Trade in the Pre-modern Era, 1400–1700


Trade in the Pre-modern Era, 1400–1700

9781852789893 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by Douglas A. Irwin, Department of Economics, Dartmouth College, US
Publication Date:1996 ISBN:978 1 85278 989 3 广泛的nt:952 pp
这是第一个乳头le in The Growth of the World Economy series and collects together the most significant research and scholarship on a crucial period in the growth of international trade, from the fifteenth to the seventeenth centuries.

This three hundred year span saw a dramatic expansion in the volume of world trade. Trade during this period became more truly international due to the rise of the nation-state in Europe.

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这是第一个乳头le in The Growth of the World Economy series and collects together the most significant research and scholarship on a crucial period in the growth of international trade, from the fifteenth to the seventeenth centuries.

This three hundred year span saw a dramatic expansion in the volume of world trade. Trade during this period became more truly international due to the rise of the nation-state in Europe.

Articles are written by leading scholars around the world and take up such topics as the emergence of new world trade routes, trade in particular goods and commodities, European trade policies and mercantilism. With its focus on the beginnings of world trade, Trade in the Pre-Modern Era, 1400–1700 will be an indispensable reference source for all researchers concerned with the initial development of both international trade and the expansion of the world economy.
36 articles, dating from 1933 to 1993
贡献者:通用安德森·本尼迪克特。布兰科hard, M. Bogucka, A.M. Carlos, K.N. Chaudhuri, A.W. Coats, D.C. Coleman, J.B. Colllins, R. Conquest, R. Davis, R.B. Ekelund, R. Findlay, F.J. Fisher, P.J. Forsyth, E.J. Hamilton, C. Jones Mathers, F.C. Lane, F. Mauro, R.E. McCormick, R.R. Menard, P.R. Milgrom, S.J. Nicholas, D.C. North, C.R. Phillips, R.T. Rapp, J. Sperling, N. Steensgaard, R.D. Tollison, R.W. Unger, J. Viner, C.H.H. Wake, B.R. Weingast, C. Wilson
Volume I
Part I: World Perspectives and Overview
1. R. Findlay (1992), ‘The Roots of Divergence: Western Economic History in Comparative Perspective’
2. P.R. Milgrom (1990), ‘The Role of Institutions in the Revival of Trade: The Law Merchant, Private Judges, and the Champagne Fairs’
3. F. Mauro (1993), ‘Towards an “Intercontinental Model”: European Overseas Expansion Between 1500 and 1800’
4. R. Findlay (1993), ‘International Trade and Factor Mobility with an Endogenous Land Frontier: Some General Equilibrium Implications of Chrisopher Columbus’
Part II: The Organization and Finance of Trade
5. C.J. Mathers (1988), ‘Family Partnerships and International Trade in Early Modern Europe: Merchants from Burgos in England and France, 1470-1570’
6. N. Steensgaard (1981), ‘The Companies as a Specific Institution in the History of European Expansion’
7. A.M. Carlos and S. Nicholas (1988), ‘“Giants of an Earlier Capitalism”: The Chartered Trading Companies as Modern Multinationals’
8. R.R. Menard (1991), ‘Transport Costs and Long-Range Trade, 1300-1800: Was there a European “Transport Revolution” in the Early Modern Era?’
9. K.N. Chaudhuri (1975), ‘The Economic and Monetary Problems of European Trade with Asia during the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries’
10. J. Sperling (1961-62), ‘The International Payments Mechanism in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries’
Part III: European Overseas Expansion and Trade
A. Fifteenth Century: Venice
11. F.C. Lane (1933), ‘Venetian Shipping during the Commercial Revolution’
12. R.T. Rapp (1975), ‘The Unmaking of the Mediterranean Trade Hegemony: International Trade Rivalry and The Commercial Revolution’
B. Sixteenth Century: Spain and Portugal
13 C.R. Phillips (1990), ‘The Growth and Composition of Trade in the Iberian Empires, 1450-1750’
14. E.J. Hamilton (1938), ‘The Decline of Spain’
15. P.J. Forsyth and S.J. Nicholas (1983), The Decline of Spanish Industry and the Price Revolution: A Neoclassical Analysis’
C. Seventeenth Century: England and the Netherlands
16. N. Steensgard (1990), ‘The Growth and Composition of the Long-Distance Trade of England and the Dutch Republic before 1750’
17 N. Steensgard (1982), ‘The Dutch East India Company as an Institutional Innovation’
18. G.M. Anderson, R.E. McCormick and R.D. Tollison (1983), ‘The Economic Organization of the English East India Company’
19. D.A. Irwin (1991), ‘Mercantilism as Strategic Trade Policy: The Anglo-Dutch Rivalry for the East India Trade’
Name Index
Volume II
Part I: Intra-European Trade and Trade Policies
1. F.J. Fisher (1939-40), ‘Commercial Trends and Policy in Sixteenth-Century England’
2 R. Findlay (1987), ‘Intemediate Goods, Export Taxation and Resource-Based Industrialization’
3. R. Davis (1954), ‘English Foreign Trade, 1660-1700’
4. P. Benedict (1984), ‘Rouen’s Foreign Trade during the Era of the Religious Wars [1560-1600]’
5. J.B. Collins (1984), ‘The Role of Atlantic France in the Baltic Trade: Dutch Traders and Polish Grain at Nantes, 1625-1675’
6. M. Bogucka (1973), ‘Amsterdam and the Baltic in the First Half of the Seventeenth Century’
7. M. Bogucka (1980), ‘The Role of Baltic Trade in European Development from the XVIth to the XVIIIth Centuries’
Part II: Commodity Markets in International Trade
8. C.H.H. Wake (1979), ‘The Changing Pattern of Europe’s Pepper and Spice Imports, ca 1400-1700’
9. R.W. Unger (1980), ‘Dutch Herring, Technology, and International Trade in the Seventeenth Century’
10. I. Blanchard (1986), ‘The Continental European Cattle Trades, 1400-1600’
11. C. Wilson (1960-61), ‘Cloth Production and International Competition’
Part III: Mercantilism
12. J. Viner (1948), ‘Power versus Plenty as Objectives of Foreign Policy in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries’
13. R. Conquest (1985), ‘The State and Commercial Expansion: England in the Years 1642-1688’
14. A.W. Bob Coats (1992), ‘Mercantilism: Economic Ideas, History, Policy’
15. D.C. Coleman (1980), ‘Mercantilism Revisited’
16. R.B. Ekelund, Jr and R.D. Tollison (1984), ‘A Rent-Seeking Theory of French Mercantilism’
17. D.A. Irwin (1992), ‘Strategic Trade Policy and Mercantilist Trade Rivalries’
Name Index
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