Alliance Capitalism and Corporate Management


Alliance Capitalism and Corporate Management

Entrepreneurial Cooperation in Knowledge Based Economies

9781840648393 爱德华埃尔加酒吧lishing
Edited by the late John H. Dunning OBE, former Emeritus Professor of International Investment and Business Studies, University of Reading, UK and Emeritus State of New Jersey Professor of International Business, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Newark, US and the late Gavin Boyd, formerly Honorary Professor, Political Science Department, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Newark, US and Adjunct Professor, Management Faculty, Saint Mary’s University, Canada
Publication Date:2003 ISBN:978 1 84064 839 3 Extent:328 pp
As national economies become more closely linked, the value of more active corporate and policy level cooperation is becoming increasingly recognised. This book promotes the concept of alliance capitalism – a spirit of collegial entrepreneurship – as a means to facilitate more harmonious development in the international economy.

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As national economies become more closely linked, the value of more active corporate and policy level cooperation is becoming increasingly recognised. This book promotes the concept of alliance capitalism – a spirit of collegial entrepreneurship – as a means to facilitate more harmonious development in the international economy.

The authors examine balances between the competitive and cooperative activities of firms and governments in major industrialized countries from perspectives of efficiency and social justice. They advocate cooperation to overcome internationalized market failures and policy failures, and to reduce imbalances in the spread of gains from global commerce. This advocacy is based especially on comparisons between corporate and policy level activities in the USA and the EU, and between the USA and the EU. The potential advantages of strengthening cooperation are stressed with emphasis on imperatives being set by continuing technological advances.

Alliance Capitalism and Corporate Management will be required reading for all scholars and students of international management and international political economy, business leaders and corporate managers, and decision makers in the fields of industrial and competition policy.
Contributors: C.E. Barfield, G. Boyd, P.A. Brenton, J.H. Dunning, J. Hagedoorn, N. Hood, S.M. Lundan, P. Morelli, T. Ozawa, P.C. Padoan, N. Pain, L. Rodano, N. Roijakkers, A.M. Rugman, C. Thum, D. van Welsum, S. Young
内容:前言前言1。关系资产,Networks and International Business Activity 2. Alliance Capitalism and Macroeconomic Policies 3. Alliance Capitalism and Microeconomic Policies 4. Inter-firm R&D Partnering in High Technology Industries 5. Financial Liberalization, Alliance Capitalism and the Changing Structure of Financial Markets 6. Corporate Alliances in the World Trading System 7. Corporate Alliances and Competition Policies 8. Alliance Capitalism in Europe 9. EU Growth Strategy and the New Economy 10. American Alliance Capitalism 11. Japan’s Network Capitalism in Evolution 12. Alliance Capitalism, FDI and Developing Countries 13. Alliance Capitalism and Collective Management Index
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