Advanced Introduction to the Sociology of Peace Processes


Advanced Introduction to the Sociology of Peace Processes

9781839107405 爱德华·埃尔加出版社
约翰·D·布鲁尔(John D.
Publication Date:2022 ISBN:978 1 83910 740 5 Extent:160 pp
This Advanced Introduction establishes the study of peace processes as part of the mainstream of sociology, a position consistent with the new moral re-enchantment of the social sciences. It advances a sociological view of peace that goes beyond vague notions of reconciliation, to constitute the restoration of moral sensibility, from which flows social solidarity, sociability and social justice. These concepts form the basis for a moral framework outlining what peace means sociologically.

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Elgar Advanced Introductions are stimulating and thoughtful introductions to major fields in the social sciences, business and law, expertly written by the world’s leading scholars. Designed to be accessible yet rigorous, they offer concise and lucid surveys of the substantive and policy issues associated with discrete subject areas.

This Advanced Introduction establishes the study of peace processes as part of the mainstream of sociology, a position consistent with the new moral re-enchantment of the social sciences. It advances a sociological view of peace that goes beyond vague notions of reconciliation, to constitute the restoration of moral sensibility, from which flows social solidarity, sociability and social justice. These concepts form the basis for a moral framework outlining what peace means sociologically.


• Establishing the study of peace and peace processes within the core of the sociological imagination
• A sociological approach to post-conflict emotions, compromise, everyday life peacebuilding, and personal trauma
• An innovative analysis that highlights recent developments and key areas of interest for researchers

Invigorating and timely, this will be a critical read for undergraduate and postgraduate students of peace studies, the sociology of conflict, and the sociology of war and violence. It will also appeal to higher level students and researchers in these areas.
‘John Brewer provides a comprehensive and insightful introduction to peace processes, bringing the consideration of war, violence and peace into the mainstream of sociological thought where it belongs. This is a major contribution to both central theoretical debates on order and conflict and empirical studies of the resolution and governance of violent conflicts. The book raises crucial issues of truth, justice, and reconciliation and highlights the responsibility of sociologists to contribute to these issues. It will stand as a landmark in the discussion of this central political issue of our times.’
– John Scott CBE, Plymouth University, UK

‘World peace and healing is hardly on the verge of breaking out, but Brewer draws on a lifetime of theorizing and empirical research to offer both an introduction as well as way forward for a sociology of peace. Well known for empirical research on post conflict societies such as Northern Ireland, South Africa and Sri Lanka, Brewer has developed a theoretical language and a research agenda for studying peace-making in a broader frame, in everyday life, in movements for social change, policy proposals and education. He does all this with an eye towards a long-distance sociological marathon for social transformation in a world at peace. North and Southern American sociologists could usefully build on Brewer’s insights and framework to think about how to address the legacy of settler-colonialism, slavery and market fundamentalism that are either fraying or tearing apart our nations. The book is nuanced, open to diverse views and free of both the scolding and self-righteous tone and positivist scientific pretension that infects too much of our social science. Brewer offers a normative public social science with a moral sensibility that can help bypass irresponsible politicians and polarizing activists and social media logics to help map out roads forward toward true reconciliation, rooted in truth, justice, compromise and the most humane emotions of forgiveness, trust and hope.’
– Neil McLaughlin, McMaster University, Canada

‘本书为读者提供了对社会学在理解和平,妥协与和解的变革性质中所发挥的重要作用的彻底理解。这本书对和平,战争和暴力的作用进行了引人入胜的批判性分析,并在讨论过渡正义,秩序与和平的讨论中提醒我们对道德,哲学和政治经济学的辩论。不仅赞扬酿酒师要求国家不仅要对战争的伤亡负责,而且还要解决解决结构不平等的重要性,这将是不屑一顾的。这本书为读者提供了新的理解冲突后果的方法,以及解决不公正以实现持久和平的重要性。马丁·路德·金(Martin Luther King Jr)在《大步迈向自由》一书中写道:“真正的和平不仅仅是缺乏紧张:正义的存在”。这本书将是一本有影响力的文本,其中它的影响力将为我们对和平进程的理解提供信息。应要求所有有关和平与社会正义问题的人阅读本书。它对在冲突后生活和之后的人们的情感景观进行了全球吸引力,他们,学者,人权活动家。’
– Azrini Wahidin, Warwick University, UK
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