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由Noemi Levy,Etelberto Ortiz编辑
‘Imbalances, disparities and disequilibria are amongst the inherent features of capitalism. How those features play out in the era of financialization across Europe and Latin America are at the core of this book. There is a rich menu of ...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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劳拉·冯·丹尼尔斯(Laura von Daniels)
‘这本书为我们理解预算机构在新兴市场经济体中财政稳定中的作用做出了极大的贡献。专注于治理结构劳拉·冯·丹尼尔斯(Laura von Daniels)扩大了标准意义...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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National Innovation Systems, Social Inclusion and Development
由GabrielaDutrénit编辑,Judith Sutz
‘本书以新的理论和政治视角介绍了拉丁美洲的创新系统。重点是创新过程如何包容。非总体拉丁美洲国家的主要挑战。安娜...eBook:Find out more$ 48.80
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Cooperatives, Economic Democratization and Rural Development
编辑by Jos Bijman, Roldan Muradian, Jur Schuurman
‘This book is a must read for those interested in the role cooperatives play in fostering local rural development and alleviating rural poverty. Through conceptual pieces, case studies, essays and empirical work, the papers in this volum...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Connecting Asia
由Michael G. Plummer,Peter J. Morgan,Ganeshan Wignaraja编辑
这本书分析了南亚和东南亚之间的区域连通性和经济整合如何使这两个地区受益,重点是基础设施和公共政策在促进这一前所方面的作用...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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The Political Economy of Sustainable Development
蒂莫西·卡德曼(Timothy Cadman),劳伦·伊斯特伍德(Lauren Eastwood),费德里科·洛佩兹·卡斯罗(Federico Lopez-Casero Michaelis),Tek N. Maraseni,Jamie Pittock,Tapan Sarker
‘This is a well thought-out and well- written book. The authors display mastery of the subject and bring in invaluable insights into climate change and forest protection. The format for the chapters makes for easy reading. Each chapter g...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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由Oliver Morrissey,Ricardo Lopez,Kishor Sharma编辑
‘这个创新的卷,来自该领域的良好作家和较新的作者的贡献,就贸易和发展的各种问题提供了重要的当代见解。它包括有关T ...eBook:Find out more$65.00
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Culture and Economic Action
编辑by Laura E. Grube, Virgil Henry Storr
这个编辑卷,这两个理论的集合al essays and empirical studies, presents an Austrian economics perspective on the role of culture in economic action. The authors illustrate that culture cannot be separated from economi...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Handbook of International Development and Education
编辑by Pauline Dixon, Steve Humble, Chris Counihan
本手册考虑了国际发展和教育中目前存在的神话和不真实。使用历史性和当代证据,本汇编通过新的和一个新的叙述重新定义了国际发展叙事。eBook:Find out more$65.00
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Handbook of Sustainable Development Planning
编辑by M. A. Quaddus, M. A.B. Siddique
Acclaim for the first edition: ‘The book Handbook of Sustainable Development Planning is perfect for readers in different professions who deal with planning and development management. It contains interesting theoretical considerations...eBook:Find out more$62.40
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Managing the Middle-Income Transition
由Juhzon Zhuang,Paul Vandenberg和Yiping Huang编辑
The growth model of the People’s Republic of China has been based on high investments, exports, low-cost advantage, and government interventions. This model has successfully transformed the country from a low-income to an upper middle-in...eBook:Find out more$40.00