Varieties of Capitalism
Second-Generation Perspectives
9781035312740 爱德华埃尔加Publishing
在过去的二十年出现了一个compelling new discourse on varieties of capitalism. That discourse has an appealing common sense which challenges the view there is no alternative to free market capitalism. The initial view had a microeconomic focus that made firms the fulcrum of analysis. It distinguished between liberal market and coordinated market economies. Subsequently, there has emerged a second-generation literature which adopts a macroeconomic perspective that emphasizes differences in drivers of growth. This book provides a collection of essays that engage those second-generation concerns and questions.
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在过去的二十年出现了一个compelling new discourse on varieties of capitalism. That discourse has an appealing common sense which challenges the view there is no alternative to free market capitalism. The initial view had a microeconomic focus that made firms the fulcrum of analysis. It distinguished between liberal market and coordinated market economies. Subsequently, there has emerged a second-generation literature which adopts a macroeconomic perspective that emphasizes differences in drivers of growth. This book provides a collection of essays that engage those second-generation concerns and questions.
The new view emphasizes income distribution, which leads to a focus on institutional structures that are shaped by policy and power. A related feature is an emphasis on politics, which is the process by which policies are made. Furthermore, it asks whether economies should be understood as the product of national choices versus global capitalist system forces. That connects with the long-standing center-periphery distinction in development economics.
Economists, researchers, and students will find this volume an enlightening look at an important subject.
The new view emphasizes income distribution, which leads to a focus on institutional structures that are shaped by policy and power. A related feature is an emphasis on politics, which is the process by which policies are made. Furthermore, it asks whether economies should be understood as the product of national choices versus global capitalist system forces. That connects with the long-standing center-periphery distinction in development economics.
Economists, researchers, and students will find this volume an enlightening look at an important subject.
Symposium: Varieties of Capitalism
Theorizing Varieties of Capitalism: economics and the fallacy that
‘there is no alternative (TINA)’ 1
Thomas Palley
In search of varieties of capitalism: hardy perennial or troublesome weed? 39
Mark Blyth and Herman Mark Schwartz
Learning from distant cousins? Post-Keynesian Economics, Comparative
Political Economy, and the Growth Models approach 56
Engelbert Stockhammer and Karsten Kohler
The politics of growth models 76
Lucio Baccaro and Jonas Pontusson
Rethinking Varieties of Capitalism and growth theory in the ICT era 94
David Soskice
Varieties of peripheral capitalism: on the institutional foundations of
economic backwardness 114
Esteban Pérez Caldentey and Matías Vernengo
Varieties and interdependencies of demand and growth regimes in
finance-dominated capitalism: a Post-Keynesian two-country stock–flow
consistent simulation approach 136
Franz Prante, Eckhard Hein and Alessandro Bramucci
Symposium: Varieties of Capitalism
Theorizing Varieties of Capitalism: economics and the fallacy that
‘there is no alternative (TINA)’ 1
Thomas Palley
In search of varieties of capitalism: hardy perennial or troublesome weed? 39
Mark Blyth and Herman Mark Schwartz
Learning from distant cousins? Post-Keynesian Economics, Comparative
Political Economy, and the Growth Models approach 56
Engelbert Stockhammer and Karsten Kohler
The politics of growth models 76
Lucio Baccaro and Jonas Pontusson
Rethinking Varieties of Capitalism and growth theory in the ICT era 94
David Soskice
Varieties of peripheral capitalism: on the institutional foundations of
economic backwardness 114
Esteban Pérez Caldentey and Matías Vernengo
Varieties and interdependencies of demand and growth regimes in
finance-dominated capitalism: a Post-Keynesian two-country stock–flow
consistent simulation approach 136
Franz Prante, Eckhard Hein and Alessandro Bramucci