Development Studies

  1. Add to Wish List Research Handbook on Political Economy and Law

    Research Handbook on Political Economy and Law

    Edited by Ugo Mattei, John D. Haskell
    ‘Law creates and regulates our political and economic life. If the legal institutions of citizenship and political authority, property and contract, money and credit, or labor and capital were put together differently, our world might be...
    Paperback (2017)

    List price$72.00

    Member price$57.60

    Hardback (2016)

    List price$305.00

    Member price$274.50

  2. Add to Wish List Contextualizing Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies and Developing Countries

    Contextualizing Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies and Developing Countries

    Edited by Marcela Ramírez Pasillas, Ethel Brundin, Magdalena Markowska
    ‘It is time to acknowledge the difficult environment of entrepreneurs in the developing world without falling into the trap of undue pessimism by acknowledging the amazing resilience and ingenuity of those 450 million individuals partici...
    Hardback (2017)

    List price$165.00

    Member price$148.50

  3. Add to Wish List Handbook of Globalisation and Development

    Handbook of Globalisation and Development

    Edited by Kenneth A. Reinert
    全球化提供了许多好处但也the source of major risks facing all our societies. This timely and comprehensive addition to the literature provides much-needed perspectives on the impact of globalisation and how it may ...
    Hardback (2017)

    List price$315.00

    Member price$283.50

  4. Add to Wish List Handbook on Transport and Development

    Handbook on Transport and Development

    Edited by Robin Hickman, Moshe Givoni, David Bonilla, David Banister
    ‘This Handbook is an excellent reference for practice and research in transport and development. The reviewer wishes to recommend it strongly for both academic research and professional practice in infrastructure project management.’ – Z...
    Paperback ()

    List price$78.00

    Member price$62.40

    Hardback (2015)

    List price$335.00

    Member price$301.50

  5. Add to Wish List Handbook of Research Methods and Applications in Social Capital

    Handbook of Research Methods and Applications in Social Capital

    Edited by Yaojun Li
    Social capital is fundamentally concerned with resources in social relations. This Handbook brings together leading scholars from around the world to address important questions on the determinants, manifestations and consequences of soc...
    Paperback (2017)

    List price$72.00

    Member price$57.60

    Hardback (2015)

    List price$255.00

    Member price$229.50

  6. Add to Wish List Research Handbook on Innovation Governance for Emerging Economies

    Research Handbook on Innovation Governance for Emerging Economies

    Edited by Stefan Kuhlmann, Gonzalo Ordóñez-Matamoros
    ‘This Research Handbook addresses head-on one of the main challenges of the 21st century: how to realize the new Sustainable Development Goals in emerging economies and developing countries. The contributors not only offer first-rate and...
    Hardback (2017)

    List price$255.00

    Member price$229.50

  7. Add to Wish List Corruption, Natural Resources and Development

    Corruption, Natural Resources and Development

    Edited by Aled Williams, Philippe Le Billon
    ‘This is a book that deals with issues that are crucial for the survival of humans, vital for the health of the earth and essential for governance and economic development in 21st century. One of the interesting features of this book is ...
    Hardback (2017)

    List price$120.00

    Member price$108.00

  8. Add to Wish List Handbook of Social Capital and Regional Development

    Handbook of Social Capital and Regional Development

    Edited by Hans Westlund, Johan P. Larsson
    ‘This excellent volume combines a rich set of papers linking space and social relationships. It reminds everyone who studies entrepreneurship that entrepreneurs exist in a place – and derive strength from their social networks. This prov...
    Hardback (2016)

    List price$265.00

    Member price$238.50

  9. Add to Wish List Handbook on China and Developing Countries

    Handbook on China and Developing Countries

    Edited by Carla P. Freeman
    ‘China’s rise transforms its interactions with other developing countries in multiple ways. This volume offers a valuable introduction to this transformation from diverse perspectives.’ – Justin Yifu Lin, Peking University, China
    Paperback (2016)

    List price$78.00

    Member price$62.40

    Hardback (2015)

    List price$270.00

    Member price$243.00

  10. Add to Wish List Handbook of Research on Fair Trade

    Handbook of Research on Fair Trade

    Edited by Laura T. Raynolds, Elizabeth A. Bennett
    ‘Edited by Laura T. Raynolds and Elizabeth Bennett, both well-known and respected researchers in the fair trade movement, this Handbook is the first to amass critical studies of fair trade in one volume and will prove to be an invalu...
    Paperback (2016)

    List price$78.00

    Member price$62.40

    Hardback (2015)

    List price$270.00

    Member price$243.00

  11. Add to Wish List Handbook of International Security and Development

    Handbook of International Security and Development

    Edited by Paul Jackson
    ‘Security and economics have traditionally been separate fields of study.This very impressive collection brings them together precisely when the need for this is becoming obvious to everyone.’ – Roy Licklider, Rutgers, The State Universi...
    Paperback (2016)

    List price$72.00

    Member price$57.60

    Hardback (2015)

    List price$240.00

    Member price$216.00

  12. Add to Wish List Governance in Developing Asia

    Governance in Developing Asia

    Edited by Anil B. Deolalikar, Shikha Jha, Pilipinas F. Quising
    ‘Governance is central to mass prosperity since it affects both the prospects for enhanced and sustained income growth as well as non-income indicators of human development. This volume, edited by Anil Deolalikar, Shikha Jha and Pilipina...
    Paperback (2016)

    List price$49.95

    Member price$39.96

    Hardback (2015)

    List price$160.00

    Member price$144.00

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