Towards a Cultural Political Economy


Towards a Cultural Political Economy

Putting Culture in its Place in Political Economy

9781783472437 艾德ward Elgar Publishing
Ngai-Ling Sum, Senior Lecturer, Department of Politics, Philosophy and Religion, Lancaster University, UK and Bob Jessop, Emeritus Professor of Sociology, Lancaster University, UK
Publication Date:2015 ISBN:978 1 78347 243 7 Extent:592 pp
This fascinating volume offers a critique of recent institutional and cultural turns in heterodox economics and political economy. Using seven case studies as examples, the authors explore how research on sense- and meaning-making can deepen critical studies in political economy, illuminating its role in critiquing the specific categories, contradictions and crisis-tendencies of capitalism.

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This fascinating volume offers a critique of recent institutional and cultural turns in heterodox economics and political economy. Using seven case studies as examples, the authors explore how research on sense- and meaning-making can deepen critical studies in political economy, illuminating its role in critiquing the specific categories, contradictions and crisis-tendencies of capitalism.

Parts I and II provide a foundation in institutionalism, international political economy and historical semantics, before introducing an original account of sense- and meaning-making and its role in remaking social relations. This account connects the evolution of both economic and extra-economic concepts to dispositives (problem-oriented social fixes), institutions, and capitalist restructuring. In Parts III and IV, specific case studies demonstrate how this new research program can be applied to issues such as competitiveness, the knowledge-based economy, governmental technologies, institutional and spatio-temporal fixes and crisis management.

年代cholars and students of heterodox, cultural, political and institutional economics will find this book a comprehensive and illuminating addition to their libraries.
内容:前言介绍第一部分:标识,Logics and Limits of Institutional and Cultural Turns: Challenges and Responses 1. Institutional Turns and Beyond in Political Economy 2. Cultural Turns and Beyond in Political Economy 3. Semiotics for Cultural Political Economy Part II: Towards a Post-Disciplinary Cultural Political Economy 4. Between Scylla and Charybdis: Locating Cultural Political Economy 5. Elaborating the Cultural Political Economy Research Agenda: Selectivities, Dispositives and the Production of (Counter-)Hegemonies Part III: Reimagining and Institutionalizing Competitive Governance: Narratives, Strategies and Struggles 6. A Cultural Political Economy of Variegated Capitalism 7. A Cultural Political Economy of Competitiveness and the Knowledge-based Economy 8. The Production of a Hegemonic Knowledge Brand: Competitiveness Discourses and Neoliberal Developmentalism 9. Competitiveness Clusters, Wal-Martization and the (Re)making of Corporate Social Responsibilities 10. Competitiveness Knowledge Brands and Service Governance: The Making of Hong Kong’s Competitiveness–Integration (Dis)order Part IV: Financialization, Financial Crisis and Reimaginations 11. Crisis Construals and Crisis Recovery in the North Atlantic Financial Crisis 12. The North Atlantic Financial Crisis and Crisis Recovery: (Trans-)national Imaginaries of ‘BRIC’ and Subaltern Groups in China Part V: Consolidating Cultural Political Economy: From Pre-theoretical Intuition to Post-Disciplinary Practice 13. Implications for Future Research in and on Cultural Political Economy References Index
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