A Biographical Dictionary of Women Economists
This major original reference work includes over one hundred specially commissioned articles on the lives and writings of women who made significant contributions to economics. It sheds new light on the rich, but too often neglected, heritage of women’s analysis of economic issues and participation in the discipline of economics. In addition to those who wrote in English, some notable Danish, Dutch, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Russian and Swedish women economists are included. This book will transform widely-held views about the past role of women in economics, and will stimulate further research in this exciting but underdeveloped field. It is dedicated to the memory of Michèle Pujol, a pioneer in the field.
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Critical Acclaim
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This major original reference work includes over one hundred specially commissioned articles on the lives and writings of women who made significant contributions to economics. It sheds new light on the rich, but too often neglected, heritage of women’s analysis of economic issues and participation in the discipline of economics. In addition to those who wrote in English, some notable Danish, Dutch, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Russian and Swedish women economists are included. This book will transform widely-held views about the past role of women in economics, and will stimulate further research in this exciting but underdeveloped field. It is dedicated to the memory of Michèle Pujol, a pioneer in the field.
Critical Acclaim
‘The editors should be congratulated for their excellent work on this handsomely produced biographical dictionary of women economists. . . all librarians should be induced, even in these financially straitened times, to add this work to their shopping list.’
– Gregory C.G. Moore, History of Economics Review
‘A Biographical Dictionary of Women Economists is a welcome addition to the literature on women in economics. The introduction is both interesting and useful . . . It traces the growth of understanding of the role of women in economics teaching, writing, and research, broadly defined . . . Entries are well balanced between biographical information (often fascinating) and economic contributions and significance. References to main publications and other sources of information will be useful to those scholars interested in pursuing further work on individuals.’
– Willie Henderson, The Economic Journal
‘This comprehensive reference work presents over 100 specially commissioned articles on the lives and writings of women who made significant contributions to the discipline of economics. It sheds new light on the often neglected heritage of women’s analysis of economic issues and their participation in the discipline, and it aims to transform widely-held views about the past role of women in economics.’
– Journal of Consumer Policy
‘This publication is an important work with nothing currently comparable. Appropriate for undergraduates and above, general readers, and professional economists, this work is well written and. . . uniform in tone.’
– Hope Yelich, American Reference Books Annual 2002
‘A groundbreaking work. . . The editors. . . [have] taken a giant step in restoring the contributions of women to economics. . . the book should be an inspiration to women who are drawn to the study of market forces, globalization, etc and who wonder if there is a place for women in the discipline.’
– Phyllis Holman Weisbard, Feminist Collections
‘Dimand and his co-editors present a seminal work consisting of 120 commissioned articles on the life and writings of retired or deceased women who have made significant contributions in economics since 1817. Coverage is universal. . . Alphabetically arranged, the book is well researched, thoroughly documented, and well written. . . . Until the appearance of this book, contributions of women in economics have received appallingly scant attention. . . . Recommended for upper-division undergraduates through faculty; essential for academic collections.’
– P.P. Philbin, Choice
– Gregory C.G. Moore, History of Economics Review
‘A Biographical Dictionary of Women Economists is a welcome addition to the literature on women in economics. The introduction is both interesting and useful . . . It traces the growth of understanding of the role of women in economics teaching, writing, and research, broadly defined . . . Entries are well balanced between biographical information (often fascinating) and economic contributions and significance. References to main publications and other sources of information will be useful to those scholars interested in pursuing further work on individuals.’
– Willie Henderson, The Economic Journal
‘This comprehensive reference work presents over 100 specially commissioned articles on the lives and writings of women who made significant contributions to the discipline of economics. It sheds new light on the often neglected heritage of women’s analysis of economic issues and their participation in the discipline, and it aims to transform widely-held views about the past role of women in economics.’
– Journal of Consumer Policy
‘This publication is an important work with nothing currently comparable. Appropriate for undergraduates and above, general readers, and professional economists, this work is well written and. . . uniform in tone.’
– Hope Yelich, American Reference Books Annual 2002
‘A groundbreaking work. . . The editors. . . [have] taken a giant step in restoring the contributions of women to economics. . . the book should be an inspiration to women who are drawn to the study of market forces, globalization, etc and who wonder if there is a place for women in the discipline.’
– Phyllis Holman Weisbard, Feminist Collections
‘Dimand and his co-editors present a seminal work consisting of 120 commissioned articles on the life and writings of retired or deceased women who have made significant contributions in economics since 1817. Coverage is universal. . . Alphabetically arranged, the book is well researched, thoroughly documented, and well written. . . . Until the appearance of this book, contributions of women in economics have received appallingly scant attention. . . . Recommended for upper-division undergraduates through faculty; essential for academic collections.’
– P.P. Philbin, Choice
贡献者:g . Abraham-Frois J.A.亚历山大,R。L. Bartlett, G. Becchio, A. Bernasek, M.H. Best, K. Bharadwaj, G. Biffl, R.G. Bodkin, M. Boianovsky, M.D. Bordo, F. Butschk, B. Corry, A.I. Dagg, J.B. Davis, M.A. Dimand, R.W. Dimand, Z. Emami, M. Fontana, E.L. Forget, G. Fornengo, A. Gamez, S.H. Gensemer, P. Groenewegen, D. Haas-Wilson, H. Hagemann, C.H. Hammond, J.D. Hammond, I. Hardeen, J.P. Henderson, I. Henriksen, R. Henriksson, M.C. Howard, J. Humphries, P. Hyman, A. Ikeo, C. Ivory, J.P. Jacobsen, N. Kaergård, M.I. Kamien, V. Kapurina-Foreman, S.D. Kasper, J.E. King, S. King, D. Kinnear, R. Kleer, C.-D. Krohn, T.E. Kulakovskaja, F.S. Lee, M. Lewis, B. Libby, R.A. Lobdell, C. McDonough-Dumler, G. Mongiovi, N.I. Naumova, J. Nautz, C. Nyland, S.J. Pack, H.W. Plasmeijer, B. Polkinghorn, M. Psalidopoulos, M.A. Pujol, S. Raman, M. Rix, C.K. Ryan, W.J. Samuels, P. Scholze, J.A. Seiz, J. Shackelford, K. Shopsowitz, K.K. Sklar, W.D. Sockwell, L.A. Soroka, J.J. Thomas, A.C. Thorne, H.-M. Trautwein, R.M. Tullberg, R. Vaitheswaran, B.S. Visano, T. Wobbe
Edith Abbott: Claire Holton Hammond
露丝爱丽丝艾伦:亚历山德拉Bernasek &道格拉斯亲属near
Shirley Ann Montag Almon: Christopher McDonough-Dumler
Elizabeth Faulkner Baker: Chris Nyland & Mark Rix
Emily Greene Balch: Robert W. Dimand
Käthe Bauer-Mengelberg: Claus-Dieter Krohn
Hilde Behrend: Gudrun Biffl
Cora Berliner: Claus-Dieter Krohn
Krishna Bharadwaj: Krishna Bharadwaj
Huguette Biaujeaud: G. Abraham-Frois
Clementina Black: Susan King
Rosalind (Hyman) Blauer: Lewis A. Soroka
Barbara Bodichon: William D. Sockwell
Olga Nikolajevna Bondareva: Tatiana E. Kulakovskaja & Natalia I. Naumova
Helen Dendy Bosanquet: Peter Groenewegen
Ester Boserup: Ingrid Henriksen & Niels Kærgård
Emilia Jessie Boucherett: Susan H. Gensemer
Marian E.A. Bowley: Bernard Corry
Mary Jean Bowman: Evelyn L. Forget
Dorothy Stahl Brady: Evelyn L. Forget
Sophonisba Brekinridge: Claire Holton Hammond
Elizabeth Read Brown: Christopher K. Ryan
Martha Stephanie Browne: Jürgen Nautz
Eveline Mabel Richardson Burns: Sherryl Davis Kasper
Elizabeth Beardsley Butler: Susan H. Gensemer
Heln Stuart Campbell: John B. Davis
Agatha Louisa Chapman: Judith A. Alexander
Margaret Cole: Giandomenica Becchio
Clara Elizabeth Collet: Peter Groenewegen
Katharine Coman: Robin L. Bartlett
Costanza Costantino: Magda Fontana
Caroline Wells Healey Dall: Robert W. Dimand
Julie-Victoire Daubié: Christine Ivory
Caroline Augusta Foley Rhys Davids: Robert W. Dimand
Katherine Bement Davis: Claire Holton Hammond
Marie Dessauer: Hans-Michael Trautwein
Elisabeth Caroline van Dorp: Henk W. Plasmeijer
Eleanor Lansing Dulles: Indra Hardeen
Raya Dunayevskaya: M.C. Howard & J.E. King
Minnie Throop England: Robert W. Dimand
Millicent Garrett Fawcett: Michèle A. Pujol & Janet A. Seiz
Ann Fetter Friedlaender: Evelyn L. Forget
Rose Director Friedman: J. Daniel Hammond
Elizabeth Waterman Gilboy: J.J. Thomas
Charlotte Perkins Gilman: Mary Ann Dimand
Fanny Ginor: Harald Hagemann
Kirsten Gloerfelt-Tarp: Niels Kærgård
Selma Evelyn Fine Goldsmith: Vibha Kapuria-Foreman
Dorothy C. Goodwin: Shyamala Raman
Margaret Gordon: Joyce P. Jacobsen
Mariana Goudi: Michalis Psalidopoulos
Marjorie Grice-Hutchinson: Aurora Gamez
Lucy Barbara (Bradby) Hammond: Richard Kleer
Amy Hewes: Peter Groenewegen
Ursula Hicks: Joyce P. Jacobsen
Elizabeth Ellis Hoyt: Alison Comish Thorne
B.L. Hutchins: James P. Henderson
Mary Quayle Innis: Anne Innis Dagg
Alice Hanson Jones: Evelyn L. Forget
Florence Kelley: Kathryn Kish Sklar
Susan Myra Kingsbury: Susan H. Gensemer
Karin Kock: Rolf Henriksson
Anna Koutsoyiannis: Ronald G. Bodkin
Hazel Kyrk: Richard A. Lobdell
Käthe Leichter: Theresa Wobbe
Charlotte Leubuscher: Philine Scholze & Therese Wobbe
Helene Lieser: Jürgen Nautz
Gertrud von Lovasy: Jürgen Nautz
Rosa Luxemburg: Richard Kleer
Jane Haldimand Marcet: Bette Polkinghorn
Mary Paley Marshall: Rita McWilliams Tullberg
Harriet Martineau: Evelyn L. Forget
Jean Trepp McKelvey: Margaret Lewis
Therese Schmid McMahon: Robert W. Dimand
Mary Meynieu: Evelyn L. Forget
Harriet Hardy Taylor Mill: Michèle A. Pujol
Ilse Schüler Mintz: Jürgen Nautz
娜塔莉Moszkowska: M.C. Howard & J.E. King
Selma J. Mushkin: Deborah Haas-Wilson
Margaret Good Myers: Brenda Spotton Visano
Maria Negreponti-Delivani: Michalis Psalidopoulos
Mabel Newcomer: Jean Shackelford
Jessica Blanche Peixotto: Richard A. Lobdell
Virginia Penny: Susan H. Gensemer
Edith Tilton Penrose: Michael H. Best & Jane Humphries
The Philip Family: Niels Kærgård
Vera Cao Pinna: Graziella Fornengo
米歇尔·a·Pujol: Robert w .迪曼德
Eleanor Rathbone: Janet A. Seiz
Margaret Gilpin Ried: Evelyn L. Forget
Joan Robinson: Zohreh Emami
Clémence-Auguste Royer: Evelyn L. Forget
Lise Salvas-Bronsard: Robert W. Dimand
Koko (Takako) Sanpei: Aiko Ikeo
Elizabeth Boody Schumpeter: Richard A. Lobdell
Anna Jacobson Schwartz: Michael D. Bordo
Nancy L. Schwartz: Morton I. Kamien
Hannah Robie Sewall: Claire Holton Hammond
Kate Sheppard: Prue Hyman
Irene M. Spry: Judith A. Alexander & Karen Shopsowitz
Maria Szecsi: Felix Butschek
Setsu Tanino: Aiko Ikeo
Maria da Conceição Tavares: Mauro Boianovsky
Marguerite Thibert: Evelyn L. Forget
Mabel Frances Timlin: Robert W. Dimand
Cläre Tisch: Harald Hagemann
Flora Tristan: Jean Shackelford
Mary Abby Van Kleek: Chris Nyland & Mark Rix
Priscilla Wakefield: Robert W. Dimand
Phyllis Ann Wallace: Evelyn L. Forget
Barbara Ward: Christopher K. Ryan & Ramakrishna Vaitheswaran
Caroline Farrar Ware: Frederic S. Lee & Warren J. Samuels
Beatrice Potter Webb: James P. Henderson
Helen Laura Sumner Woodbury: Richard A. Lobdell
Maxine Bernard Yaple Sweezy Woolston: Spencer J. Pack
Barbara Wootton: Indra Hardeen
Frieda Wunderlich: Gary Mongiovi
Kikue Yamakawa: Aiko Ikeo
Anna Pritchett Youngman: Barbara Libby
Irini (Rena) Zafiriou: Michalis Psalidopoulos
Edith Abbott: Claire Holton Hammond
露丝爱丽丝艾伦:亚历山德拉Bernasek &道格拉斯亲属near
Shirley Ann Montag Almon: Christopher McDonough-Dumler
Elizabeth Faulkner Baker: Chris Nyland & Mark Rix
Emily Greene Balch: Robert W. Dimand
Käthe Bauer-Mengelberg: Claus-Dieter Krohn
Hilde Behrend: Gudrun Biffl
Cora Berliner: Claus-Dieter Krohn
Krishna Bharadwaj: Krishna Bharadwaj
Huguette Biaujeaud: G. Abraham-Frois
Clementina Black: Susan King
Rosalind (Hyman) Blauer: Lewis A. Soroka
Barbara Bodichon: William D. Sockwell
Olga Nikolajevna Bondareva: Tatiana E. Kulakovskaja & Natalia I. Naumova
Helen Dendy Bosanquet: Peter Groenewegen
Ester Boserup: Ingrid Henriksen & Niels Kærgård
Emilia Jessie Boucherett: Susan H. Gensemer
Marian E.A. Bowley: Bernard Corry
Mary Jean Bowman: Evelyn L. Forget
Dorothy Stahl Brady: Evelyn L. Forget
Sophonisba Brekinridge: Claire Holton Hammond
Elizabeth Read Brown: Christopher K. Ryan
Martha Stephanie Browne: Jürgen Nautz
Eveline Mabel Richardson Burns: Sherryl Davis Kasper
Elizabeth Beardsley Butler: Susan H. Gensemer
Heln Stuart Campbell: John B. Davis
Agatha Louisa Chapman: Judith A. Alexander
Margaret Cole: Giandomenica Becchio
Clara Elizabeth Collet: Peter Groenewegen
Katharine Coman: Robin L. Bartlett
Costanza Costantino: Magda Fontana
Caroline Wells Healey Dall: Robert W. Dimand
Julie-Victoire Daubié: Christine Ivory
Caroline Augusta Foley Rhys Davids: Robert W. Dimand
Katherine Bement Davis: Claire Holton Hammond
Marie Dessauer: Hans-Michael Trautwein
Elisabeth Caroline van Dorp: Henk W. Plasmeijer
Eleanor Lansing Dulles: Indra Hardeen
Raya Dunayevskaya: M.C. Howard & J.E. King
Minnie Throop England: Robert W. Dimand
Millicent Garrett Fawcett: Michèle A. Pujol & Janet A. Seiz
Ann Fetter Friedlaender: Evelyn L. Forget
Rose Director Friedman: J. Daniel Hammond
Elizabeth Waterman Gilboy: J.J. Thomas
Charlotte Perkins Gilman: Mary Ann Dimand
Fanny Ginor: Harald Hagemann
Kirsten Gloerfelt-Tarp: Niels Kærgård
Selma Evelyn Fine Goldsmith: Vibha Kapuria-Foreman
Dorothy C. Goodwin: Shyamala Raman
Margaret Gordon: Joyce P. Jacobsen
Mariana Goudi: Michalis Psalidopoulos
Marjorie Grice-Hutchinson: Aurora Gamez
Lucy Barbara (Bradby) Hammond: Richard Kleer
Amy Hewes: Peter Groenewegen
Ursula Hicks: Joyce P. Jacobsen
Elizabeth Ellis Hoyt: Alison Comish Thorne
B.L. Hutchins: James P. Henderson
Mary Quayle Innis: Anne Innis Dagg
Alice Hanson Jones: Evelyn L. Forget
Florence Kelley: Kathryn Kish Sklar
Susan Myra Kingsbury: Susan H. Gensemer
Karin Kock: Rolf Henriksson
Anna Koutsoyiannis: Ronald G. Bodkin
Hazel Kyrk: Richard A. Lobdell
Käthe Leichter: Theresa Wobbe
Charlotte Leubuscher: Philine Scholze & Therese Wobbe
Helene Lieser: Jürgen Nautz
Gertrud von Lovasy: Jürgen Nautz
Rosa Luxemburg: Richard Kleer
Jane Haldimand Marcet: Bette Polkinghorn
Mary Paley Marshall: Rita McWilliams Tullberg
Harriet Martineau: Evelyn L. Forget
Jean Trepp McKelvey: Margaret Lewis
Therese Schmid McMahon: Robert W. Dimand
Mary Meynieu: Evelyn L. Forget
Harriet Hardy Taylor Mill: Michèle A. Pujol
Ilse Schüler Mintz: Jürgen Nautz
娜塔莉Moszkowska: M.C. Howard & J.E. King
Selma J. Mushkin: Deborah Haas-Wilson
Margaret Good Myers: Brenda Spotton Visano
Maria Negreponti-Delivani: Michalis Psalidopoulos
Mabel Newcomer: Jean Shackelford
Jessica Blanche Peixotto: Richard A. Lobdell
Virginia Penny: Susan H. Gensemer
Edith Tilton Penrose: Michael H. Best & Jane Humphries
The Philip Family: Niels Kærgård
Vera Cao Pinna: Graziella Fornengo
米歇尔·a·Pujol: Robert w .迪曼德
Eleanor Rathbone: Janet A. Seiz
Margaret Gilpin Ried: Evelyn L. Forget
Joan Robinson: Zohreh Emami
Clémence-Auguste Royer: Evelyn L. Forget
Lise Salvas-Bronsard: Robert W. Dimand
Koko (Takako) Sanpei: Aiko Ikeo
Elizabeth Boody Schumpeter: Richard A. Lobdell
Anna Jacobson Schwartz: Michael D. Bordo
Nancy L. Schwartz: Morton I. Kamien
Hannah Robie Sewall: Claire Holton Hammond
Kate Sheppard: Prue Hyman
Irene M. Spry: Judith A. Alexander & Karen Shopsowitz
Maria Szecsi: Felix Butschek
Setsu Tanino: Aiko Ikeo
Maria da Conceição Tavares: Mauro Boianovsky
Marguerite Thibert: Evelyn L. Forget
Mabel Frances Timlin: Robert W. Dimand
Cläre Tisch: Harald Hagemann
Flora Tristan: Jean Shackelford
Mary Abby Van Kleek: Chris Nyland & Mark Rix
Priscilla Wakefield: Robert W. Dimand
Phyllis Ann Wallace: Evelyn L. Forget
Barbara Ward: Christopher K. Ryan & Ramakrishna Vaitheswaran
Caroline Farrar Ware: Frederic S. Lee & Warren J. Samuels
Beatrice Potter Webb: James P. Henderson
Helen Laura Sumner Woodbury: Richard A. Lobdell
Maxine Bernard Yaple Sweezy Woolston: Spencer J. Pack
Barbara Wootton: Indra Hardeen
Frieda Wunderlich: Gary Mongiovi
Kikue Yamakawa: Aiko Ikeo
Anna Pritchett Youngman: Barbara Libby
Irini (Rena) Zafiriou: Michalis Psalidopoulos