


The Challenges of Reform

9781843764694 爱德华伊利加出版社
Edited by John-ren Chen, Professor of Economic Theory and Econometrics, Department of Economic Theory, Policy and History and Director, Centre for the Study of International Institutions, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Publication Date:2003 ISBN:978 1 84376 469 4 Extent:232 pp


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In an increasingly globalised world, it is becoming ever more difficult for nation states to adapt to the international consequences of market failures, government failures and global externalities without co-operation and co-ordination with other countries. In the absence of any form of world government, the most effective solution to this problem is either to create new international institutions, reform existing ones or work within the prevailing institutional framework.


This important theoretical and empirical analysis of the problems relating to the creation, evolution and role of international institutions will be of interest and value to academics and researchers of international trade, international economics, international relations and economic development.
贡献者:V.N.Balasubramanyam,P.Bernholz,J.-R.陈,A.K.DUTT,P. Egger,K.S.金,S。 -Kim,K.Raffer,D. Sapsford,W.S.A.Schwaiger,J. Toye
Contents: Preface Introduction 1. Global Market, National Sovereignty and International Institutions 2. The Tobin Tax Revisited in the Context of Global Governance on Capital Markets 3. The WTO System and Foreign Direct Investment: A Policy Challenge 4. Order and Justice in the International Trade System 5. Some Proposals to Adapt International Institutions to Developmental Needs 6. Globalization, North–South Uneven Development and International Institutions 7. Comment on ‘Globalization, North–South Uneven Development and International Institutions’ 8. The Bank for International Settlements: Which Activities can be Justified from a Normative Economic Perspective? 9. Basle II: Quantitative Impact Study on Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in Austria 10. Basle Accord and Macroeconomic Activity Index
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