connected to established themes, or the reader interested in developing a more interdisciplinary appreciation of the subject area.’
– John Cantwell, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Newark
Contributors: H. Bathelt, N. Bradford, T. Burger-Helmchen, M. Callon, U. Cantner, P. Cohendet, D.H. Cropley, L. D’Adderio, P. Desrochers, U. Dewald, G. Dosi, D. Dougherty, J.Y. Douglas, J.R. Faulconbridge, M.P. Feldman, M. Ferrary, D. Foray, N. Geilinger, E. Giuliani, J. Glückler, B. Godin, F. Golfetto, G. Grabher, M. Granovetter, S. Haefliger, I. Hamdan-Livramento, A.B. Hargadon, A. Hatchuel, S. Henn, J.-A. Heraud, A.J. Herod, C. Hussler, O. Ibert, A. Lagendijk, P. Le Masson, S. Leppälä, D. Leslie, S. Lhuillery, P. Li, N. Lowe, B.-Å. Lundvall, E.J. Maelecki, L. Marengo, S. McGrath-Champ, J. Merkel, S. Ogawa, F. Pachidou, G. Parmentier, J. Penin, G. Pickren, A.C. Pratt, J. Raffo, A. Rainnie, A. Rallet, N.M. Rantisi, D. Rinallo, J. Roberts, R.G. Shearmur, L. Simon, B. Sinclair-Desgagné, B. Spigel, J. Szurmak, A. Torre , B. Truffer, A. Van Assche, W. Vanhaverbeke, S. Vannuccini, C. Vellera, E. Vernette, G. von Krogh, B. Weil, D.A. Wolfe


1. Innovation and Knowledge Creation: Challenges to the Field
Harald Bathelt, Patrick Cohendet, Sebastian Henn and Laurent Simon

2. A Conceptual History of Innovation
Benoit Godin

3. Concepts and Models of Innovation
Patrick Cohendet and Laurent Simon

4. Science and Innovation
Jean-Alain Héraud

5. Reverse Innovation
Thierry Burger-Helmchem and Caroline Hussler

6. Broadening the Concept of Open Innovation
Wim Vanhaverbeke

7. Measurement of Innovation
Stephane Lhuillery, Julio Raffo and Intan Hamdan-Livramento

8. Institutional Context and Innovation
Johannes Glückler and Harald Bathelt

9. Innovation in Practice
Deborah Dougherty

10. Domesticating Innovation – Designing Revolutions
Yellowlees Douglas and Andrew Hargadon

11. Innovation and Lock-in
Uwe Cantner and Simone Vannuccini

12. Patents and Open Innovation
Julien Pénin

13. Managing Knowledge, Creativity, and Innovation
Patrick Cohendet, Guy Parmentier and Laurent Simon

14. Urban Diversity and Innovation
Pierre Desrochers, Samuli Leppala and Joanna Szurmak

15. Innovation and the Cultural Economy
Andy C. Pratt

16. Innovation and Cultural Industries
Deborah Leslie and Norma M. Rantisi

17. Services and Innovation
Johannes Glückler

18. Design Theories, Creativity and Innovation
Pascal Le Masson, Armand Hatchuel and Benoit Weil

19. The Dark Side of Creativity
David H. Cropley

20. Social Networks and Innovation
Michel Ferrary and Mark Granovetter

21. Community, Creativity and Innovation
Joanne Roberts

22. Industrial Clusters in Global Networks
Elisa Giuliani

23. The User Innovation Phenomenon
Cyrielle Vellera, Eric Vernette and Susumu Ogawa

24. Horizontal Learning
Pengfei Li

25. Innovation versus Technological Achievement
Dominique Foray

26. Geography of Innovation, Proximity and Beyond
Alain Rallet and André Torre

27. Urban Bias in Innovation Studies

28. National and Regional Innovation Systems
Harald Bathelt and Sebastian Henn

29. National Innovation Systems and Globalization
Bengt-Åke Lundvall

30. Innovation, Regional Development and Relationality
Arnoud Lagendijk

31. Trade Fairs and Innovation
Harald Bathelt

32. Innovation through Trade Show Concertation
Francesca Golfetto and Diego Rinallo

33. Knowledge Collaboration in Hybrid Virtual Communities
Gernot Grabher and Oliver Ibert

34. Performativity and the Innovation-Replication Dilemma
Luciana D’Adderio

35. Coworking and Innovation
Janet Merkel

36. Markets, Marketization and Innovation
Michel Callon

37. Market Formation and Innovation Systems
Ulrich Dewald and Bernard Truffer

38. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Edward J. Malecki and Ben Spigel

39. Transnational Entrepreneurs and Global Knowledge Transfer
Sebastian Henn and Harald Bathelt

40. Institutional Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Alzheimer's Disease Treatment
Nina Geilinger, Stefan Haefliger, Georg von Krogh, and Fotini Pachidou

41. Relational Geographies of Knowledge and Innovation
James R. Faulconbridge

42. Innovation, Governance and Place
Maryann Feldman and Nichola Lowe

43. The Dynamics of Organizational Structures and Performances
Giovanni Dosi and Luigi Marengo

44. Learning through Governance
Neil Bradford and David A. Wolfe

45. Global Value Chains and Innovation
Ari Van Assche

46. Innovation, Development and Global Destruction Networks
Andrew Herod, Graham Pickren, Al Rainnie and Susan McGrath-Champ

47. Innovation and the Global Eco-Industry
Bernard Sinclair-Desgagné

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