An Eponymous Dictionary of Economics


An Eponymous Dictionary of Economics

A Guide to Laws and Theorems Named after Economists

9781843760290 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by Julio Segura, Professor of Economic Theory and Carlos Rodríguez Braun, Professor of History of Economic Thought, Universidad Complutense, Madrid, Spain
Publication Date:2005 ISBN:978 1 84376 029 0 Extent:320 pp
An Eponymous Dictionary of Economics is a fascinating and accessible reference work with comprehensive coverage of the field of economics from Adam Smith’s Problem through Minkowski’s Theorem to Zellner’s Estimator.
Awarded Choice Outstanding Academic Title for 2005

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An Eponymous Dictionary of Economics is a fascinating and accessible reference work with comprehensive coverage of the field of economics from Adam Smith’s Problem through Minkowski’s Theorem to Zellner’s Estimator.

Eponymy – the practice of affixing the name of the scientist to all or part of what he/she has found – has many interesting features but only a very few attempts have been made to tackle the subject lexicographically in science and art. This is the first eponymous dictionary of economics ever published in any language.

有数百名齐名的人,平均经济omist will probably be acquainted with, let alone be able to master, a relatively restricted number of them. The Dictionary fills this void in a manageable volume that describes all relevant economic eponyms. Some rare but interesting eponyms are also included, many entries are cross-referenced and all have a succinct bibliography for further reading.

Julio Segura and Carlos Rodríguez Braun have assembled a unique Dictionary that will be an invaluable and much welcomed reference book for economic journalists, economists and economic scholars at all levels of academe, and in all areas of economics and its associated fields.
Critical Acclaim
‘. . . wonderful book . . . which provides detailed definitions and explanations for more than three hundred eponymic expressions commonly used in economics . . . a fine work of scholarship and a major contribution to the literature of economics . . . Julio Segura and Carlos Rodriguez Braun have done economists proud, and they deserve our thanks.’
– Julio H. Cole, The Independent Review

‘This useful dictionary is a first of its type in any field, including economics, and thus fills a void. . . Essential. All libraries with business and economics collections serving lower-division undergraduates and up.’
– C.D. Anderson, Choice

‘The Eponymous Dictionary of Economics can rightly take its place amongst the best works of its kind. Its experienced editors have undertaken the mammoth task of reviewing the vast array of economic propositions associated with particular writers with evident enthusiasm and consummate skill. Not the least of the Dictionary’s features is that it draws attention to the professional dedication of the economics profession in modern Spain; and it was a happy inspiration to offer the task of preparing entries mainly to the young and enthusiastic.’
– Sir Alan Peacock, The David Hume Institute and Fellow of the British Academy
参与者包括:m . Arellano b . Arrunada年代。Barberá, S. Bentolila, F. Cabrillo, J.L. Cardoso, J.J. Dolado, J.M. Esteban, X. Freixas, J.F. Jimeno, G. Llobet, A. Maravall, A. Mas-Colell, J. Padilla, D. Peña, R. Repullo, C. Rodríguez Braun, L.A. Rojo, V. Salas, P. Schwartz, J. Segura, G. Tortella, F. Vega-Redondo
Full list of contributors

Pedro Albarrán
Rocío Albert López-Ibor
Emilio Albi
Salvador Almenar
António Almodovar
Aurora Alonso
Miguel Ángel Alonso Neira
Javier Andrés
Felipe M. Aparicio-Acosta
Enriqueta Aragonés
Manuel Arellano
Lluís Argemí
Benito Arruñada
Joaquín Artés Caselles
Jesús Astigarraga
Milagros Avedillo
Luis Ayala
Juan Ayuso
Antonio Aznar
Jordi Bacaria
Nuria Badenes Plá
Salvador Barberá
Germá Bel
Samuel Bentolila
Gustavo Bergantiños
Juan Carlos Berganza
José R. Berrendero
María Blanco González
Gabriel F. Bobadilla
Elsa Bolado
Joan-Ramon Borrell
Olympia Bover
Segundo Bru
Roberto Burguet
Francisco Cabrillo
Reyes Calderón Cuadrado
Francisco J. Callealta
Xavier Calsamiglia
Joan Calzada
Jan Carlos Candeal
Alfonso Cabajo
José Luís Cardoso
M. Angeles Carnero
Nicolás Carrasco
Raquel Carrasco
Carmen Carrera
Guillermo Caruana
Ignacio del Castillo
Joan Castillo Franquet
Ana Esther Castro
Emilio Cerdá
Diego Comín
Luis Corchón
Antón Costas
Ignacio Díaz-Emparanza
Rafael Domenech
Cruz Angel Echevarría
Alvaro Escribano
Antoni Espasa
David Espiga
Joan M. Esteban
Angel Estrada
Gorka Etxebarria Zubeldía
José C. Fariñas
Ramón Febrero
José L. Fernández
Rogelio Fernández Delgado
F. Javier Fernández-Macho
Eva Ferreira
Jordi Flores Parra
Yanna G. Franco
Ma Teresa Freire Rubio
Xavier Freixas
M. Angeles de Frutos
Angel de la Fuente
Carmen Gallastegui
Elena Gallego
Jaume García
Juan C. García-Bermejo
Ignacio García-Jurado
Antonio García Ferrer
José Luis García Lapresta
José Ignacio García Pérez
José L. García-Ruiz
Juan A. Gimeno
F. Javier Girón
Léon Gómez Rivas
Fritz Graffe
E. Grifell-Tatjé
M. Cármen Guisán
José A. Herce
Iñigo Herguera
Juan Hernández Andreu
Cármen Herrero
Teresa Herrero
Carlos Hervés-Beloso
Juan del Hoyo
Elena Huergo
Jesús Huerta de Soto
Pilar Ibarrola
Jesús de la Iglesia
Ma Covadonga de la Iglesia
Elena Iñarra
Esteban Induraín
Juan F. Jimeno
Ana Justel
Alberto Lafuente
Miguel A. Lasheras
Gerard Llobet
Vicent Llombart
J. Guillermo Llorente Alvarez
Salvador López
Julio López Laborda
Joaquín Lorences
Javier Loscos Fernández
C.A.K. Lovell
Ana Lozano Vivas
Maurici Lucena
Inés Macho-Stadler
José Luis Malo de Molina
Antonio Manresa
Agustín Maravall
Francisco Marhuenda
Carmela Martín
Ana Martín Marcos
Victoriano Martín Martín
Angel Martín-Román
Diego Martínez
Xavier Martinez Giralt
Juan E. Martínez-Legaz
Montserrat Martínez Parera
David Martínez Turégano
Andreu Mas-Colell
Cristina Mazón
Fernando Méndez-Ibisate
Pedro Mira
José Alberto Molina
Carlos Monasterio
Manuel Morán
Pedro Moreira dos Santos
Diego Moreno
Emma Moreno García
Lourdes Moreno Martín
Carlos Mulas Granados
Manuel Naveira
Alfonso Novales
Carmelo Núñez
José J. Núñez
Oliver Núñez
Gonzalo Olcina
Emilio Ontiveros
José M. Ortiz-Villajos
Jorge Atilano Padilla
Leandro Pardo
Jordi Pascual
Consuelo Pazó
Francisco Pedraja Chaparro
Daniel Peña
J.B. Pena Trapero
Luis Perdices de Blas
Gabriel Pérez Quirós
J. Pérez Villareal
David Pérez-Castrillo
Luis Eduardo Pires Jiménez
Clemente Polo
Pilar Poncela
Aleix Pons
Clara Ponsati
Albert Prat
Francisco Javier Prieto
Luis A. Puch
Pedro Puig
Vicente Quesada Paloma
José Luis Ramos Gorostiza
Marta Regúlez Castillo
Rafael Repullo
Fernando Restoy
José Manuel Rey
Carlos J. Ricoy
Javier Rodero-Cosano
Antonio Rodrigo Fernández
Carlos Rodríguez Braun
Luis Rodríguez Romero
Cesar Rodríguez-Gutíerrez
Luis Ángel Rojo
Rosario Romera
Ana Rosado
Joan R. Rosés
Jesús Ruíz Huerta
Rafael Salas
Vicente Salas
Nieves San Emeterio Martín
Javier San Julián
Ismael Sánchez
Julio Sánchez Chóliz
Alfonso Sánchez Hormigo
José Sánchez Maldonado
Amparo Sancho
Jon Santacoloma
Manuel Santos-Redondo
José F. Sanz
Mercedes Sastre
Albert Satorra
Jesús Saurina Salas
Pedro Schwartz
Carlos Sebastián
Miguel Sebastián
Julio Segura
Eva Senra
Simón Sosvilla-Rivero
Javier Suarez
Jordi Suriñach
José Francisco Teixeira
Xavier Torres
Gabriel Tortella
Estrella Trincado
Amparo Urbano Salvador
Rosa Mariá Urbanos Garrido
Federico Valenciano
Javier Vallés
Juán Varela
Jesús Vázquez
Mercedes Vázquez Furelos
Juan Vega
Fernando Vega-Redondo
David Vegara
Josep Ma Vegara-Carrió
Teresa Villagarcía
José Viñals
Jesús M. Zaratiegui
José Manuel Zarauelo
Ignacio Zubiri
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