The Theory of International Trade: Volume 1


The Theory of International Trade: Volume 1

9781843763093 爱德华埃尔加Publishing
John S. Chipman, Regents’ Professor of Economics Emeritus, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, US
Publication Date:2008 ISBN:978 1 84376 309 3 Extent:368 pp
John Chipman is one of the most esteemed economists working in international trade theory. This major reference work presents in an accessible form his principal theoretical surveys. It explores the evolution of thought from classical to new-classical and on to modern theory. The work remains pertinent and lively and this volume will prove invaluable to anyone interested in international trade.

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John Chipman is one of the most esteemed economists working in international trade theory. This major reference work, presented in two volumes, offers his principal work in an accessible form.

Volume I presents Chipman’s famous survey articles on the theory of international trade which are generally recognized to be an essential starting point for any serious study of the subject. The papers explore the evolution of thought from classical to new-classical and on to modern theory. The work remains pertinent and lively and will prove invaluable to anyone interested in international trade. The volume closes with two non-survey articles that expand upon ideas first discussed in the earlier works.

This landmark book and its companion volume gather together truly seminal articles that are widely scattered through the literature, and will be an essential source of reference for both instructors and graduate students concerned with international trade theory.
Contents: Introduction Part I: A Survey of the Theory of International Trade 1. The Survey of International Trade: Part 1, The Classical Theory 2. A Survey of the Theory of International Trade: Part 2, The Neo-Classical Theory 3. A Survey of the Theory of International Trade: Part 3, The Modern Theory Part II 4. International Trade 5. Balance-of-Payments Theory from Locke to Ricardo 6. Factor Price Equalization and the Stolper-Samuelson Theorem 7. Product Diversification, Equalization of Factor Rentals, and Consumer Preferences Index
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