Women in Business


Women in Business

9781852788117 Edward Elgar Publishing
由玛丽·a·耶格尔编辑副教授History, University of California, Los Angeles, US
Publication Date:1999 ISBN:978 1 85278 811 7 Extent:1,968 pp
Women in Business is an extensive collection of significant papers which explore the work of women in a wide range of businesses. The selection encompasses path-breaking articles covering all aspects of women’s work in The Americas, Europe, Africa and Asia.

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Critical Acclaim
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Women in Business is an extensive collection of significant papers which explore the work of women in a wide range of businesses. The selection encompasses path-breaking articles covering all aspects of women’s work in The Americas, Europe, Africa and Asia.

Key Features:-

Women in Business documents and evaluates the business activities of women from around the world who have contributed to the building of business institutions, industries and economies from the 11th to the late 20th centuries

These volumes assemble for the first time an international collection of English-speaking articles from scholars in economics, psychology, literature, anthropology, history, management and industrial organization, that prepare a ground work for a gendered history of business

The volumes suggest the basic tools and the knowledge necessary to bring women into business and bring business people and institutions back into society

Women in Business will be particularly welcomed by business people, women in business, policy professionals and scholars and graduate students.
Critical Acclaim
‘Editor Mary A. Yeager’s introduction to the articles offer useful bibliographies on the history and historiography of women in business. The essays are rich in interesting observations.’
– Kirsi Vainio-Korhonen, Scandinavian Economic History Review

Volume I:
Acknowledgements • Introduction

Part I: Imagining the Woman in Business and Imaging the Firm
1. Mary A. Yeager, ‘Will There Ever Be A Feminist Business History?’
2. Alfred D. Chandler, Jr. (1992), ‘What is a Firm? A Historical Perspective’
3. Lillian M. Gilbreth (1928), ‘Why Women Succeed in Business’
Part II: Women, Property and the Law
A. Women as the Object of Property: Inequality under the Law
4. Rowland Berthoff (1989), ‘Conventional Mentality: Free Blacks, Women, and Business Corporations as Unequal Persons, 1820-70’
5. Reva Siegel (1994), ‘Home as Work: The First Woman’s Rights Claims concerning Wives’ Household Labor, 1850-1880’
B. Property Owners and Investors
6. Wakita Haruko (1984), ‘Marriage and Property in Premodern Japan from the Perspective of Women’s History’
7. Anita Göransson (1993), ‘Gender and Property Rights: Capital, Kin, and Owner Influence in Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Sweden’
8. Loren Schweninger (1990), ‘Property Owning Free African-American Women in the South, 1800-1870’
Part III: In the Family Way: Family Business, Family Firms, and Company Culture
9. John Tutino (1983), ‘Power, Class, and Family: Men and Women in the Mexican Elite, 1750-1810’
10. Leonore Davidoff and Catherine Hall (1987), ‘“The Hidden Investment”: Women and the Enterprise’
11. Charles Dellheim (1987), ‘The Creation of a Company Culture: Cadbury’s, 1861–1931’
12. Paula Petrik (1986), ‘The House that Parcheesi Built: Selchow & Righter Company’
Part IV: The Business of Invention and Innovation: Women and Technological Change
13. Deborah Merritt (1991), ‘Hypatia in the Patent Office: Women Inventors and the Law, 1865-1900’
14. Vern L. Bullough (1979), ‘Female Physiology, Technology and Women’s Liberation’
15. Susan Martin (1984), ‘Gender and Innovation: Farming, Cooking and Palm Processing in the Ngwa Region, South-Eastern Nigeria, 1900-1930’
Name Index

Volume II:
Part I: The Business of Farming: Farm Owners, Managers, and Workers
1. Deborah Valenze (1991), ‘The Art of Women and The Business of Men: Women’s Work and the Dairy Industry, c. 1740-1840’
2. Anne B.W. Effland, Denise M. Rogers and Valerie Grim (1993), ‘Women as Agricultural Landowners: What Do We Know About Them?’
3. Kathleen Staudt (1978), ‘Agricultural Productivity Gaps: A Case Study of Male Preference in Government Policy Implementation’
Part II: She Merchants, Market Women and Traders All
4. Sidney W. Mintz (1971), ‘Men, Women, and Trade’
5. W. Thwaites (1984), ‘Women in the Market Place: Oxfordshire c. 1690-180’
6. Sylvia Van Kirk (1984), ‘The Role of Native Women in the Fur Trade Society of Western Canada, 1670-1830’
7. Jean P. Jordan (1977), ‘Women Merchants in Colonial New York’
8. Merry Wiesner Wood (1981), ‘Paltry Peddlers or Essential Merchants? Women in the Distributive Trades in Early Modern Nuremberg’
9. Linda J. Seligman (1989), ‘To Be In Between: The Cholas as Market Women’
Part III: Inservice for Others and Ourselves: Women in Service and Manufacturing Industries
A. The ‘Good’ Businesses: Printing, Publishing, Banking, Finance, Insurance, Wholesale and Retail – and Philanthropy
10. Elsa Barkley Brown (1989), ‘Womanist Consciousness: Maggie Lena Walker and the Independent Order of Saint Luke’
11. Wendy Gamber (1992), ‘A Precarious Independence: Milliners and Dressmakers in Boston, 1860-1890’
12. Angel Kwolek-Folland (1991), ‘Gender, Self, and Work in the Life Insurance Industry, 1880-1930’
13. Lucy Eldersveld Murphy (1991), ‘Business Ladies: Midwestern Women and Enterprise, 1850-80’
B. “Hers” and “His”: Artisans and Manufacturers
14. Jean H. Quataert (1985), ‘The Shaping of Women’s Work in Manufacturing: Guilds, Households, and the State in Central Europe, 1648-1870’
15. James B. Collins (1989), ‘The Economic Role of Women in Seventeenth-Century France’
16. Kathy Peiss (1990), ‘Making Faces: The Cosmetics Industry and the Cultural Construction of Gender, 1890-1930’
17.Margaret Walsh (1979), ‘The Democratization of Fashion: The Emergence of the Women’s Dress Pattern Industry’
C. “Evil Businesses”: Prostitution
18. Lucie Cheng Hirata (1979), ‘Chinese Immigrant Women in Nineteenth-Century California’
19. Benedict B.B. Naanen (1991), ‘“Itinerant Gold Mines”: Prostitution in the Cross River Basin of Nigeria, 1930-1950’
Name Index

Volume III:
Part I: Male Managers and Female Workers in the Firm
A. Work, Business and Industrialization
1. Maxine Berg (1993), ‘What Difference did Women’s Work Make to the Industrial Revolution?’
2. Claudia Goldin (1986), ‘The Economic Status of Women in the Early Republic: Quantitative Evidence’
B. Managerial, Family and Worker Strategies
3. Elyce J. Rotella (1980), ‘Women’s Labor Force Participation and the Decline of the Family Economy in the United States’
4. Kenneth Lipartito (1994), ‘When Women were Switches: Technology, Work, and Gender in the Telephone Industry, 1890-1920’
5. Joy Parr (1987), ‘The Skilled Emigrant and Her Kin: Gender, Culture, and Labour Recruitment’
6. Richard Roberts (1984), ‘Women’s Work and Women’s Property: Household Social Relations in the Maraka Textile Industry of the Nineteenth Century’
7. Ruth Milkman (1982), ‘Redefining ‘Women’s Work’: The Sexual Division of Labor in the Auto Industry During World War II’
8. Francine D. Blau and Lawrence M. Kahn (1995), ‘The Gender Earnings Gap: Some International Evidence’
C. Working the Law
9. Vicki Schultz (1990), ‘Telling Stories About Women and Work: Judicial Interpretations of Sex Segregation in the Workplace in Title VII Cases Raising the Lack of Interest Argument’
第二部分:市场制造商s and Managers of Consumption: Female Desire and Demand in The Making of Consumption Culture
10. Wesley C. Mitchell (1912), ‘The Backward Art of Spending Money’
11. Susan Porter Benson (1981), ‘The Cinderella of Occupations: Managing the Work of Department Store Saleswomen, 1900-1940’
12. Judith G. Coffin (1994), ‘Credit, Consumption, and Images of Women’s Desires: Selling the Sewing Machine in Late Nineteenth-Century France’
Part III: The Organization Woman
13. Rosabeth Moss Kanter (1975), ‘Women and the Structure of Organizations: Explorations in Theory and Behavior’
14. Margery Davies (1974), ‘Woman’s Place is at the Typewriter: The Feminization of the Clerical Labor Force’
Part IV: Making the Managerial Woman
A. Scientific Managers in the Home and Firm
15. Guy Alchon (1989), ‘Lillian Gilbreth and the Science of Management, 1900-1920’
16. Mary Nolan (1990), ‘“Housework Made Easy”: The Taylorized Housewife in Weimar Germany’s Rationalized Economy’
17.卡罗琳·戈尔茨坦(1997),“包的一部分: Home Economists in the Consumer Products Industries, 1920-1940’
B. The Managerial Rut and Feminine Mystique
18. Sara Alpern (1993), ‘In the Beginning: A History of Women in Management’
19. Felice N. Schwartz (1989), ‘Management Women and the New Facts of Life’
20. Nancy J. Adler (1994), ‘Competitive Frontiers: Women Managing Across Borders’
21. Judy B. Rosener (1990), ‘Ways Women Lead’
Part V: Making the Businesswoman a Feminist
22. Karen Ward (1989), ‘From Executive to Feminist: The Business Women’s Legislative Council of Los Angeles, 1927-1932’
23. Robert Goffee and Richard Scase (1983), ‘Business Ownership and Women’s Subordination: A Preliminary Study of Female Proprietors’
24. Suzanne Gordon (1983), ‘The New Corporate Feminism’
Name Index
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